4 years later, this still kills the nudoomtard


Based marph

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 215.39K)

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Any singleplayer FPS without modding tools ain't worth it

Reminder that Zenimax shiIIs literally blackmailed Hiro to block and ban negative criticism of D44M.

Attached: Zenimax DMCA shilling 2019.jpg (2238x1060, 558.56K)

He could have just used the custom demon spawner but he's retarded I guess.

That still would only allow 12 demons at a time, shill

And so what? you kill one, the next will spawn. Do you really need 30 demons shooting at you at the same time?

It's the lack of freedom, retard. Sure, you may not need to, but the game's tools should give you the freedom to make it.

>Wojak faggots defend are D44M fanboys
Makes sense

Attached: Screenshot_20200306-072159_YouTube.jpg (1021x552, 199.67K)

It's not an issue with the tools, it's an engine limitation.

I'm not him

is he not correct?

Attached: brainlet3.png (720x303, 95.92K)

>b-but you dont need 12+demons shooting at you
That's how you can tell these zoomers arent Doom fans. They never played a WAD in there lives

>that awful fucking font
>calling anyone a faggot
off yourself

I don’t see how that sucks any less. It’s frustrating that Croteam and NOT IdSoft have it better with handling hordes of badguys because I like the NuDoom gameplay way more.
I blame consoles and nuIdSoft.

Isn't it by encounter spawns?

But why would anyone want to play against 100000 revenants.
Isn't it repetative?
Wait dont tell me.
Isn't repetative your main argument against 2016?

100 enemies shooting at you can be fun but it's not necessary for the Doom experience. Hell, the first game didn't even have that many enemies, groups became bigger in Doom 2. NuDoom also has waaay more complex enemy behaviour, which reduces the need for large groups in order to create a threat.

ok mutt


Could a PC from 1997 handle 100k Revs?

Is this really the mentality of D44M fans? How different it is.

Because it's a ridiculous and absurd challenge?

Attached: spoopy revenant.jpg (500x747, 46.36K)

Do Doom 4 wads even exist? I recently replayed it and enjoyed the campaign, but thought it was really short. I didn't even think about wads. Weird.

Attached: 1583411942302.gif (500x377, 688.66K)

Probably not, but I prefer the idea that something like this can really put your PC to the limit.

Isn't it the longest Doom tho? Maybe 3 is longer if you add the expansion

>claims to hate nuDoom
>secretly wishes he could mod it
yes yes we all know it would be fun, but oh well

Maybe I'm just bad at old Doom, but the new Doom took me like three and a bit hours. With short games like these, it's kinda weird not having custom maps.

This is nuts btw. I just started looking.

That's lame but it doesn't make '16 shit.

Attached: carlton.gif (187x220, 607.19K)

like damn

Absolutely not. Even modem computers struggle with it. Why do you think NUTS is on the top 10 infamous wads list on Doomworld? The minute you fire your framerate dips into the singe digits because of the sheer number of monsters.

Weird how taking away all the screen clutter makes it look good. Wish we had more approaches like this.

>wow dude there's like a bazillion pngs floating around here
boomers are so easy to impress

Redpill me on this.

Can't wait for someone to mod revenants into dusk and we'll see if it beats nudoom in the rev count

I'm surprised PCs didn't literally explode when they played NUTS.wad at the time it came out.

Why exactly would I WANT to fight 100'100 revenants

For the same reason you would want to fight any number above zero.

>Zenimax shiIIs literally blackmailed Hiro to block and ban negative criticism of D44M
source me faggot

I'm surprised people don't get it. It's just poking fun at modern game titles. That was pretty popular for a while. The only one that immediately comes to mind, though, is Thi4f.

>100k Revenants

There is no practical reason for a map like this to exist other than meme shit. Your point isn't really worth debating or discussing.

i was expecting a explanation to the picture or D44M being a word that gets you banned on Yas Forums or something.

>There is no practical reason for a map like this to exist other than meme sh
Get a load of this doom let
nu-doom 2016 is a generic game that lacks all creativity and you know it.

nu-doom is garbage imagine hell. so everything is brown and there are 3 floating rocks. What a peace of shit.
The multiplayer maps look far more creative with hell then anything that exists in the single player.

Funny thing is, faggots who bitch about muh 100k revenants, dont even have the hardware to run the og doom mod and it would probably melt their toaster if they tried to run it

What do you mean? If an engine is capable of handling that many moving enemies all at once, think about what else you can do with level design knowing that pretty much anything in your imagination is possible without worrying about game lag.

2016 is great. Could be better but still great.

took me 14 hours finding some of the runes and secrets

you really spend all your days shitting on doom while literally everybody else loves the game

So this isn't a meme because it's old? Or because NEW BAD? I'm confused. What is your actual point here aside from being a contrarian?

Why are you telling me this info?

