>the first game you remember playing
>your birth year
>your favorite episode of SpongeBob
>Sonic 2
>Band Geeks
>the first game you remember playing
>your birth year
>your favorite episode of SpongeBob
>Sonic 2
>Band Geeks
Thunder Blade deluxe sit down cab
Never watched it
>Mario Kart 64
>Pizza Delivery
>Probably Wolfenstein 3D
>Never watched it
>Sonic 1
>Krusty Krab Training Video
>Kid Icarus
>Never watched it
probably super mario on the NES, legit don't remember
spongebob didn't leave enough of an impression on me to remember an episode that I really liked in particular
bad thread
>Need for Speed II
DOOM (1993 obviously)
Never watched it
Rayman 2: Revolution
Sandy, Spongebob and the Worm
>Kirby's adventure
>>Kirby's adventure
Literally how
>mortal kombat
>they all great
International Superstar Soccer Deluxe
the one about painting Mr Krabs' living room
Sonic 2
Employee of the Month
Before I ever owned a console. Typing shit like "free mario sonic game" into Google on mummy's laptop and eventually discovered online emulators, thought they were the coolest shit ever. Kirby's adventure was the only game I managed to beat because I didn't know how to save with those things.
>Sonic the Hedgehog 2
>Mermaidman and Barnacleboy V (maybe)
>super mario advance 2
>sleepy time
>Pac-man 2
>Pretty Patties
>Mario 64
>Anything from Season 1
>Gran Turismo
>Something Smells
Pacman (Atari 2600)
Sailor Mouth
>Tfw could never watch Spongebob because there was one thing in every episode that always scares the fuck out of me whenever I see it
What can I do to get over this? I wanna watch it
>Super Mario 64
>Krusty Krab Training Video
>sleepy time
How the fuck can anyone think that's the GOAT? Sleepy Time is one of the worst episodes from the original run.
It's not this
A Link to the Past
I don't think I understand what every episode would have in common, they all have pretty unique storylines aside from the occasional rehash.
>Donkey Kong Country
>The Health Inspector one I don't remember the episode name
The Nasty Patty
>Super Mario Allstars for the SNES
>Squid's Day Off
Never watched SpongeBob
>Donkey Kong arcade
>Never heard of it
Zoom zoom
>Was either Super Mario Sunshine or Sonic Adventure DX, eitherway I know my first console was the Gamecube.
>I Had an Accident
>Super Mario 64 DS but it was when I was 10/11
>Too many to list, but if I had to choose, I guess a toss up between Krabs à la Mode, Krusty Towers, Club SpongeBob, the Christmas specials, Help Wanted, Whale of a Birthday, or Shanghied
>first episode or the pizza delivery one, I don't really remember any others
You need to be 18+ to post here.
>Duck Hunt
>Opposite Day
Rogue Squadron
Something Smells
My negro
>TMNT arcade game
>Band Geeks
>super mario 64
>night shift
>Whale of a Birthday
Jesus Christ
I've been rewatching the show from the beginning and a lot of season 4 is about as good as the first 3 seasons for me
I can respect that, season 4 has some decent underrated episode. But the one about Pearl's birthday? Come on, man. The only good part of that was Squidward's scenes in the Krusty Krab, other than that I really don't see how this could be anyone's favourite episode.
>TMNT4 Turtles in Time
>Midnight Shift.
Have good memories of watching that with my late mom, we used to repeat the jokes all the time.
>Krusty Krab training video
I went to look at a list of episodes and realized that only like half of season 3 is actually good and the other half is okay-ish at best
also season 3 went on for like three years what the fuck
It's at the very least one of my favorites of that season, I probably wouldn't say it's an overall favorite like Help Wanted or Club SpongeBob (been keeping top and bottom 5 lists for each season to help me keep track), I was mostly spitballing
Fair enough, I guess.
>Sonic 2
>We weren't allowed to watch it often enough for me to aquire a favorite
Smash 64
Pizza Delivery episode, second best Squidward episode.
>All about a decade older than OP.
The Goonies 2
Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost
>Super Mario Land
>Never watched it
>Tetris Plus
>Band Geeks
>Crash Bandicoot 2
>The one where they sang to some rock song in a stadium
Underage b&
>Mario 3
>graveyard shift
prince of persia for the DOS
never saw spongebob
This happens. Which fanbase would be the most assmad?
It's already March. There's a 1/5 chance he's 18 now.
>Sonic the Hedgehog
You just reminded me of the butterfly episode
Gex for gameboy
Hard to choose
Probably the one where spongebob and mr crabs go fishing and deal with the clam
>super mario kart
>band geeks aka the only correct option
Pic related is the first I remember beating though