>church bad
so tired of this shit
Church bad
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but ist's true user
>church bad
>gay anal sex good
Why is Japan like this? I don't get it.
Not in the Castlevania universe.
Why are you surprised at all? The lead writer is a known leftist that likes to inject his politics into everything.
because institutionalized religion is awful and gay sex feels good
but church is bad
>written in California
>cheaply animated and produced in Korea and Taiwan.
What did you mean by this?
>Church bad
No lies detected
It's canon in games too that church excommunicated Belmonts.
Japan generally does God good, church bad.
It's still a Japanese franchise, so some producer in Japan had to give it the go-ahead.
>Why is Japan
Not a Japanese production. Shouldn't have to explain this to you.
Why are right wingers even drawn to churches? They're massive globohomo centers that want to abolish borders and nationalities.
>Japanese video game
>The Church is generally a force of good but because of their power smiley humans make they're way to the top and abuse that power to commit evil and over the course of the game you help uncover the conspiracy and bring about reform
>Western game/tv show/brainlets on Chinese cartoon forum
>Church is bad!
It's all so tiresome
the church has always been a thinly veiled moneygrab for coombrains like OP
>Still believing in religion
>Self proclaimed conservative tears
Lmao! What are you doing here?
Good churches don't light people on fire.
Why does the show look like garbage?
It's being honest.
Explain this fag then
>Not a Japanese production
Uh, bros...
>because institutionalized religion is awful
That is because men are sinful, so, naturally.
>gay sex feels good
Same reason. Lots of things 'feel good' to certain people but that hardly removes the sin haha.
Huh, I didn't know the producer does all the WRITING and ANIMATING.
c'mon now
What about him?
>Alucard in the games
>Lonely because of his own actions as well as his nature. He chose to revel against his father and the world of demons, giving up any chance of being surrounded by those who respect him and his powers. He cannot live in the human world due to his vampiric nature, and is left only to isolate himself. He accepts his fate because he firmly believes in the good nature of humanity, a belief bestowed unto him by his compassionate mother.
>Alucard in the show
>gets lonely because he watched Trevor and Sypha act lovey-dovey
>gets tricked by a couple of chinks and raped like a whining little bitch in an ambush
>this causes him to renounce humanity, impaling them like his father and seeking the same satanic powers
Way to fucking ruin a beloved character Ellis
Bcos no one have balls to make
>mosque bad
Aniki wouldn't have let this happen...
What is it with Christian Church being unable to handle dualism in rational manner, though? Earliest heresies were about that topic.
I don't get how suddently being raped means you're gay according to this board, the only logic I can find is they think they'd like to be raped by some men themselves and are projecting
>a gay porn star wouldn't have let gay porn happen
He's gay and written by a chink
Essentially this.
Aniki would have had Alucard give it, and not cry like a bitch.
>Ughhh... Yeah... Ughh.... Fuck me harder!
but church is bad
chink means chinese
Yeah, it's pretty baffling considering islam is pretty much same stupid sandnigger shit as christianity.
Y'all are gay as fuck for dwelling on Alucard so much
Not in the Castlevania universe, but thanks for your latent Californian input.
After this I wasn't really too interested in watching the third season.
Ellis is becoming the new Frank Miller, he's much better when he's contained and given some limitations than when he's allowed to do whatever he wants.
So why did they need to rape him to convey their betrayal of his trust?
>gay anal sex good
Alucard impales those people right after they raped him tho, with pointy things not his cock
A lot of the shit that happens in the show would be fine if it didn't have the fucking Castlevania name attached to it.
There are gay JoJo characters, but Dio isn't an example of that, Araki said he'd fuck both men and women as long as he had something to gain, but he'd never truly love another person.
Except it makes the distinction that the church itself is corrupt. God is still firmly good and the truly faithful are given His power. See: the priest who made holy water and the blessed chain whip.
Welcome to the new norm stupid bigots.