I have no doubt about that. When the Doom Eternal threads started I tried to make constructive criticisms and every time I posted some deeper analysis on the problems of the D44M I received 3 or 4 immediate responses from people who clearly have no knowledge of Doom and games trying to disqualify what I wrote in the most lazy and pathetic way possible.
Many of the threads boiled down to basically "did you preorder Doom Eternal already, user"?

that's the average time to complete it, seems like you were rushing through the gameq

I went fast through Doom? You don't say.
Also not sure why you are replying to me yet again with information that doesn't mean shit so someone like me and is attributed to people that don't really play games in the first place.

Try posting any of the DMCA'd nu-DOOM pics, webms or art-book material, and you not only get a detailed explanation saying so, but also an automated 3-day ban if you try it twice in a row.

Attached: D44M pics still blocked.png (1266x1044, 370.28K)

You can do limited things in 2016 editor this is a bad thing.
On another subject.
>aside from being a contrarian?
I need this explained who of you did play 2016 doom and where not enraged at the bland level design?

Hell the most iconic place of all.
Doom 2016 everything is brown and it has some floating brown rocks.

Seriously play the multiplayer hell maps of 2016 to see how hell should have looked like.

Or any other game that has demons in it. The game seriously needed more colors.

Attached: sDLGmQATi1GAUW01yW_qCLIuQjhY6tHIJ6mfZ1CVUHk.jpg (620x361, 35.87K)

>NuDoom also has waaay more complex enemy behaviour
Enemies can jump now, wow so complex.

Tell me more about this.

Blame cucksoles

the first DOOM was okay and I realize it because I don't view it with rosecolored glasses, DOOM 2016 is much better and DOOM: Eternal will be even better than the previous game

Play Doom 2 map 16 and tell me the game didn't have lots of enemies
>Dude artistic freedom bad lmao

I actually played 2016 before I even heard of the original Doom (was born in 2001)
Doom > D44M

So what happens if you spawn those 12 monsters and then run to another part of the map in D44M?
Is the rest of the map just empty?
I know the main game has shit level design where you only fight enemies in closed arenas, but hypothetically if the game had maps like the old Doom games what would happen

you're artistically free to make your own game

>Zenimax let's Conan O'Brian play nuDoom pre-release, and post the video on his YT channel
>People take screencaps of this video, showing HUD and map design, criticizing the generic "Skyrim-generation" mission objective reminders, mission-compass shit, and the "Do X amount of Y to get neat stuff!" side quest markings, outright stating Doom is ruined.
>Zenimax gets extremely butthurt, and starts throwing copyright claims and lawsuit threats not only on 4chins, but also various YT channels, online forums, etc.
>The excuse? "I-it's top secret, unauthorized content! You're not supposed to see it and can't spread it!!" ... no matter that it's from a public, fair use video.
>Hiro bends the knee, and now you (still) get auto-banned from posting pic related ('s very original version), some webms, and now any of the leaked Doom Eternal's artbook scans.

Yes, it's piss easy to go around the restrictions, as you only need to change like 1 pixel in any of the files for it to pass through the check, but it's all there in black and white:
Zenimax sent DMCA to Yas Forums admins, and now you're not allowed to post some footage, because "NEW GUD, OLD BAD".

Attached: d4 mission objective banned pic - copyright DMCA notice - 2016.jpg (1474x1082, 419.85K)

>where you only fight enemies in closed arenas
this is false yet people keep saying it

To this day, I don't understand why they never released proper modding tools for it, it's not like they released any DLC for it

>So what happens if you spawn those 12 monsters and then run to another part of the map in D44M?
You cannot, because you are locked into the arenas.
Yes, rest of the whole game world IS empty while fighting. You can even see how this shit works if you fool around in the map maker. You legit cannot recreate 1:1 copies of any Doom1 or 2's maps, without some extreme culling of old areas and teleporting-in new foes (which still has the 12 enemy limit).

It's all extreme bullshit seeing how even games like Serious Sam 3 had over 2000 enemies + fucktons of projectiles on the screen at once, back in 2011, and now Sam4 is claiming to 5x that record later this year.

I played the original doom before d44m and disregarding (doom 64 is a better option) the limitations the designers needed to work with (room over room is impossible) the game is lots of fun. The enemies look organic and have a strange fun behavior to them.

Also the maps are made with lots of hart and fun.
i think the most iconic thing is the room where you can get the Cyberdemon to fight The spider mastermind.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 122.28K)

>this is false yet people keep saying it
It is not. Just because you occasionally come across a pack of punchable zombies, and maybe a single Caco floating around, does not make it untrue.

Can't believe I forgot about this.

Thanks for this info.
Fuck them to hell and back.

More on this extreme controversy or other shit?

They can't keep getting away with this.

>More on this extreme controversy or other shit?
Not really. People are being extremely hush-hush about this, because you apparently can't dislike the "Rip & Tearrr! :^)", without being an underaged HALO-kid or a senile boomer.

I've heard that Microsoft and some Twitch e-thots have used similar tactics on this site in the past, but I'm less familiar with that crap.

As much as nu-fags love to meme about "lol nobody would market on muh 4channel!", the sad fact is that it is a global, very popular discussion site, that attracts guerrilla marketers.

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