Hey user, its Friday morning/day/night. Watcha

Hey user, its Friday morning/day/night. Watcha

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Other urls found in this thread:


Niggers tongue my anus

your mom all at the same time

I dont know
cant decide

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OP here

Gonna start my day by continuing my Daggerfall Unity run. Ive played Daggerfall since I was a kid but never beat the main story so im finally going for a full playthrough. Also playing one last round of vanilla Mount & Blade Warband with the Dickplomacy mod in anticipation for Bannerlord, as well as playing through some Doom mods. Im currently playing through ProDoomer, Sunlust with Lithium, and Doom the Way ID Did with Doom RLA and DOOMRPG
Currently have The Moomins on in the background, Snufkin was my original /out/ inspiration as a kid
Buckethead pikes, Stoned Jesus, and Aggaloch this mornan
Currently reading through a Lovecraft short story collection as well as an /out/ book my gf got me for Christmas
Homemade breakfast sandwhiches
Organge juice, water, and coffee
Yesterday we went on a hike through the woods then had sex afterwards
Pretty mixed bros but overall things are good. Im recording an EP with my band and its become my main priority the past month. As of now, once our drummer finishes his next recording session I just need to do the vocals and we will officially have our first song finished. It's a 12 minute blackened folk metal track featuring 3 layers of electric guitar and an acoustic section. It sounds demo-tier but im really happy with the results so far. Asides from that im planning a big winter camp with my gf later this month. This is her first year heading innawoods during the winter but since the snow hit back we've have been /out/ together 7 times on 1-3 night trips in varying weather conditions, so im planning our first week long trip. We'll be heading into Crown Land then from there we hike about an hour into the woods following a river that leads to a frozen lake. We discovered the lake by total accident last summer when we borrowed a relative's canoe and have been returning on a semi-regular basis since. Have a good weekend anons and be safe

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The Night Land and The Penguin Book of Italian Short Stories.
Mate cocido
Sex or nothing
Today I bought some books, that was the highlight of my day.

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Baldur's gate, valkyria chronicles
tv, youtube
Yas Forums
'boutta have dinner
fine, adding new games to my wishlist on steam

Fire Pro Wrestling
Whatever shuffle chooses.
Chocolate icecream

Also here's my list of Doom mods I consider either personal favorites or essential to try at least once (see Brutal Doom). For those who are interested but dont have experience with Doom or the WADs then
>download the base games
>download your source ports(s) of choice
>install ZDL to boot up multiple WADs at once as well as being an all-around launcher for Doom and your source ports

Map Packs
>Ancient Aliens
>Back to Saturn X
>Combat Shock 1/2
>Community Chest series
>Deus Vult
>Doom The Way ID Did/Doom 2 The Way ID Did
>Going Down
>Japanese Community Project
>Slaughterfest 2012
>Stardate 20X6/20X7
>Swim with the Whales
>Suspended in Dark
>any from "The Joys of Mapping" series
>The Ultimate Torment & Torture

Weapon Packs
>Arachnocide (also an enemy pack but its optional if you use it)
>Combined Arms
>Doom 4 Doom
>Final Doomer
>High Noon Drifter
>Juvenile Power Fantasy
>La Tailor Girl
>Netronian Chaos
>Russian Overkill (joke WAD that makes the game super easy but its fun on occasion)

Gameplay Overhauls
>Brutal Doom (purist hate it, zoomers love it, try it out and see where you stand)
>Project Brutality (like above but more difficult and with its own variations)
>Complex Doom
>Colorful Hell
>Doom 4 Vanilla
>Smooth Doom
>Stylish Hell

Total Conversions
>Adventures of Square
>Aliens Total Conversion
>Ashes 2063
>Chex Quest and its sequels
>Golden Souls
>Hell Forged
>Hocus Pocus Doom
>Pirate Doom!
>Project Einherjar
>Shadow of the Wool Ball 1/2
>Strange Aeons
>Temple of the Lizardmen 1/2
>Total Chaos
>Winter's Fury
>Wolfenstein Blade of Agony

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is champion's Road beyond any good? i'd just get it on the basis that its suda 51 stuff...

