Why did you stop playing FFXIV?
Why did you stop playing FFXIV?
My account got terminated
nude mods and i ended up with
grouping up makes me anxious
I've been having a break since around Christmas, but I'm sure I'll get back to it soon (and I haven't even started Stormblood yet)
got burnt out by it
but i think i'll go back to it this weekend
even planned what i'll be doing with my char
> log in
> check retainer shit
> log out
I ran out of stuff (that I'm interested in doing) to do.
No static on a nip server. Couldn't finish E2S since couldn't practice so just quit cold turkey.
You don't need a static if you're in a JP DC.
my free month from buying the game ran out
fuck the sub2play model
nobody wanted to do logs runs
fucking light
Main story was obnoxious as fuck
I don't speak moon, in an english FC that's too busy group-wanking to bother spoonfeeding new members
Cause the trial was over.
Why the fuck do play on nip server?
I don't find MMORPGs to be fun.
>go here
>talk to this guy
>kill 20 x
>go there
>kill 5 x
>wait for more x to respawn
>kill 20 x
>run back
>talk to guy
It wouldn't be so bad if combat wasn't so mind-numbingly boring.
the quests were a colossal waste of time
I lost all my FFXIV friends and I didn't want to keep playing the game by myself.
So what do all you fuckers play nowadays? I began playing FF14 in October and it was all I played until last week. Now that I quit I'm struggling to find a decent game to spend my time on and it's killing me inside.
i ayed it for a few hours. Combat was basic mmo bs
>click enemy
>wait for cooldowns
no idea what the story was about, spent most time killing respawning wasp mobs. Didnt seem to be that many other players online, though maybe i was just on at a bad time. But pretty muxh like every other mmo i gave a chance, it was shit.
I didn't like how raid centric FFXIV was, there wasn't enough for a casual player to enjoy.
I didn't. Just wish my static would get their shit together and stop flaking on weekends. We're always short a few.
Pretty much this.
People meme about it getting better 100 hours in, but it's unfortunately true. The start of the game is dreadful, as is the story until it gets going. They don't give you all your class skills until level 50+, until that point you're practically not even playing the game.
It took me 3 trial attempts until I finally stuck with it, but I don't regret it.
MMOs are a waste of time. Literally paying to do busywork. Might as well spend that time doing busywork to get paid.
>Almost an entire year after the new races got revealed.
>headgear still doesn't work on them.
>meanwhile wow releases 4 new races and 8 expansions worth of gear is combatible.
No wonder this game can't compete.
i also gave it two tries, and at the second attempt with a clear mind i stuck to it, and ended up getting into the story
But it's fun busywork. I don't have any fun serving angry, annoying customers for minimum wage so Mr. Shekelberg can afford his 6th yacht.
Content lagged and everyone quit, it was also full of weirdo dudes who played female characters
While I was doing roulettes while being mentally zoned out, I realized games designed around re-running the same dungeons have terrible entertainment return vs time invested. I get nothing out of running The Grand Cosmos for the 20th time other than some pixel loot/achievements, and I stopped enjoying it after the 5th time. So it's not specific to FFXIV, but MMOs in general.
Also, the playerbase feels more autistic than some of the other games I've played. There's this weird roundabout and sometimes passive-aggressive way of talking that seems to be lifted right out of teen discussion boards or tumblr.
I boarded the fishing boat to catch rare fish, but then I realised the biggest catch already was onboard.
>tfw no au ra gf
idk it played almost identical to Tera and neverwinter, and still had the things i disliked from Guildwars. I am pretty sure i just do not like mmos..
although Black dessert online looks cool with a DmC esque combat system
>but they say that game is p2w, even though you have to buy the game
I've been playing, can't clear E6S for shit. Everyone keeps fucking up basic bullshit attacks such as Spark Strike and the DPS lasers during Conflag
They can catch you with that?
I guess you uploaded some screen with that? Or they detect some changed DLLs?
Both FFXIV and terra have a cute and funny race.
Based. Wow cant compete.
Too many paedophiles
WoW has the furry vote though
>There's this weird roundabout and sometimes passive-aggressive way of talking that seems to be lifted right out of teen discussion boards or tumblr.
