That would be $220 plus tax

>that would be $220 plus tax
Snoy is beyond retarded, so are it's coomsomers.

Attached: Ghost of Tsushima Collector's Edition.jpg (6000x3375, 3.59M)

Should I read Shogun?

if those on the right were figures i would'be bought this.

Just don't buy the limited edition then.

Attached: pokemon3.png (1201x1064, 172.24K)

Either a leaf or a straya, a cuck anyway.

I bought a Collectors Editions once, looked at the goodies for 0.5 sec and then never again.
Complete waste of money.

Buy a house plant and you'll have more fun with it.

Pokemon tho

please don't call others retards

A question. You Burgers have different tax in each state, which means that the prices of games are not the same in every state, but prices on PSN/eShop/Live are the same? So... are new games really 60 dollars, or do you pay more?
Just curious.