Penis Vacation

For me it's DOAXVV

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Post more Tamaki sexual harrassment, I know you have it.


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Yeah I'm going to squeeze one out.

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Gameplay soon

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Those are some hand keyframed MMD-tier jank animations.
I see they put the paypiggy money to good use.

If Tamaki were Ayane-level stacked, she'd be a serious contender for best.

I love Kasumi!

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It's great that we can have some good girls that are not tit monsters.

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Fucking hell a lot of people rolled for lei and tomi shirts.

I am a tit monster supremacist.

>scrolling through pixiv for stuff to add to my fap archive
>see radianteld's image of pic related
>pop the hardest heartboner I've ever had
God her face is so beautiful I can't take it
I downloaded DOAXVV on Steam but she doesn't seem to be in it, is there a gap between the schedule of the DMM version and the Steam one and how long is it? Is the Steam version inferior in any other way or is it ok to keep going with it?

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One thing to share about current Steam PVP event and all-skipping
I have Misaki Pincho 4****, Momiji Norimaki 4****
With trend shades they get like 8.4k and 8.2k POW. All the accs are for POW, slots filled with +5\+6% POW skills including upgraded SSR POW skill
And I still quite often lose even 7 round matches all-skipping against faggots with like 6.5-6.8k POW, no awakening on SSRs. RNG is pretty disgusting, it's like it doesn't care about some of my stats.
So I swapped Miji for Tamaki with her STM Pincho 4**** and all skills dumped in STM saving. Now it's much more consistent even if I get a bit less points when I win

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Honkers is and will always be best girl

Gimme as much Honk as you can

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Heh and a lot of posters don't like her face much in-game. Steam is year+ behind DMM in content.
Keep going with it reading moonrunes is depressing also Steam's anniversary soon.

>Heh and a lot of posters don't like her face much in-game.
Unless she looks different in-game from the videos I've seen I think it's a terminal case of shit taste
>Steam is year+ behind DMM in content. Keep going with it reading moonrunes is depressing also Steam's anniversary soon.
Guess I'll stick with this then. Anything I need to do to prepare for the best possible chance of rolling her when she comes?

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When she comes she will be paid only for about 3 months like every new girl. And during this time she'll have 2 paid only costumes. Like her debut one in your first post. You'll have plenty of time to save stones for Monica if you only care about her.
Or even whale and roll for her paid costumes.

Would it be a good idea to roll during the paid only time or after that? I've heard the rates can get abysmally low during certain periods.

If you don't plan on spending any money in the game then ofc wait when she becomes free. I never tried whaling so I can't really tell you about it. The max amount of money to get her paid costume will be like 450$ but that's pretty unlucky. That's if you buy 20k paid stones packs on sale.

The bra underneath is very sexy and modding off the shirt is easy enough. I'd like to see the bra and panties modded off and just leave the shirt

Steam is a year+ behind on content, but most of that content is locked in DMM unless they repeat events, which doesn't happen that much. There are also some crossover events that Steam probably won't get because licensing issues, but that will allow it to catch up to DMM a little. There are also some minor mechanical differences between the two versions, but no censoring

A well rounded team on one STR/TEC girl and one STM is superior to two STR or TEC. The STM girl can carry the team when the STR/TEC girl loses her stats via fatigue.

Cool, thanks! Guess I'll start saving up now.

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Shut the fuck up holden

Listen here, you need an awakened appeal skill to round off your girl. Climb it and watch your score rise.

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Let's find out how many people will call miss Tamaki an rrrgh!

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Is this a joke? Or it really does boost your points good

I love Luna!

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>Just One More Rollâ„¢ works again

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Such a cutie

Attached: DOAX VenusVacation 2020-03-06 9_43_13 AM.png (1920x1080, 1.18M)

I only tried one 10 roll and 5 tickets this time just because my account appears to have a huge Hitomi bias but I got nothing. I can't be spilling stones this close to the anniversary so I pocketed the rest.

>still no Mila

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Attached: DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation 2020.03.06 - (640x360, 2.86M)

What, you not satisfied with punching her in the face? That's what Tom Lee told KT that western gamers want

Man, I gotta do this while I'm playing Elite: Dangerous. Both games are such timesinks

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For me, it's Leisure Suit Lar-W-Wait, I take that back, aaaaaaaah!

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Making my waifu punch Tom Lee's diversity hire in the face is pretty entertaining, I will admit.

>only 26k stones
Happy anniversary idiot lmao

When is anniversary?

Steamdb states that 26 March was the release day. So 2 more events before it?

I'm already have almost 200k stones and 100+ tickets I just don't see any reason to waste them on current event. Ugly costumes.

>sitting on 200k stone
You are retarded too.


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>get mocked because too little stones
>get mocked because too many stones
Nigga the fuck do you want?

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>t. Nyo

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is the cute electric autism girl from doa6 in this?


Sorry, user

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well that sucks, shes the best

She's ok and I need more pictures of her.

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But you don't even know her name

I want to fuck the flat oni!

Imagine if Tamaki will be revealed as her older sister

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So next week they will 100% reveal her fighting style, right?

No, appeal suits are super weak and are only viable when they're trendy. What really boosts your score are suits with Sweet Feint/Killer Spike and a girl with Fierce Yell.
It could be that since the current trendy has -POW and it is rather common, you are getting destroyed by that. Also, having just all POW/TEC skills will obliterate a girl's stamina after scoring once or twice. If you can, I would unlock a 12pp/13pp STM skill to upgrade in the future. My Momiji, who has 2 12pp STM skills barely loses any stamina when her other abilities activate.

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That'd be pretty weird. I wonder what kind of relationship they'd have together.

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ofc I know her name and its fucking stupid lol
I have a few matches saved in for...learning reasons. Don't have many images

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Will you play doa6 for her?

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If by fuck you mean head pat and hug you are welcome to it!

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Breh Ayane can't make me play DoA6 why would tamaki convence me do so ?

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>Also, having just all POW/TEC skills will obliterate a girl's stamina after scoring once or twice.
This must be the case
When I manually do these matches it's much better. But after scoring 3 times with skills proc my girl's stamina goes down by like 80%
I guess STM isn't useless after all

Anyone have any Marie to post?

I will give it a try...Maybe

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For me, it's Honey Select