This will start to be in every show and video game.
So uh, yeah.
Stay losing incels.
Even If its true, If they do this over and over again this become boring.
>mosque bad
It's like you weren't alive in the early 2000s, even fucking Kumar had to play a middle-eastern terrorist on 24. We've had almost 20 years to move away from "Islam is shit" and into a more proper "any Abrahamic religion is shit" mindset but I can't believe there are still Christfags left in 2020.
Maybe in earlier seasons, but season 3 firmly puts God himself in a bad light by showing the fact that LISA was damned to hell alongside Dracula
The woman who was compared to the virgin mary in the games, sent right to hell
He loves Pucci
>Warren Ellis
Dio is bisexual, Alucard is bisexual. Don't see a problem here.
Abrahmitic religions are shit because they have been dumbed down for fools who couldn't understand the concepts of trascendentalism.
Well Islam and Chrstianity at least, hebrews always were only about being the elitarian race
nigger that's just the regular "kebab bad"
Alucard never showed sexual interest in anybody in the games; that was strictly an invention by the show
Nah, the only man Dio ever gave a shit about was Jonathan
>church is bad
>all your heroes of old are girls
>the rest are faggots
Dare I say Japanese influencers are based?
>church good cuz this conservative/alt-right youtuber told me so! don't trust your teachers guise take the red pill!!1111
I'm fairly confident he was interested in Maria
Maybe in a platonic "first human I've interacted with for hundreds of years" kind of way, but certainly not sexually
You realize it's impossible to get to Heaven by the retarded and contradictory standards set in the bible, right? If God was real, he'd be a massive cunt.
>makes the church as cartoonishly evil as possible.
>makes one of most iconic cartoonish big bads in videogame history a dindu nuffin faggot soiboi.
Burgers should stick to writting whiteman shows.
>Read any history book on any religion
How is the church a good thing?
Most American forms of Christianity were created literally because the church was bad and corrupt and they wanted to get back to small, communal churches instead of the massive political institution that essentially ruled the world
The church depicted in Castlevania is directly based on that era of the church
Christfags are retarded and don't even know their own history, there's a reason most Christians hate Catholics
Sounds like you're weak of spirit
Both wrong he's actually INTERESTED IN THIS
Go live China and you tell me later.
I don't speak Yas Forums, who are you referring to?
I dont speak retarded so I don't really get your question.
>good nature of humanity
What that even supposed to mean?
Sure, but that's not how things are in the fucking games.
That most people aren't like the ones who killed Lisa and are worth protecting from Dracula's onslaught?
That Dracula is directly from the fucking games you dolt, it's explained in Symphony of the Night
And you dumbfucks criticize the writers for not playing the games?
I don't understand people failing to separate their personal beliefs from the laws of a fictional universe.
It's like someone making a LOTR adaptation and having characters constantly say "Heh, you know magic isn't real, right bros?". It just seems like out of place self reassuring nonsense.
What do you mean 'If he was real'? He's real in the Castlevania games. And it's not some Devilman/SMT shit. God is shown to be a benevolent entity.
You're going to hell too unless you're one of those Westboro retards who actually commit to taking that bullshit seriously. Either that or you stop believing in fairy tales and just realize you don't need moral desserts to not be a shitty human being.
nah I'm good lol
Good thing none of that was in the games.
>you don't need moral desserts to not be a shitty human being.
The human condition doesn't agree with this though. Most Killers and psychopaths are atheist. Not even saying god is real, but the idea of him is helpful.
>you don't need moral desserts to not be a shitty human being.
I love this mentality, that's how we get 10 year old drag queens dancing for money.
Absolutely Gomorrah pilled.
Just keep living your own life by your own morality!
Based based based
>hurhur he's from Sotn.
The same cartoonishy evil Dracula that delivered the What is a man speech? The one that has a total of 1 or 2 lines questioning what he's been doing AFTER being Btfod by Alucard and not before?