YEP. It's a bunch of effete dudes for the most part. A lot of cattiness and other bullshit. The core gameplay is nowhere near good enough to tolerate the playerbase.
Because the main game fucking blows
>servers poll at like 250ms and everyone slides around like a dog on porcelain
>almost every class only has one way to play, if you want gameplay to change at all you need to play a different job
>this involves grinding a different job
>movement mechanics feel like garbage thanks to awful poll rate; you can never tell where the game thinks you are serverside so you have to play overly careful or roll the dice
>quests are 95% dialogue expo dumps and 5% waiting in a queue so you can group up with 4-7 NPCs and faceroll a hallway filled with generic targets
>even the most challenging content is just remembering what's going to happen and hoping your weak link in the group is looking at the screen
>if they aren't, you either wipe or nothing of consequence is lost, there is no middle ground for clutch recovery or skill advantage
>communication is discouraged; no chat bubbles, chat is relegated to an IM box in the corner of the screen instead of being part of the world
>entire world is just empty hallways and bowls with nothing interesting to discover or do
>level sync punishes you for doing older content or helping friends, not with a power nerf (you're still mad OP when you sync) but it takes away your high level skills, making everything below a level threshold an absolutely broken snoozefest
>said level threshold varies WILDLY, some jobs are fine at 50 but BLM is just unfun until like level 70 and DNC has like 2 buttons to push until 80
>somehow also skill bloat
FFXIV's biggest advantage is the side content, of which there is plenty and most of it is fucking great, but not enough to stop it from being mediocre
and yet I'm still gonna resub right now because it's the only game that lets me play as a potato boy crossdresser
I've been playing since ARR launched on PC at the end of 2013. For so many years it was my "go-to" game and I fucking adored it after getting burned with WoW and Mists just not doing it for me anymore. I played FFXIV religiously for years all the way through ARR, through HW and finally into Stormblood. It was a few patches into Stormblood that the burn began to rapidly set in and I realised that this was the same damn game I started playing in 2013. Nothing was new, nothing was changed, no new innovations and if anything they were streamlining the jobs more and more into boredom. Stormblood was pretty shit overall and I only really played in increments each new patch and stopped after a week or two when I cleared the new content (I stopped doing Savage Raids at this point. All my old friends had dropped off and most groups were way too tryhard about something that becomes redundant next patch cycle). When Shadowbringers launched I did enjoy it for the story if nothing else. But the same problems were there. It's the same game and the same cycle every damn patch but with even less content than previously. I don't play MMO's for the story and while it's fantastic, everything else is just run of the mill. Square Enix are playing it incredibly safe and it seems to be working more or less but if anything it shows that most people who play this game religiously nowadays are the "social" (RP, ERP, idling in FC houses) crowd than anyone who is serious about the game. PvP is a joke after-all and there's only so many times you can do PvE when you're at the end and find there's just...nothing to do. You get tired of grinding out gear that is invalidated in 4 months time. For people like me who have been around for a long time and just burned out, the game is past its sell-by-date. I'll probably check in again briefly prior to the next expansions launch but I really don't care much for FFXIV anymore.
Got bored after getting each class to max.
>weird roundabout and sometimes passive-aggressive way of talking
That's because being outright aggressive will land you in GM jail.
No issue in this game is taken more seriously than hurt feelings and c*ss words.
But I didn't, I'm roleplaying right now
holy shit those are some shitty graphics
I don't have money for a sub
Incredibly based.
Tried the trial, was comfy but I only play f2p games
>teleport to foundation
>sad tunes inbound
because the game KEEPS FUCKING LAGGING
What's the fastest way to level up retainers?
Do Quick Ventures as often as you can. If you're logging off for the day you can do one of the general 18 hour exploration ventures.
Elin > Potatos
I dont like the battle system or dungeons
back to back quick ventures
>tfw finally progging shiva's last mechanic
clear soon brothers
yeah I know I'm late
I left Balmung to be with some friends who no longer play, and I can't transfer back to Balmung.
have a (you)
I need to save money to get a Nintendo Switch and a new SSD for my PC.
I don't play anything that requires a monthly subscription.