No Malarkey Yas Forums, what games are you forward this 2020 or else my Uncle Joe is gonna shoot you sorry ass.
No Malarkey Yas Forums, what games are you forward this 2020 or else my Uncle Joe is gonna shoot you sorry ass
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What does malarkey mean? I'm out of the loop with the zoom slang these days
It’s literally impossible for Biden to beat Trump. You know what that means right?
4 more years of Trump, baby!
>Jim Carrey's The Mask
it emans we will have none of it here mister. you and cornpop are full of it!
Malarkey is not "zoom slang". It's been in use since the 1920's. You are poorly educated and not well-read. The fact that your go-to response is shitting on zoomers when you don't understand something is also pathetic.
>zoom slang
Inb4 bait
Remember when Yas Forumstards were arguing the best reason to vote for Trump was to own the libs? Yet Trump has done jack shit in that department, if anything libs are multiplying because they have a common enemy to rally around. Video games certainly haven't become more right-wing, or cartoons, or whatever other piece of media you think is involved in a "culture war".
Now it seems like it's just "muh stock market", well we're seeing now how fragile that is.
fuck Joe Biden though
it's possible. in fact he's the only democrat candidate who can stand a chance. joe is really the last dixiecrat, so he's the only one who could pull votes from moderates in rural areas.
Biden couldn't do it, but to be fair the other candidates were complete dogshit. It will be closer with Biden than it would've been with any of the screeching commies or bloomberg
unironically looking forward to FF7R
and animal crossing
based and malarkeypilled
no way
younger voters aren't vote blue no matter who
if the dnc succeeds in trying to fuck bernie over for a second time, i know plenty of people who would rather trump just win again
>Now it seems like it's just "muh stock market", well we're seeing now how fragile that is.
The economy != The dow
Anyway once everyone stops shitting themselves over corona it'll just go right back up like every other time it's crashed lately.
No Malarkey Yas Forums, what games are you looking forward this 2020 or else my Uncle Joe is gonna shoot your sorry ass*
I'm drunk and need to sleep, but I'll answer my own question, it's Nioh 2 and RE3.
Cant wait for the quality of this website to take a nose dive after another U.S election
Like that matters when your average bernie bro doesn't fucking vote
I'll tell you guys the difference between Biden supporters and Bernie supports. Biden supporters actually vote.
It's basically old people vs young people and many young people can't take off work to vote tbf
>align yourself with one candidate
>don't vote for him
Explain your logic
They could have voted early. That's just a weak excuse. They didn't vote because their support of Bernie is for social points as opposed to really caring.
By Allah, Trump will reign forever.
I suppose so, I'm not even American so I can't definitively say
>then why pay attention to the election
You're my next door neighbours, it's good to know what's going on with you guys!
A third of primary voters is way more than enough to swing a general, and if you're getting off your ass for a primary you'd show up for the general unless you had some big reason not to.
Anyone could've seen this coming. Any real human with more than 90 IQ who actually understands Bernie's policy proposal wouldn't ever vote for him, it's fucking insanity. So you're left with trendoids and retards who will upvote and retweet when they see him promise gibs but won't actually bother to go and vote, ever.
wtf is Malarkey?
Malarkey caused Corona.
Begone Biden bitch.
Or they can't vote because Republican politicians have thoroughly fucked the voting process so hard that people needed to vote in line for 6+ hours to vote.
Or they could have voted early.
Didn't seem to phase Biden voters
is Biden a cunnysseur?
kek, neets seem to love Bern, who is 97 years old, and this Biden cunt is a nobody, the fuck is going on? You want Trump to rule forever?
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03/06/20(Fri)13:18:41 No.498421027
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No Malarkey Yas Forums, what games are you forward this 2020 or else my Uncle Joe is gonna shoot you sorry ass.
03/06/20(Fri)13:30:19 No.498421626
What does malarkey mean? I'm out of the loop with the zoom slang these days
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03/06/20(Fri)13:31:57 No.498421708
03/06/20(Fri)13:31:56 No.498421710
It’s literally impossible for Biden to beat Trump. You know what that means right?
4 more years of Trump, baby!
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03/06/20(Fri)13:31:57 No.498421712
>Jim Carrey's The Mask
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03/06/20(Fri)13:32:05 No.498421724
it emans we will have none of it here mister. you and cornpop are full of it!
03/06/20(Fri)13:32:59 No.498421781
Malarkey is not "zoom slang". It's been in use since the 1920's. You are poorly educated and not well-read. The fact that your go-to response is shitting on zoomers when you don't understand something is also pathetic.
03/06/20(Fri)13:34:37 No.498421880
>zoom slang
Inb4 bait
nobody gives a single fuck about bernie unless they're a white soiboi in his 20s living in a metropolitan area. his campaign is literally "we want the reddit audience." also young people don't even vote. if you think bernie will bring people out to the polls you should look at the DNC super tuesday turnout in 2016 and compare it to 2020.
the most important voters in a general election are rural moderates in flyover states and niggers in florida and south carolina. bernie has no resonance with those demographics.
