Why is this game so fucking easy? Even on fucking Nightmare mode the game is barely a challenge. and this is coming from someone who had to beat Doom 2 on Hurt Me Plenty because Ultra Violence was too much
Decided to try this in preperation for Eternal
Other urls found in this thread:
Doom 2 has a shit game design.
>t. brainlet who got filtered by Sandy Petersen
>game design is level design
It's made for zoomers.
It's "Doom". Its cashing in on retro pop culture
Post 30sec of you playing on the hardest difficulty
Well, nobody ever complains about the game design usually because it's objectively good.
Yet another retarded statement.
Well, I haven't unlocked ultra-nightmare yet so I can't. And I'm at work right now
>durrrrrrr there is no objectivity in art
Fuck off, quentin
Not an argument.
Playing the original doom on Ultra Violence. Beat episode 1 and started 2. Is the spike in difficulty supposed to be this huge? Mission 2 is kicking my ass. Ammo is a real issue now unlike in episode 1.
>Even on fucking Nightmare mode the game is barely a challenge
That is absolutely untrue. Post a webm of you playing any random arena battle. Nightmare is a bitch and a half; they got the difficulty so right for that one.
>Yet another retarded statement.
That's not an argument either, faggot.
How do you respond to a non-argument?
Game design can't be objectively good.
Sure it can. Look at Metroid: Samus Returns. The inability to do a parry with continuous movement stops the game's pacing each time you use it, and you're encouraged to use it because it results in a one hit kill for dangerous enemies that bother you in the mid-game.
Again, I'm at work. I can't record myself playing it. And even then I have no clue how to make a webm from a recording of a game.
Still, how the fuck is 2016 a challenge? I get through the game literally just shooting an enemy a couple times and pressing F. Their projectiles are ridiculously easy to avoid. Are zoomers just bad at games?
The difficulty in DooM doesn't spike until episode 4.
I don't like Metroid series.
At this point you're just straight up lying. I went through 2016 Doom on UV my first go-around. First few areas, you shoot an imp, melee him, move on. It's very easy going because health is abundant, and health drops give a nice amount from the melee kills. I started Nightmare recently and the same lackadaisical attitude does not carry over. All health items and drops give a chunk less health, and imps + possessed soldiers eat through you in seconds. Is it impossible? 'Course not. Is it as easy as you say? Absolutely not. No reason to believe you until you post some webms. Until then, adios.
>Until then, adios.
Holy moly!
>First few areas, you shoot an imp, melee him, move on.
That's how I played it on Nightmare. I guess I was slightly more cautious than you were but still
Try playing through some of these instead user. These are both personal favorites of mine and others I would consider essential to try at least once (see Brutal Doom). If you havent played any retro Doom or WADs then
>grab a copy of the base games as well as TNT: Evilution and The Plutonia Experiment
>download your source port(s) of choice
>install ZDL to boot up multiple WADs at once as well as being a general launcher for your base games, source ports, and WADs
Map Packs
>Ancient Aliens
>Back to Saturn X
>Combat Shock 1/2
>Community Chest series
>Deus Vult
>Doom The Way ID Did/Doom 2 The Way ID Did
>Going Down
>Japanese Community Project
>Slaughterfest 2012
>Stardate 20X6/20X7
>Swim with the Whales
>Suspended in Dark
>any from "The Joys of Mapping" series
>The Ultimate Torment & Torture
Weapon Packs
>Arachnocide (also an enemy pack but its optional if you use it)
>Combined Arms
>Doom 4 Doom
>Final Doomer
>High Noon Drifter
>Juvenile Power Fantasy
>La Tailor Girl
>Netronian Chaos
>Russian Overkill (joke WAD that makes the game super easy but its fun on occasion)
Gameplay Overhauls
>Brutal Doom (purist hate it, zoomers love it, try it out and see where you stand)
>Project Brutality (like above but more difficult and with its own variations)
>Complex Doom
>Colorful Hell
>Doom 4 Vanilla
>Smooth Doom
>Stylish Hell
Total Conversions
>Adventures of Square
>Aliens Total Conversion
>Ashes 2063
>Chex Quest and its sequels
>Golden Souls
>Hell Forged
>Hocus Pocus Doom
>Pirate Doom!
>Project Einherjar
>Shadow of the Wool Ball 1/2
>Strange Aeons
>Temple of the Lizardmen 1/2
>Total Chaos
>Winter's Fury
>Wolfenstein Blade of Agony
Early doom games are about knowing the map, keeping well stocked on supplies, and not running headlong into an ambush you're not prepared to deal with. They're a little like dungeon crawlers in that regard.
The new doom games are all about combat. The game is entirely designed around allowing the player to play aggressively, so if you're impatient by nature then Doom 2016 is going to punish you a lot less than Doom 2 or Plutonia will. Conversely, if you're used to skating by with careful play in old doom, you might find nudoom harder as it's way more about pure reflexes.
I mean, in most games the highest difficulty genuinely isn't even fair. You can get cucked by shit you'd need to have near-perfect reflexes to deal with or avoid on the first attempt, like jackal snipers in halo 2, for instance.
Doom 2016's nightmare is "easy" because there's not a lot the game throws at you that you can't predict before it happens and then avoid. I'm reasonably confident you could finish Doom 2016 without taking a single hit consistently if you spent some time on it.
>I'm reasonably confident you could finish Doom 2016 without taking a single hit consistently if you spent some time on it.
Sorry m8, that's patently untrue. The highest rated no death Ultra Nightmare run on youtube takes a hit 90 seconds in.