Monster Hunter World, having an absolute blast, holy shit this is one of the rare cases where I regret not buying a game earlier
Chicken nuggies
Tea/coffee/hot chocolate
Maybe later
Pretty good, feels great having the Friday off

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What kinda music are you listening to user?

Which books did you buy user? Last time I bought some /lit/ was a couple months ago and im interested in exploring a new genre. I usually stick to horror, strange-science, dystopian sci-fi, and outdoors books

What's for supper user? Also that reminds me Valkyria Chronicles has been in my backlog for a little while and ive been interested in starting it after I beat Daggerall or my M&B playthrough

Which Batman series are you reading? Out of nowhere last week I got the urge to download a ton of 50s-90s horror comics as well as the Judge Dredd series. Ive been reading the horror comics but I still gotta dive into Dredd

Glad you're having fun user. Me and a buddy picked up Monster Hunter around Christmas and we plan on finally starting it together sometime this week

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Any EO Nexus gamers out there? Can I have your QR codes?

>What kinda music are you listening to user?
listenan to Aphex Twin and various vidya ost like Kotor and Silent Hill youtu.be/FATTzbm78cc

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Why so it is! Let me preface by saying I hate Australians because I love them and they're so far away from me.

Played some Overwatch ranked, but I've lost 3/3 matches in compet so far. 2/3 were due to actual retards legit throwing though. First was a tank that went AFK in spawn after 20 seconds, second was a widowmaker that got 4 shots total. I was autistic enough to watch the replay and count.

Apart from that, maybe some Baldur's Gate. I'm gonna try out a Pally. Or some Pathfinder: Kingsmaker. It's kinda taken the wind out of my sails that all the good characters went with the manlet and I got all the shit ones I didn't really like. I know I get 'em back, but eh.

Saul Goodman. I thought this show was gonna be garb, but it's actually really good. Probably the only good show on TV atm.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soul Wars.
Justice League Dark: Witching Hour
Ostrander Spectre
Not sure. I'm gonna pick up a bunch of shit later in case Carona really gets bad.
Coffee with maple syrup from Canada
I'll probably pick up some sparkling water later. I've been cutting soda from my diet, cause I used to drink it every day. I've not had any since January now.
Tomboy anal
I'm painting up some Nighthaunt atm. I want them to look a little nicer, but it's a lot of effort and skill involved unless I get an airbrush again.

I wanna read more into the Pathfinder 1e rules too. And learn a bit more about the world and lore.

I saw Foals last year. They were pretty dope. One of two acts I actually proffered live.
What build in BG?
>FAPPAN ride or die, homie.
Is Daggerfall Unity any good? I never played it, but I feared the Unity version would miss out on the fun lingo like the Dark Elf killing his wife instead of her boyfriend because he'd be killing a different man every week.
Durn to ya.

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Doom (2016) / Slime Rancher
Youtube Videos n shit
Nothing rn
Not right now
Exhausted, i just want Doom Eternal already ffs

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Metro Last Light. It's fun but I like 2033 more. I'd love to give the new Animal Crossing a try but I'm broke. Very fucking excited for Doom Eternal, looks like a total blast.
Nothing much, speedruns maybe. Some yugioh videos.
Candlemass, Pentagram, Black Sabbath
Yas Forums, (you) guys
Had some chicken as a light night snack. It was really good, wish I had more.
Apple cinnamon tea
Already did to the thought of making love with my crush. Fuck, I wish he didn't live a state away.
Pretty good, just been relaxing.Thinking about starting up Collection of Mana after I finish Metro Last Light.
I love this song I wrote:

Daggerfall is pretty rad, and DFU makes it that much better. I hope you're having fun! Also, Buckethead is beyond based, though I think the song choices Romero used (and the two tracks he made for Sigil) aren't as fitting as the midi OST. Jelly of your band stuff, I wish I could get my music career in vidya OST work up and running.

Baldurs Gate is great, good taste user!

I hope that my wad will be a must play or highly recommended once it's finished.

