The first game you remember playing

>the first game you remember playing
>your birth year
>your favorite episode of SpongeBob

>Sonic 2
>Band Geeks

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Thunder Blade deluxe sit down cab
Never watched it

>Mario Kart 64
>Pizza Delivery

>Probably Wolfenstein 3D
>Never watched it

>Sonic 1
>Krusty Krab Training Video

>Kid Icarus
>Never watched it

probably super mario on the NES, legit don't remember
spongebob didn't leave enough of an impression on me to remember an episode that I really liked in particular

bad thread

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>Need for Speed II

DOOM (1993 obviously)
Never watched it

Rayman 2: Revolution
Sandy, Spongebob and the Worm

>Kirby's adventure

>>Kirby's adventure
Literally how

>mortal kombat
>they all great

International Superstar Soccer Deluxe
the one about painting Mr Krabs' living room

Sonic 2
Employee of the Month

Before I ever owned a console. Typing shit like "free mario sonic game" into Google on mummy's laptop and eventually discovered online emulators, thought they were the coolest shit ever. Kirby's adventure was the only game I managed to beat because I didn't know how to save with those things.

>Sonic the Hedgehog 2
>Mermaidman and Barnacleboy V (maybe)

>super mario advance 2
>sleepy time

>Pac-man 2
>Pretty Patties

>Mario 64
>Anything from Season 1

>Gran Turismo
>Something Smells

Pacman (Atari 2600)
Sailor Mouth

>Tfw could never watch Spongebob because there was one thing in every episode that always scares the fuck out of me whenever I see it
What can I do to get over this? I wanna watch it

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>Super Mario 64
>Krusty Krab Training Video


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>sleepy time
How the fuck can anyone think that's the GOAT? Sleepy Time is one of the worst episodes from the original run.

It's not this

A Link to the Past

I don't think I understand what every episode would have in common, they all have pretty unique storylines aside from the occasional rehash.

>Donkey Kong Country
>The Health Inspector one I don't remember the episode name

The Nasty Patty

>Super Mario Allstars for the SNES
>Squid's Day Off

Never watched SpongeBob

>Donkey Kong arcade
>Never heard of it

Zoom zoom

>Was either Super Mario Sunshine or Sonic Adventure DX, eitherway I know my first console was the Gamecube.
>I Had an Accident

>Super Mario 64 DS but it was when I was 10/11
>Too many to list, but if I had to choose, I guess a toss up between Krabs à la Mode, Krusty Towers, Club SpongeBob, the Christmas specials, Help Wanted, Whale of a Birthday, or Shanghied

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>first episode or the pizza delivery one, I don't really remember any others

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You need to be 18+ to post here.

>Duck Hunt
>Opposite Day

Rogue Squadron
Something Smells
My negro

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>TMNT arcade game
>Band Geeks

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>super mario 64
>night shift

>Whale of a Birthday
Jesus Christ

I've been rewatching the show from the beginning and a lot of season 4 is about as good as the first 3 seasons for me

I can respect that, season 4 has some decent underrated episode. But the one about Pearl's birthday? Come on, man. The only good part of that was Squidward's scenes in the Krusty Krab, other than that I really don't see how this could be anyone's favourite episode.

>TMNT4 Turtles in Time
>Midnight Shift.
Have good memories of watching that with my late mom, we used to repeat the jokes all the time.

>Krusty Krab training video

I went to look at a list of episodes and realized that only like half of season 3 is actually good and the other half is okay-ish at best

also season 3 went on for like three years what the fuck

It's at the very least one of my favorites of that season, I probably wouldn't say it's an overall favorite like Help Wanted or Club SpongeBob (been keeping top and bottom 5 lists for each season to help me keep track), I was mostly spitballing

Fair enough, I guess.

>Sonic 2
>We weren't allowed to watch it often enough for me to aquire a favorite

Smash 64
Pizza Delivery episode, second best Squidward episode.

>All about a decade older than OP.

The Goonies 2
Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost

>Super Mario Land
>Never watched it

>Tetris Plus
>Band Geeks

>Crash Bandicoot 2
>The one where they sang to some rock song in a stadium

Underage b&

>Mario 3
>graveyard shift

prince of persia for the DOS
never saw spongebob

This happens. Which fanbase would be the most assmad?

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It's already March. There's a 1/5 chance he's 18 now.

>Sonic the Hedgehog

You just reminded me of the butterfly episode

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Gex for gameboy
Hard to choose
Probably the one where spongebob and mr crabs go fishing and deal with the clam

>super mario kart
>band geeks aka the only correct option
Pic related is the first I remember beating though

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