03/06/20(Fri)13:36:14 No.498421967
Remember when Yas Forumstards were arguing the best reason to vote for Trump was to own the libs? Yet Trump has done jack shit in that department, if anything libs are multiplying because they have a common enemy to rally around. Video games certainly haven't become more right-wing, or cartoons, or whatever other piece of media you think is involved in a "culture war".
Now it seems like it's just "muh stock market", well we're seeing now how fragile that is.
fuck Joe Biden though
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03/06/20(Fri)13:37:36 No.498422029
it's possible. in fact he's the only democrat candidate who can stand a chance. joe is really the last dixiecrat, so he's the only one who could pull votes from moderates in rural areas.
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03/06/20(Fri)13:39:22 No.498422121
Biden couldn't do it, but to be fair the other candidates were complete dogshit. It will be closer with Biden than it would've been with any of the screeching commies or bloomberg
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03/06/20(Fri)13:39:32 No.498422130
(OP) #
unironically looking forward to FF7R
and animal crossing
03/06/20(Fri)13:41:31 No.498422245
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based and malarkeypilled
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Yep, dumb democRATs leaving the populace no choice but to elect Trump again.
03/06/20(Fri)13:43:13 No.498422331
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03/06/20(Fri)13:43:53 No.498422368
no way
younger voters aren't vote blue no matter who
if the dnc succeeds in trying to fuck bernie over for a second time, i know plenty of people who would rather trump just win again
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03/06/20(Fri)13:45:03 No.498422432
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>Now it seems like it's just "muh stock market", well we're seeing now how fragile that is.
The economy != The dow
Anyway once everyone stops shitting themselves over corona it'll just go right back up like every other time it's crashed lately.
03/06/20(Fri)13:45:36 No.498422461
(OP) #
No Malarkey Yas Forums, what games are you looking forward this 2020 or else my Uncle Joe is gonna shoot your sorry ass*
I'm drunk and need to sleep, but I'll answer my own question, it's Nioh 2 and RE3.
>normal candidate: "I will fix the country with policies X, y, and z"
How does this clown even have a following? I'm actually disgusted with the state of modern America.
>turnout down 40% in 4 years
This sounds like some grade-A malarkey
why do democraps actively sabotage one another
I wanna smell her hair
Because Trump has worked them into a self-destructive seethe
03/06/20(Fri)13:46:37 No.498422519
Cant wait for the quality of this website to take a nose dive after another U.S election
03/06/20(Fri)13:46:54 No.498422534
Like that matters when your average bernie bro doesn't fucking vote
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03/06/20(Fri)13:47:39 No.498422575
I'll tell you guys the difference between Biden supporters and Bernie supports. Biden supporters actually vote.
03/06/20(Fri)13:47:47 No.498422582
It's basically old people vs young people and many young people can't take off work to vote tbf
03/06/20(Fri)13:48:28 No.498422614
>align yourself with one candidate
>don't vote for him
Explain your logic
03/06/20(Fri)13:49:03 No.498422641
They could have voted early. That's just a weak excuse. They didn't vote because their support of Bernie is for social points as opposed to really caring.
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03/06/20(Fri)13:49:51 No.498422686
By Allah, Trump will reign forever.
03/06/20(Fri)13:50:47 No.498422743
I suppose so, I'm not even American so I can't definitively say
>then why pay attention to the election
You're my next door neighbours, it's good to know what's going on with you guys!
03/06/20(Fri)13:51:00 No.498422760
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A third of primary voters is way more than enough to swing a general, and if you're getting off your ass for a primary you'd show up for the general unless you had some big reason not to.
yuro here, why wouldnt it work? pls xplain because i dont understand american politics
Hahahahaha, good one user.
Exhaust the masses. Dissuade from voting. That's terror.
Bernie would need a supermajority in the house and senate to pass any of his proposals
And even in some magical world where that were to happen, it still wouldn't be likely because there would be some moderate dem in a vulnerable state/district who would vote against it to save their seat
it's okay if you all hate each other, better luck next time in 2024
America has to fund the entire NATO defesne. it "works" in yurop because you don't need a military, you have America to defend you. "works" until too many refuges suck up too many benefits and the system becomes unsustainable.
that makes sense
Seriously? He promised massive $$ to everyone and everything.
>Student loans are an issue? I'll forgive all student loans. Literally all of them.
Contrast with us developed countries, which have higher education contribution schemes, no st. Bernard wants to just blanket splurge loan forgiveness. Fucking retarded and easy to abuse as well ("I qualify for student finance, I'll go buy a car and some stocks")
>Medicare for all
Probably his least retarded policy, but still very stupid. It shouldn't be completely free because then it will be abused; also it will harm their existing pharmaceutical industry, which is at the forefront (although China is nascent)
>Green new deal
Fucking stupid, handicapping industry when other countries like China don't give a fuck and never will. Frankly, this shit only appeals to zoomers who get brainwashed in the classroom about climate change by a bunch of hippie teachers. Go look up climate inertia theory, these clowns will invent any excuse to push back 'doomsday'
Those are the big ones. His combined policy ticket would more than double the size of the u.s. government, which is already bloated.