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>I saw Foals last year. They were pretty dope. One of two acts I actually proffered live.
I'm not really into most of their recent work desu, just have Wash Off on repeat, what a banger that song is

>Is Daggerfall Unity any good?
As someone who has experience with both versions I would recommend the Unity version. It saves a lot of time being able to hotkey to your menus rather than having to scroll over and clicking your menus, and since the map is so huge the fast travel improvements are by far some of the biggest improvements to the overall experience. For example, in the original Daggerfall if you receive a quest where you have to travel to a cavern/dungeon/tower, you must bring up the fast travel menu and accurately type in the often convoluted name of the dungeon/town/city you want to travel to. In Daggerfall Unity there is an auto-correct for the name as well as the ability to type in something like "Manor" and have every named Manor in the region become available to choose from. I highly recommend the game user anon, there is nothing more comfy than wandering through the mountain-tops as its snowing as dungeon-synth plays in the background. The dungeons are randomly generated so prepare to spend hours tunneling through if you want to reach your goal, or just do what ive always done and explore until you feel ready to type in the console command "tele2qspawn" then "tele2exit". The main quest is fun and feels like an actual adventure, taking you across accurately sized provinces and regions, and the sidequests are all really fun ways to build up your character and improve your abilities, despite the guild and NPC side-quests being randomly generated. Even though you can and should fast travel everywhere its comfy as fuck to ride your horse through the wilderness, especially with mods. Speaking of mods, there are a few essentials id recommend. The Archaeologist Guild mod adds a new guild that utilizes some skills that were otherwise pretty useless, and there are others like "Mountains and Hills" to enhance the otherwise somewhat dull and repetative landscapes

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Alpha hypnosis
I start carnivore diet tomorrow
White Tea
muh dik
breddy gud :DD

Ah it's one of those threads again

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Haven't picked it up yet, but reckoning I will soon for the same reason. Heard some say it were a let down but would rather find out for myself.

Up to Vol. 5 of the 2011-2016 run.
Don't generally read a lot of comics. Especially cape stuff. Not that I dislike them I just find it a lot to follow. Too much crossovers 'n BS.

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steins gate linear bounded phenogram
magia record
shadows house
mentos, the fresh maker
monster energy drink(tm)
i'll let you know once I'm horny
notto very goodo to be quite honest desu
pulling an all nighter today to try and fix my schedule. if I can last until the evening then I'm gonna go buy lots of boozy woozy and drink it all tomorrow!

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Destiny 2
Peep Show
Ducking Punches
This shithole
Thicc thighs
Pretty good, been hitting it off really well with a qt recently, had a couple of dates that went really well.

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At the moment R6, Warframe, Stalker, and World Of Warships
Nothing in particular, whatever is on youtube
Various stuff
Nothing in particular.
A banana with peanut butter
Already coomed
I’m buying a car next week so that is nice. Going to have to take cash out for it.

Rainbown Six Siege and MTG
Deep purple Space Truking
Pandora hearts
Ok-ish worried about being single again.

Dumb shit in MHW. This game has become a chore. I don't think I'll be playing the series again.
I hate posting it again. Makes it seems like I'm a pea brain.
Ate sushi.
Tea. Taking a break from booze so I can binge on my week off.
Heart-shaped pupils.

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Divinity OS 2 and Mount & Blade: Warband. Going for a summoner build this time around, hopefully I'll actually finish the game this time.
Mr. Robot. On Season 2, it's alright. Sort of miss the tech side of things though.
Sun Kil Moon.
Blood Meridian and 20th Century Boys.
Oatmeal. Not really hungry.
Coffee and water. Probably a few beers later.
trying to give that shit up.
Not great. Need a haircut as well, but I can't be fucked to make small talk with a barber.

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>Which books did you buy user?
The Penguin Book of Modern European Short Stories (it was published in the 60s or 70s, so they aren't very modern), The Penguin Book of Scottish Short Stories and The Devil in Music.
>im interested in exploring a new genre.
Check my chart on gothic.

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The Last of Us, Grounded mode
How to Train Your Dragon 2
Batman Dead White
Lots of pasta
NFL cheerleaders
Got two days off work due to Corona virus, though I still might get paid for them anyway. I don't think anything will happen but I stocked up on non perishable groceries and filled the cars with gas yesterday to be safe.
Good luck with the band. Wish you all the best.
I do love Batman
BCS is great. I don't watch a lot of television, but it's surprisingly great for a spinoff. JLD comics are also great.

