Be a speedrunner

>be a speedrunner
>waste years and thousands of hours playing the same game to get the record finish time
>someone discovers a new glitch a few weeks later and makes your record worthless

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that's why they have different categories

Remember that speedrunning can give much more than fame

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>get called an incel on Yas Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it. I'm 22 and my dad is putting pressure on me to lose it. I still live at home and depend on my parents and they know I'm not bringing any girls over. He's started calling me "Virgy" in public and around my friends instead of referring to me by my real name. It's getting annoying.

Cosmo's recent runs aren't even listed because he admitted to cheating lol

Grow up, virgin boy.

Based dad

>Game: Life
>Category: 41% TAS

Based incel

Get a job, move out.

fuck your dad, that will solve both your problems

Your fault for not discovering the glitch yourself.

>beat the game as fast as possible
>but you can't do this, this this, this, or that
What's even the fucking point by then?

Fake story but if your dad really does that then you should just start calling him a sex haver instead of dad

kek based dad

>41% TAS

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Playing a game for fun is such a weird concept to people like OP

Not all races are the 100m sprint

Its not just "beat the game". Runs like nintendo power GT classic and reverse reverse boss order are about each step of the journey, rather than the destination.

>Run as fast as possible
>What do you mean there's events beyond the 100m dash!?


>people haven't seen this pasta before

keksimus maximus

>Category: wrong warp

"reverse reverse boss order" so normal order then? You speed runners are retarded

because not everyone wants to race doing the same method
like beating a game as fast as possible and beating a game 100% as fast as possible are 2 totally different runs
the full skip meme runs are "any %". basically no rules and they're using a controller in the 3rd slot to rewrite code.

This actually happened? Is that PMG and another tranny?

The new strat ruins OoT speedruns. It's a credits skip done by manipulating code. It's not fun to watch and takes no skill. OoT speedruns are dead.

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discovering new glitches is one of the most exciting parts of speedrunning. do you retards really not know this?

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Because rules and limitations can make for more entertaining runs. Nobody enjoys a game where you can easily warp to the credits in under 10 seconds

literally have sex, nigga, there's a sea of whores you can pick up from any bar with just a few drinks, that or get a prostitute if you're that difficult to get laid. have you seen all the hambeasts and goblins that get laid? or even actual people with disabilities besides autism?
Seriously, it's not that hard to lose your virginity nowadays when women are celebrated and encouraged to be cock sleeves.

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pigs in wigs

Like others have said, there are tons of other categories. Like running 100m. Yeah, you can run the 100m in 9 seconds and get the world record. But my record of running 100m backwards hopping on my left foot is 200 seconds, which is just as legitimate as the man who ran 100m in 9 seconds.

The joke is that intended boss order is just reverse RBO, because RBO the first run with any boss order in its rules. Every other category at the time just went to whatever bosses whenever they were conveneient for the route.


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"beat the game as fast as possible, without cheating"
"beat the game as fast as possible, with cheating"

The point is the cheater's score isn't compared to the legitimate score.


> there's a sea of whores you can pick up from any bar with just a few drinks
I unironically am diagnosed with autism and I'm a 25 year old KHV. How would this work exactly? Are there woman in bars who are alone? What time should I go and what day? And then what do I do? Just sit next to them, ask if they want a drink and talk about school or work or something? And then how do I move it up to sex? Do I use that cheesy line in movies where they "wanna go back to my place?"
I have no fucking clue how any of this shit works at all.
>get a prostitute
Illegal in my country

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LttP has had a credits warp for longer than OOT has had a speedrun community.

>people have hobby
>lol look how dumb this hobby is
you sound like a woman 2bh

la goblina

this is sjitpost but if,yput record is tjat high to be competitive and spend years doing it ypure part of tue community that found it s9 you contributed to fonding it

Cringe thread

>Why have heavy, light, middle etc class in fighting?!
You're complaining about the wrong area.

3D is PD
Get the fuck out of my site normafag

Speed running is what caused Cosmo to cut his dick off.


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They still have a penis though

He did it because of attention. He himself has said - probably ironically - that his glory days of Twitch streaming ruined his brains with dopamine, and he's completely right about that. He would rather die than not receive attention anymore, access to social media and Internet truly breaks some people beyond repair.