Not a Yas Forumstard and won't vote for Trump
but Trump will cream Biden by at least 100 electoral college votes and may even win the popular vote. Only way Biden wins is if the economy is in the shitter/Trump fucks up the Coronavirus management to such an insane degree.
why are people surprised the majority of black voters are voting for the VP of the first black president? It truly makes no sense at all
If we pay for yurop's defense shouldn't yurop pay for our healthcare?
i understands all the other ones but how would medicare be abused? is it not just free health care?
>votes because the other person dislikes your candidate/coheres you
>they don't keep their promises
>woooooooow how could this happen, i'll never vote for someone like THAT again
>repeat few years later
People voted for Biden over Sanders because they correctly realized that Bernie's policies are a load of unrealistic crap that would bankrupt the country, and his constant pro-socialism comments would tank his chances in the general since Americans utterly despise socialism in any form. And the recent Super Tuesday results proved that Bernie's "revolution" would rather post on reddit/Yas Forums rather than actually go out and vote. There's a reason why appealing to the youth vote is considered to be a waste of time.
Why, because you're mad that Bernie isn't as electable as people were saying and now you're mad about it and gonna stay home in November?
Don't do that
Not surprised. Even before his Obama VP tenure, Biden scored well with the black vote. The issue is wheter the black vote will show up in enough numbers to matter in the general. Granted, if I were a Dem, I would trust that over the fabled 18-24 year old white college-age kid vote that Bernie stakes his hopes on.
Democracy is a fucking sham.
I'm a Libertarian. Didn't vote for Clinton either. Dislike Trump on a personal level as well as his social positions.
Go to the hospital for any random problem, binding up limited resources for nothing (see: NHS wait times)
Much of America's issues arise from overcharging to insurance providers - we're talking about $3 IV bags costing thousands of dollars on the hospital bill. Because the insurance provider doesn't give a fuck.
Let me tell you, the government picking up that tab would cause even more corruption, because the government workers give infinitely less of a fuck about excess expense than the insurance providers.
So it doesn't really solve the root issue. At the same time, in European countries or at least my country, most basic expenses are greatly reduced in cost but still have some fee. For example, a doctors appointment still costs $40, because otherwise old ladies will line up to badger the doctor so they have someone to talk to. The line between free and greatly reduced cost still helps people in lower income brackets but really reduces strain.
Even in my country it could be improved. The E.R. room is free so degenerates are always going there with the flu, or nothing at all and wasting the doctors time or drug seeking. Small payments are honestly important
Funny enough, nobody is ever able to provide the math to prove Sanders policies are unrealistic. Funny :^)
>the majority of black voters are voting for the VP of the first black president
Yeahhhhhhh, about that...
Imagine relying on zoomers to get elected lmao.
I'm sorry
May your futures be full of legal weed, unregulated business, and underage girlfriends
again im a yuro
>Wanting 4 more years of a travesty
>I'm a libertarian
No you aren't, you're championing a fucking socialist. Lmao
>le twitter reaction gif
Dude right? Let's just continue doing nothing about it, because we can't :((((
Yas Forums: now that's what I call based!
have I ever told you the definition of insanity?
Because it’s funny and it makes liberals mad. They ruined my tv shows, movies and video games, so now I ruin their lives by voting for Trump.
The US can't afford the bottom things either. Shouldn't spend money in any of that.
Motherfucker that's Vince goddamn McMahon, who's more of an anti-mainstream personality and Trump supporter than anyone on this website will ever be
>Barack America
What did Joe mean by this?
Those things on the bottom are the thing politicians have investments or friends in, it's the same in every country, they are basically a different race.
I'm pretty damn excited for Xenoblade Definitive Edition. Rune Factory 5, too, if that happens this year.
Seriously if anyone believes in this make America great again bullshit you are fully retarded. America is shit and never will be great again; it's a lost cause that will never be fully remedied.
Based and blackpilled
>trans day of remembrance
>so let's give communism a chance, guise
Taxation is theft
I didn't even support Bernie but his policy isn't even close to full communism, he's just more socialist compared to the rest of his party
can't really blame (((them)) if society is full of mongrel who will believe anything if they are told what they want to hear, nothing will change
not even close
free health care isn't communism it's just kind of canadian
>America is shit and never will be great again; it's a lost cause
Hopefully Biden uses this as a campaign slogan.
Then why do the rich want to tax me?
>Nooooooo you have to vote for Bernie!! I dont want to repay my loans!!!
This is a fair point, Medicare for all has been touted 30 trillion over 10 years, so spending 3 trillion a year to make sure people aren’t dying over stupid shit sounds reasonable
>going to uni to become a chat moderator
Makes you think.
>Black people voting for Trump or Biden
No, everyone's voting for Bernie. Obama wasn't exactly what African Americans wanted in the first place, everyone wanted another Bill Clinton.