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Modded Skyrim, CE, maybe some Siege, I haven't played that in over a week now.
I just finished watching all of SAO. Idk what to watch now, probably Watashi ni Tenshi.
Warlords of Karak Eight Peaks.
London broil.
Whole milk.

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Based fellow Doombro, playan any good WADs or TCs as well or just D44M?

You seem like a cool guy user, I dig your track a lot and hope you find a way establish yourself in the music scene. Vidya OST work has always interested me and I have a great deal of appreciation for what guys like you can do. I come from a small town in the middle of Saskatchewan so there arent many options to peruse a local career but our plan is to record this EP then brute-force our way into the local metal scene in our neighboring city. Also whenever your WAD is finished you'll have to post it here

I feel you user, I rarely read comics to begin with but ive always preferred horror to capeshit. There are a few exceptions but I just dont have much of an interest in superhero comics as a whole, whereas horror has always been a deeply ingrained interest of mine

Ive only ever played the original Steins:Gate but I recently got gifted Steins:Gate 0, but im cautiously aware that it will probably be a downgrade from my experience with the original

Good for you user, also
>Thicc thighs

What kinda car you buying user? I recently picked up a 2001 Subaru Forester and its a huge upgrade from my 93 F-150 I got off an old farmer for $600 last summer

Based listenan. Dont worry about being single though user, it's a chance to regain some individuality and focus on what you need out of life

Which Warband mods are you playing user? Im currently doing a vanilla playthrough with Dickplomacy, a Perisno playthrough, and occasionally fucking around on Napoleonic Wars multiplayer

Thanks user im saving this. Ive read a few of the more commonly mentioned books from the list but im interested in diving deeper into Gothic literature

>Good luck with the band
Thanks user, as long as we can put out our music and start playing shows within the next year ill be happy

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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Metal Gear Solid 1
Blonde On Blonde by Bob Dylan
Sparkling Ice
I don't know yet
Shit. College is killing me, and a bunch of personal shit is happening, and it has given me suicidal thoughts. I was put on suicide watch last week from my college, but that probably made me worse since I was essentially isolated from everyone I know.

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Escape from Tarkov, KuF Crusaders
Random OSTs
Probably won't tonight
Huge burritos with pork
Water, beer, the usual
Did already
Good mane

You'll have to post your EP in this thread once it's good to go, I'll give it a listen for sure. I'll definitely post the wad once I have at least MAP04 finish, MAP01 slightly reworked (two rooms) and MAP03 polished visually. I want it to be a 9 level wad by the end of its design. I find myself hitting a rut when I try to do bigger rooms sometimes.
You're a cool dude user, here's another song of mine:

Persona dancing, RE4, and skyrim
YouTube shit mainly might start my yearly rewatch of Sopranos
Dave and chuck the freak
Taco night
Water and soda I made
Slutposting on /trash/
Eh just kinda empty

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Wonderful 101, nearing the end, and Xenoblade X. Just got my flying license, and flying in this game is just fantastic. What a world to explore.
8 out of 10 cats does countdown, Kyle Bosman Lets Plays
XBX soundtrack, The Dead South, Metric
I had a pack of Freddo Faces before for the first time. I was hoping there would be a biscuit base on the other side but there wasn't. Still lovely though + tuna mayo sandwich
Asagi, Angela White
Good. Done more programming work with React, made a face recognition app using an API following a course, and also made a drawing app myself. I would like to finish W101 and XBX quickly so I can move onto Dreams stuff. Any bald anons wanna recommend certain clippers, my thinning hair is reaching a critical mess

Peep Show is great, good luck with the gf
Liverpool really need to get back on track