The point of christianity is everyone is a sinner but as long as you do a sincere effort to avoid it, ask god for forgiveness and accept it, and are able to see yourself with humility you're fine
The baptism is a ritual that specifically makes you a sinner so you can be forgiven
>Most Killers and psychopaths are atheist
You seriously think some imbalanced psychos that come around every few decades have killed more people than the fucking church?
Who cares about people who died all those years ago? Those policies are changed and shit isn't like that anymore.
You should care more about people living now.
Jesus Christ, kill yourself
So you see nothing wrong with the most innocent, pure creatures in the world being doomed to damnation because their parents didn't sprinkle magic water on them?
>OP: the depiction of the church is accurate to how they are in the VIDEOGAMES
This place is a shithole.
Uh, yes?
He was also theatrical and bombastic as fuck while Drac in the show is a depressed, insane crybaby
Well you're wrong and stupid.
>>OP: the depiction of the church is accurate to how they are in the VIDEOGAMES
Except this isn't how the church was portrayed in CV even in the hardest of the Iga retcons.
>church bad
Yes, institutional religion is a fraud. I thought we settled this in the 1500s
Shouldn't you be diddling some kids?
Speak in English instead of outdated memes like a fucking underage faggot and maybe people would lend you credibility.
The Soviet Union was an atheist state.
>the depiction of the church is accurate to how they are in the VIDEOGAMES
Literally wrong. The show takes MANY liberties in order to portray both the church and God as evil, while in the games both forces are largely benevolent.
>Hitler, Stalin, and Mao block your path.
Yea, that's a resounding "yes".
>OP: the depiction of the church is accurate to how they are
>Yas Forums: I love this mentality, that's how we get 10 year old drag queens dancing for money.
Incels. How can you understand them?
Look at the upset little atheist, lmao.
Season 3 was ass. Yea some fights were good but 3/4s of the season felt like filler episodes that could've been done with in 2-3 episodes.
>Shouldn't you be diddling some kids?
Sorry, I don't live in SanFran or the Vatican.
>>So you see nothing wrong with the most innocent, pure creatures in the world being doomed to damnation because their parents didn't sprinkle magic water on them?
Probably because that's some Dante tier headcanon that has never shown up in any official doctrine
>using the script of a writer who outrights admits to have never bothered familiarizing himself with the series proper and just wrote what he thought matched the themes of the IP
Can we talk about this trend? Why would any writer be allowed to NOT study their material beforehand?
And? You're not allowed to expand on the story of a fucking NES game?
Also it IS in Symphony of the Night and referenced in Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness, which are the main games that the cartoon takes influence from.
Did you not see the fucking cutscene that shows the EXACT same story from the cartoon with Dracula falling in love with Lisa before her being burned at the stake, causing him to go apeshit? I swear to fuck you didn't even play the fucking game and have only seen the meme cutscene.
>being a slave to "human nature/condition"
never ever gonna make it
Sure. Nothing triggers indoctrinated Christfags more than facing the reality that they're shitty people that are going to hell
>protagonist raped
so tired of this shit
>You're going to hell too unless you're one of those Westboro retards
>what is the concept of salvation through grace
Yeah whatever Yas Forumstard. Keep having your imaginary molded by leftists while they laugh behind your back when you tell them of this one amazing idea you had without being influenced by anybody.
Wait, you're telling me that the disgusting pedos were all baseless atheists all along?
Took you long enough to make the connection user.
>So you see nothing wrong with the most innocent, pure creatures in the world being doomed to damnation because their parents didn't sprinkle magic water on them?
That's middle age mentality, a bunch of shit the church made up to officially convert and control people since such a young age, the christianity of origins made no such claim, no sacrament was ever required and I'm pretty sure modern day church abolished the idea of Limbo and access to paradise being tied to third party variables aswell, besides, the hell wasn't part of the original religion either, if you don't accept God you'll simply perma-die without ever being resurrected after the final judgement