That would be $220 plus tax

>that would be $220 plus tax
Snoy is beyond retarded, so are it's coomsomers.

Attached: Ghost of Tsushima Collector's Edition.jpg (6000x3375, 3.59M)

Should I read Shogun?

if those on the right were figures i would'be bought this.

Just don't buy the limited edition then.

Attached: pokemon3.png (1201x1064, 172.24K)

Either a leaf or a straya, a cuck anyway.

I bought a Collectors Editions once, looked at the goodies for 0.5 sec and then never again.
Complete waste of money.

Buy a house plant and you'll have more fun with it.

Pokemon tho

please don't call others retards

A question. You Burgers have different tax in each state, which means that the prices of games are not the same in every state, but prices on PSN/eShop/Live are the same? So... are new games really 60 dollars, or do you pay more?
Just curious.

>being a poor subhuman

Attached: 1573410703926.jpg (1024x960, 67.58K)

I think they pay more depending on their state's tax. So in reality, games usually cost more than $60 in the US.

>subhuman memes
Back to the brazillian slums with you

Pokemon tho

post your dust collectors

A shitty mask you can buy on eBay or any chinatown for almost nothing, a towel with a graffiti and more useless things. That shit isn't worth more than 99 USD.

At least it includes the game.
This isn't even close to the jewest of special editions we're seen in the past.

Look yourself in a mirror to get an idea of what a dust collector is, subhuman

>not buying it to resell for double the price

Some states have no sales tax and the ones that do it's usually under 10%.

>but prices on PSN/eShop/Live are the same?
Not really. We get taxed based on the location we buy the game from, which is why people try to manipulate their location to being in Alaska because it has no sales tax if I'm remembering correctly.

Just choose Miami when making a PSN account.

Not a burger but i set my state to Oregon on PSN and i don't get taxed (as of now)

oh my god do collectors edition cucks ever learn?

>yeah but what about

Owner of an house of glass shall not cast hypocrisy rocks.

>it's okay when nintendo does it

see you're doing it again
stop deflecting

pokemon tho

stop replying then you fucking idiot

It's pretty good once you go through the boring first act


>The 25 year old Sony CONSOOMER

>the 37 year old pokemoner

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>ninceldo throws a temper tantrum when things don't go his way
explains the state of Yas Forums for the past 8 years

lol the irony of this post

It's Collector's Edition for a reason, it's for Collectors (hoarders) or Scalpers, there's still the I just want the damn game edition like any other release.

Sony and its games is the ultimate pinnacle of presentation over substance.

This is worth 110$ at best

>took 4 posts for "b-but nintendo"
Well you are getting a little better by not instantly replying but you are still mentally ill.

What are you talking about? Are you a leaf or something? Its $169 in the states

>redeem codes before 12/31/2020
lmao, they even know they are not going to last another generation

Attached: 1387459175391.png (400x400, 14.81K)

I didn't knew was possible to misread a single number this hard but Yas Forums continues to impress.

its another fucking movie game too i dont know why anyone is excited for it, i dont think anyone is desu

this is getting ludicrous.
none of those materials is even worth $20 COMBINED.
also that 48 page mini "artbook" is embarassing. again two hundred and twenty DOLLARIDOOS.

Witcher 2 collector's edition had more stuff than that neo-sony shit and it was only $89.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 88.23K)

Its not 220 though
Its 169

OP is using the currency from his prison colony, it probably converts to like 50 cents of real money.

Who the fuck even wants this game?
Who the fuck has actually been waiting 4 years for SamHam?
Who the fuck actually wants a game about Japan being made by western devs, set in a time period even the Japanese themselves don't give a flying fuck about?
When Sekiro came out I thought it was this game. It turned out to be something way better.

I want more samurai games.

Attached: 36306ED5-9858-4626-AC21-911A9226F6D5.jpg (1500x800, 227.92K)

>50 bucks for a dumb plastic statuete, some cards, some dices and some low quality booklets

lame, it should've been a flute

>Who the fuck has actually been waiting 4 years for SamHam?
To be fair we know literally nothing about this game at this point. That's how outstanding Commiefornia Sony's marketing department has been the last couple of years, leading to the point where they just stealth released Dreams with zero fucks given to let it die just like Gravity Rush 2 while they shit out $100 millon marketing budgets to shill their cinematic walking simulators.

I strongly shilled for Sucker Punch to implement the old Bushido Blade combat system in every Ghost Of Sushi thread. I know those fuckers read those threads. So if they actually listened and developed a seperate fighting style for the seasoned players who love challenge (not Neo God Of Shit style "challenge"), I will instantly buy it.
Sekiro sold several million copies and that was an entirely new IP set in feudal Japan - something that was considered unthinkable and unprofitable before its release.
If, however, it really turns out to be BAMHAM "intuitive" combat, I wouldn't accept this trash even if someone gifted it to me.
This game lives and dies with its game mechanics and I don't have much hope for Sony's western first party studios.

Standard price for collectors edition.

the figurine was made of plaster stone. also the sturdy artbook was A4 format with 196 pages.
eat shit.

stillo a bad deal considering its just promo material to grab headlines with. Bet you like walking around in branded clothing as well eh? Like some free living billboard haha.

standards price for booking your mom over the weekend maybe. this is overpriced by 80 bucks

I don't live in a third world hellhole, unlike you

>get ridiculed for overpaying for marketing material
>y-y-you're just poor!
hahahaha, yeah user, I'm just poor;)

>getting mad that you can't afford tat that will never touch anyways and will collect all the dust particles in the world
Yas Forums is a consoomer that still hasn't come out of the closet

AUD? It's like £120 everywhere I've seen it. Still, doesn't seem worth it, especially considering the game could be shit.

>in game shit locked behind editions