This is every character from the touhou games averaged out

This is every character from the touhou games averaged out.
say something nice about her.

Attached: 1583461228766.jpg (540x540, 36.05K)

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i want her to suckle my chode

>all those wild and wacky designs with silly hats
>averages out to a somewhat plain girl with no hat


>all 2hus together
>no hat or horns or accessories or anything
How odd

Truly the ultimate final boss. An ordinary girl in a world full of eccentric and batshit insane cunts.

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what's her power

Here you go, OP,

I made a theme to go with her image. It is averaged from a few of other characters themes.

she looks like she fucks shota goats

Attached: 1574516906154.png (657x900, 124.49K)

She looks ok

The ability to negate supernatural abilities.
for example:Suika would have her strength lowered to that of a child

Attached: gKBJtfa.png (400x236, 74.3K)

Neat, how did you do this?

All of them.

Someone got the Touhou Spell Bubble OST? Can't find it.

>no hat
It's right there.

>>a somewhat plain girl with no hat
I mean, aside from the hair being green instead of red, isn't that just Yumemi?

Anyone else getting GENITALS in their ads?
t. phoneposter
Wtf Hiro

she's a brown haired brown eyed girl in brown clothes
literally the definition of plain.
yumemi has a cool red color scheme and a cool cape.

They all have very different hats so I suppose the system decided to discard all hats since it wasn't gonna be combinable

I don't think you averaged this at all, I think you just played multiple themes on top of each other

She has a beret

I see a small hat.

which 2hu could defeat ideon?

Attached: Ideon.jpg (500x362, 42.81K)

I see a bulletproof bowlcut and maybe a hairband if I squint.

Attached: img_seiko_matsuda.jpg (1200x1200, 220.46K)


I'm talking about what I see in the OP, not what someone else has seen in the OP.


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Can ideon win against the cock?

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Hey that's Ib from Ib

Aya had too much to drink, please don't interrupt her

Attached: 8bf95c872c1a501f909d8c8093fd811b.jpg (850x1190, 283.94K)

what's her personality

A mild aura of smug disdain

I love tithus

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t. couldn't hold his poke

>"Gee Sanae, how come you get to have TWO moms?!"

Attached: 804d2038d5646b19976e142744cce8d1.jpg (1000x1600, 1.26M)

Imagine the smell

so she'd be a god of unbelief or something?

>every character from the touhou games averaged out.
Wait a minute, this picture is old. What about the cast of the last games?

Atheist God

Attached: 013.png (620x550, 205.74K)

Ah, so this is Touhou-chan.

average out the characters of some other franchises and post them in this thread

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You should smile more, Yas Forums

Attached: __hata_no_kokoro_and_yin_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_sugapi__b3345f7bbe96b0a59ee19a8bbade19f5.png (1600x900, 965.53K)

Is she more autistic than Koishi?

>incidents involving her have to be resolved by beating her up physically since magic and danmaku doesnt work

>finale is the protagonist beaten and bruised going for the final showdown

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It's finally the dork's time to shine
by beating up Reimu instead

Attached: EBIC.png (1048x1490, 2.09M)

it's called artstyle

I can’t form an opinion unless I see her bloomers

what are you talking about "the system decided"
it's just every image overlayed on top of each other with transparency

Tenko like Corndog

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Alcohol, the answer is alcohol

Merge-chan is looking good!

it's the other benben

She's definitely cuter

Attached: __hata_no_kokoro_touhou_drawn_by_marsen__caed9e1365490d30e0b49f3c6a7f23fc.jpg (1000x1333, 132.47K)

that's Reimu

Attached: 988.jpg (291x335, 45.36K)

Turns out Komaru really is the most average Danganronpa.

Koishi herself says otherwise in AoCF, but Kokoro does find Koishi to have a wonderful smile

Cutenesswise easily top 3 for sure

Not really, no. Only her face is emotionless

You better pay or else you’re violating the law!

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