>Friday threads kept happening earlier and earlier
>never had time in the morning to enjoy them
>move to Japan
>Friday morning/night threads actually happen on Friday night now
Thank you Japan
KOTOR on mobile because all of my shit is still packed up
Thinking about starting S3 of Babylon Berlin
First Aid Kit
Nothing at the moment, need a new book
Vending machine tea
Not feeling it
Old dog had to be put down by my family and I wasn’t there for it, feeling pretty down. Got a car and a place to live so I won’t be living out of a suitcase for the first time in a few months, so that feels good though.
>apple cinnamon tea
Extremely comfy taste
So many tea chads tonight
>trying to fix schedule
I know the feel, I’ve been waking up at 2 in the morning for the past week and work has been too busy to try and unfuck myself. Glad it’s the weekend
>that FEELAN
Based, does she have thicc thighs?
>buying a car
Literally just did that today, it’s a good feel, I missed the freedom of mobility that comes with it

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My mom printed me some sudoku
My sexy nurse
People coughing and suffering
This thread
Soup and Jello
Like shit, in hospital, pancreatite.

VR games, League of Legends
Going to watch Jojo Rabbit later
Power metal
Avocado toast, guacamole. My avocados are starting to go bad.
2d midriff
Pretty good. I made some edibles last night and I feel like my roommates and I became closer from being high together.

Good luck on staying awake today. I'm doing the same thing, hopefully caffeine pills will be enough to keep me up until night.
I'm a huge fan of Monster Hunter and even I admit it's extremely repetitive. I used to have fun grinding for shit to upgrade my stuff but I can't be bothered to pick up a Monster Hunter game again.
Have you thought about doing something that doesn't require college? You most likely won't get paid as much but quitting college made me much happier.
Shit dude that sucks. Hopefully reading shitposts on here will keep you distracted.

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Drawing! I started drawing before I go to sleep. It's breddy fun, I want to get better at it like my sister.
So Ra No Wo To and rewatching SnK
Girl's Last Tour anime OST
Vagabond vol 2 and Yotsuba To! vol 3. I really love Yotsuba. I finished Girl's Last Tour last night, that was great as well. Vagabond is pretty good so far, the art is really great, but I'm not super into the story or characters yet.
Phat Ass Milf Doujins
Actually, happy! Also daydreamed about Quentin Tarantino singing: Now I ain't saying she's a gold digger, but she ain't messing with no broke nigga
Sounds fun!
Moomins anime or western animation? I need someone to redpill me more on The Moomins, I watched some as a kid as well. Nice listenan, I like Agalloch.
What books did you get? What sort of short stories are the ones in the Book of Italian short stories?
How's Valkyrie Chronicles. I haven't played vidya in so long and want to play something unique and fresh.
Tea, coffee and hot chocolate?!!?!?! That's a lot.
YuGiOh videos as in the show or some gag stuff?
Carnivore diet :DD?
How's 20th Century Boys, sorta interested but not sure if Urasawa is for me.
Hope you get better
How long does it take to get the flying licence in X?
Why did you move to Japan? How is it? I'm thinking of taking Asian Studies Japan as my university course because nothing else is interesting to me and I'm a NEET right now.

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Too old to die young
Blues Saraceno
Jujitsu Kaisen
Not today
Can't go home because of Corona. Can't go to uni because of Corona. Basically a forced vacation

You can get the flying license after chapter 9, which was about 50+ hours for me. I've not prioritised affinity missions but I have been exploring the world with different party members this time around.

>Can't go home because of Corona. Can't go to uni because of Corona. Basically a forced vacation
How do you feel about that?

>What books did you get?
The Penguin Book of Modern European Short Stories (it was published in the 60s or 70s, so they aren't very modern), The Penguin Book of Scottish Short Stories and The Devil in Music.
>What sort of short stories are the ones in the Book of Italian short stories?
A bit of everything, from medieval to modern stories. I think I've read 1/3 of the book so far, the medieval stories were fun and interesting (most of them about sex, scams and horny people). I wasn't familiar with italian literature, so I'm planning on buying Decameron because one of my favorite stories if from that book.

Mostly annoyed. Fucked up a lot of my plans

Smash Ultimate
Onward later on (maybe)
Yas Forums
Lent, so fish and cheese pizza
Rockstar lime
Gay chubs

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>fish and cheese pizza
so... like fish and also a pizza with cheese on it?
or like a pizza topped with fish and cheese?

