Kino inbound

Kino inbound

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Based and Lannisterpilled.


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Damn she's cute

Whats the girl in? She looks familiar.

at least they didn't turn them into niggers

Is that jim carrey?

Double Deep Penetrating BBC XXIV

Nikolaj is a quality actor

What a clever and highbrow wit.

bros.. what went wrong

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News already in about it.

Why did they make ellie a robot?

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kike inbound


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Was this robot a loli?

Kaitlyn Dever

Attached: Kaitlyn Dever.jpg (3000x2185, 1.15M)

>move of a movie

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>TLOU literally becomes a TV show
this couldn't be any funnier

>Jewish Austrian Director Sandra Wollner’s “The Trouble With Being Born”, Features a 10-Year-Old Female Android Having Sex With Her 50-Year-Old Father

fake. How come the actors aren't non-white?

Justified, Last man standing, HELP I WAS RAPED AND NOW NO ONE BELIEVES ME.

Hes D*nish tho

Who's playing Sarah?

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The wall takes no prisoners.


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Idris Elba

John Boyega

John Cena.

>a seethe of a seethe

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inb4 Joel is gay

Jazz Jennings


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>people walk out of screenings
Why even go in to begin with?

Where do you think we are

How is she gonna get blacked then?

I know this is a GoT meme but her face doesn't resemble ellie at all

>Thinking they won't make Joel black

El goblino

I'm sure all the normalfags will love it

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By a black girl

She's ugly here as well though.
where did the soul go

women age like milk in the sun

Based. Seethe Yas Forumsirgins

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>Nikolaj is a quality actor
without a doubt. he would steal all the spotlight from the child, just like Leo did to Jamie Foxx in 'Django unchained'

There's been talk of a uncharted and a last of us movie for a while now user. Last I heard there was something about Tom Holland being Drake.

its happening with Mark motherfucking wallberg as lead and the spiderman twink

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Wasn't there rumours of her being approached for the role?

Maybe he can finally go on that murderous rampage through Vietnam like he always wanted

Alright fag

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Didn't that Nathan Fillion guy make a uncharted fan film or some shit cause he wanted the role?

What's with the AYY face?

page aged like milk in the hot sun of the desert

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Whose LP are they going to use for the official HBO screening?

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Short Film

Ellie being gay never bothered me, but if I have to watch two gay chicks making out couldn't they at least be attractive?

Presumably they didn't know there was underage robot sex going in.

He's almost 50


I thought this was suppose to be a film, not a TV show. Are they going to adapt the games story or make their own thing?

Wahlberg also is almost 50


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He's playing Sully

Looked up a article about it and it said the guy behind Chernobyl is working on it, that good or bad, haven't watched it yet?
>Mentions showtime are working on a TV series of Halo
wait wut