>be a shitposter on Yas Forums
>waste hours of your life you can never get back baiting for (you)s on Yas Forums

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>arbitrary code execution
shit that nobody will watch and gets its own shitty category with almost no competition

ZFG has been posting a shitton of ACE videos on his youtube channel. It'll die down eventually but it's annoyingly relevant for now

ACE is fun when done in TAS as a proof of concept but literally has no place in real time running

>in the past there used to be a wrong warp that took you to the credits used in any%
>but now people don't want it because it happens too early
>also it's wrong because it takes you straight the the credits
>even though the previous wrong warp used in any% took you to just a minute before the credits
I hate speed runners

>Cosmo cheated
How? I didn't hear about this.

Fuck your mom and cuck your dad.

is no one bothered by the picture of the woman-author

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the fastest time possible can get boring to do or watch when certain strategies are discovered

When he speedran pokemon and the game asked him if he's a boy or girl he picked girl.

what kind of fucking response is this

Because it's a fetish.

who is that 100%

>wrong warp
>bad ending
my fucking sides

Is that Jew nose photoshopped???

How do you think they get to that point though? Just trying things at random? It's a community effort of working on breaking a game to get to these sort of times.

i genuinely don't care about who can do it the fastest but it's fascinating to see it explained why and how it works

I lost mine by getting shitfaced at an anime convention

Come on man, really? The term "motherfucker" didn't pass through your 'brain' as obviously superior in this case?

is this 2 men

You have to know how to talk and have conversations with people. If you can't then don't bother.

Completely arbitrary. Abusing a glitch to max out your health is fine, but opening the in-game console and typing "god" isn't. Why? Because people are fucking brainlets.

I can understand not allowing things like memory editing from an external source, but then there are tons of runs like HL where you're allowed to adjust the fucking ingame FPS with batch commands and keybinds. It's just fucking absurd.

There's no such thing as "cheating" in speedrunning, because everyone is already cheating. The only difference is which arbitrary ruleset you conform to.

>waste years and thousands of hours

What if they enjoy speedrunning?

It's more the way you get the wrong warp with this new method; you could just prepare for it for like a half an hour before you even start timing your run. The previous one was already an agonizing slog to grind for record times, so any% for OoT was already basically dead.

He made a notch in his controller so the analog stick would stay in the right position before the run started. Modifying hardware is a big no-no

no, but we are ;)
c'mere baby

looking at, cosmo had the record for 11 days

transphobes seething

No one enjoys it they just use it to fill a void in their life

No. Imagine not having a functioning jewdar in 2020.

My friend seems to enjoy it. He gets together with like five or six other people to do bingo runs pretty regularly. He seems like he's having fun.

>Be Yas Forumsincel
>spend thousands of hours and years of your life insulting strangers, pretending to be retarded, starting offtopic threads for attention
>Life moves on, people live fullfilling lives and you leave no mark before you die of morbid obesity or self-shotgunning

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this will never not be true

This. Grown ups without voids in their lives have responsibilites such as jobs and children, thus do not resort to wasting thousands of hours on meaningless shit.

a taste of their own medicine

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>only 90%
nice edit

Uhhhh...imagine not know the difference between Jewdar and the ability to distinguish shopped pictures at sight? Fucking idiot.

The funniest thing is, you're in the same boat

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Because this this this and that weren't supposed to be possible by design
Or because limiting this this this and that makes for an interesting, fresh challenge

>which is just as legitimate as the man who ran 100m in 9 seconds.
no one gives a fuck about meme categories, you can run OOT one handed with one eye closed all you want but at the end of the day people will pay attention to the categories that are the most popular and most competitive

>people live fullfilling lives

The point is xir is a Jew user and the shoop is irrelevant. Stop being retarded.


>glitch less categories
>still full of glitches but it’s ok the devs “intended” these ones!

why would men wear wedding dresses? is it monty python

You mean.....EXACTLY like I just fucking observed before you replied to me, in the post where I called it a "Jew nose"? Burn yourself alive you stupid little dipshit. The question is not whether the nose is Jewish - which I observed - it's whether it's photoshopped.

Cons are definitely the place to go to lose your virginity if you aren't normie enough to go to bars. Every single girl there isn't there for the games, they're their for validation and male cock.

PSA: if your girlfriend has ever went to a con without you, she 100% got dicked down by some dude wearing a pewdiepie shirt

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