Pic related
Slot streams
This thread
Lonely like every day

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Again user that was really good and I hope to hear more of your stuff in the future. Ill definitely post my EP on one of these threads in the future when its completed. Good luck with your WAD too user it really sounds like you have a plan for the maps and ill definitely be checking it out when its finished and posted

Ive only ever seen the Finnish/Dutch/Japanese Moomins that ran in the early 90s. I used to watch it all the time as a young lad and it got me into /out/ shit in a lot of ways. The show has a really unique sense of magic, but in a mysterious and uncontrollable sense where anything could happen. The characters, creatures, villains, and side-characters are all really interesting and make the world the show take place in seem vast and foreign in a way that only a strange kids cartoon can capture. It really is interesting to watch through, I showed my gf last month when I started rewatching the series and she was really interested in how strange yet comfy everything about it is. But again, it was my favorite cartoon as a child so I have a bias

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based (You) giver
Keep that hand sanitizer on you.
this thread
Chicken soup
Sick as hell and got work later

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Return of Reckoning
The Expanse
Daemonya Nymphe and Heilung
Elder Scrolls Lore
Diet Coke
Fucking GF or fappin' to Lesbian Feet porn

The going to work game. Maybe Minecraft when I get home.
Great British Bake Off and Better call Saul were the last things I watched.
27/7 jazz music on YouTube, had it in while I was sleeping.
Pop tart
Hazelnut ice coffee
Some /ss/ doujins
Pretty great, bought some new bed stuff last night so I slept like a damn baby.
Ready to go to work, but it will probably be boring today since I’m caught up on projects. I’ll have to find something good to watch for 8 hours.
Also pretty excited for animal crossing.

Terminator Resistance
Terminator 1 & 2
80's music
Robocop vs Terminator
a banana
No need if I see my gf. If I don't see her then big tit bouncin reverse cowgirl vids
Had a crazy week but seems like everything is finally chill and this will be a good weekend. Hope all you anons have good weekends!

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i dunno. nothing sounds good.
the sopranos, youtube, twitch
every time i die, dance with the dead, o brother where art thou sound track.
da innanet
toast i guess
coffee and water
like i'm fighting off a cold or something.
just take me now corona-chan

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Doom 2016, might start a new playthrough of Bloodborne
New Game!
Touhou OSTs
It's so hard to motivate myself to study every day as a NEET trying to learn productive hobbies. It gets easier, right?

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That sounds interesting. I will look those books up.
I must try and give it a watch one of these days, it was always a sort of mysterious show for me when I was a kid, gave me this weird otherworldly fantasy feeling.
That sucks. I was sick last week, but quarantine sounds like a complete drag.

RS2 nam and Halo CE Anniversary on PC
jewtube shit
Yas Forums
steak sandwich
coffee, water
some cute ruskie camwhore later tonight

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It doesn't. You just have to find what get's you in the mood for learning. For me it's late in the night in the dark.

I just got a laptop last week and I'm still downloading games on it but my internet is slow. Doom 2016 is pretty fun, runs well.
Vinesauce Metal Gear Solid 3 stream
Frozen Pizza
Water, maybe beer tonight
Male POV cumshots
Honestly not sure, but I think I'm okay. Broke up with the boyfriend earlier this week but was able to at least stay friends. I feel a little bad about cutting out some online friends, but I think it's for the best, I need to find my tribe.

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I'm tired of waiting so long to play a game that I hype it up so much in my head until I play it and either it is a complete letdown or boring. So I've been playing a bunch of different games for 30 mins to an hour to kill the hype.

Played Ys Seven last month but I feel like skipping it and jumping to Ys VIII. It just didn't have the same feel as the previous Ys but I hate playing stuff out of order.
Pre-ordered Pirate Warriors 4 and Borderlands 3 steel case is on the way. FFVII Remake Demo is fucking great.
Fate/Extra, YouTube, SomecallmeJohnny, Science Channel. Thinking about skipping to Wano in One Piece.
SEGA Sound Team, Three 6 Mafia,
Fairy Tail, ancient civilazations
Bimbo donuts
not yet but probably 2d or 3d milfs
Tired. Just want to play some vidya tonight.

80's music great
How's Quacamelee?
>Phat Ass Milf Doujins Yes.
Good luck on drawing.
Angela White is hot but too much anal for me. To each their own though.

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