40 seconds in.
Even the devs aknowledged this, hopefully Eternal will fix it
Play Nobody Told Me About id. PWAD that makes Doom play like its Build Engine peers.
This is like saying that ultra nightmare is impossible because people die on nightmare runs. Both of those hits WERE avoidable.
I can't think of a single instance of damage in the game that you couldn't avoid playing a little more carefully. It's not like call of duty or halo, where if you're out of cover you're probably going to take a tiny bit of damage no matter what you do. All attacks give you time to strafe aside from stuff like the Mancubus' flamethrower up close.
For the possessed soldiers you just stagger them with medium range shots before you go in for the kill-shot. If you're tired of that initial fight on the UAC (and everyone who plays ultra nightmare inevitably is) you're bound to make some mistakes in the name of getting through it quicker.
>I'm fairly confident you can finish the game with no hits
>Here's some footage of top players doing no death runs but still getting hit
>I maintain my stance, here are the reasons why, but I won't demonstrate whatsoever
I did a no death run once
pretty sure it's possible, there's no unavoidable hitscan or hazards that you -have- to touch
OP didn't actually play through nightmare in full, very misleading with his words. He never said he beat it. There are enemies that come out of nowhere and basically one-shot you on nightmare.
Maybe you are just really good?
Some user goes around and posts his mod collection when you post. It's pretty good, but he made it a torrent for some reason. Here's a mega link.
If you have NEVER played Doom, or if you want to try out some shit, this is for you. This comes with all the Doom iwads (Doom 1, II, Plutonia, TNT), Doom 64, 24 PWADs (gameplay wads), and 42 mappacks.
Oh and 13 total conversions, 14 if you count the Doom 64 one.
I find it really hard to believe that someone who considers nuDOOM on Nightmare "barely a challenge" would get his ass kicked by DOOM 2 on UV.
Everyone ITT is fucking retarded.
It's easy because it was balanced for console, not PC
Bullshit. DOOM 1 and 2 are much easier than 2016.
That actually seems neat user. Thanks for pointing this out to me
Fucking aye, im going to add the user's mega link to my pasta. I currently have just over 110 mods installed but ill give it a download and grab everything I dont already have
I'm playing on easy and find it hard. I played on normal until half the game and then I switched to easy. I don't play games to be challenged I just play to have fun. And yes easy is fun in my book ()
It's a cinematic console "shooter".
Of course it is piss easy.
The nu-D44M is pathetically overrated garbage.
Have you even played it?
Don't you zoomie-shiIIs literally have no other argument anymore? You just machinegun that meme all the time.
Depends. Continuous, maybe. There are still some levels in doom 2 (and especially doom 1 episode 4) that are ballbusters. Pistol start, Doom 1+2 gave me way more trouble than doom 2016.
What difficulty did you play on?
>hates game
>plays over 33 hours of it
...And there's that OTHER text-book "answer".
UV, obviously. Just like the original Dooms of the 90s. But, unlike in the originals, the difficulty choices in nu-Duum do not change jack shit. You just die quicker, and that's it.
No more foes, no less ammo, no new shit to do. You just kick the bucket faster.
You kids would cry an extra mile if I had NOT played it.
I put nearly 200 hours on Payday2 and 20h on RE2 de-make but I absolutely would not recommend either to anyone anymore.
They're reasonable questions, mate. And you do get less from items on higher difficulties. It would be cool if enemies still changed with difficulty. I still found 2016 way harder than the original DOOMs
>They're reasonable questions, mate
No, they are not. They have been repeated ad nausea since 2016 in case of the nu-Duum, and are parroted whenever someone dares to criticize ANY modern flavor-of-month AAA release, especially a sequel/reboot/remake of a classic title.
>I still found 2016 way harder than the original DOOMs
I'm sorry to inform you, but you clearly suck ass at video games.
Also, the overall difficulty is the least of the problems of the nu-ZOOMs. Their gameplay is extremely padded, unsatisfying and sloggish.
They went with the PK / SS style arena/wave design, without providing the magnificent scale and speed of either one of those. Doom should be all about exploring and utilizing the ENTIRE MAP at once to survive dynamically encountered fighting scenarios, all while looking for the finite supplies and secrets to improve your odds.
The tacked-on, generic 2010's console trash ("side-quests" / "minigames" you do for "RPG upgrades", cinematic melee finishers, enemies turning into loot upon death, CoD-style grenades & ADS alt-fire shit, quiet platforming scenes w/ instakill pits...) only make it worse.
How is Doom 2016 on the Switch?
>easy on nightmare
You clearly haven't played nightmare so shut the fuck up faggot. Imps 2 shot you on nightmare
Then do one bitch. Play the game without getting hit
Play Doom on PC
Then why do you want to play Doom?
Resolution is bad
Framerate is bad
Textures are bad
Playing with a controller is bad
Only good thing is being able to play doom portable
I beat original DOOM and 2016 on UV. Neither of them are hard, I'm just saying 2016 is harder.
The fact that 2016 actually has a y-axis means that you can't just aim in the general direction of anything that moves to kill it. The enemies hit harder, move faster, and are all around fuck tons more aggressive. When you get a feel for the different weapons, combat becomes very satisfying.
The original DOOMs are good games. They're still fun today. They're still much easier than 2016.
I played it on the highest difficulty lately, it'd not that challenging for me. The worst that might happen is gibbing myself with explosives or ending a fight with low health. But I only played the first 3 or 4 levels
>play 200 hours
>decides she hates game
Makes sense. Women cant make up their minds about things
Rookie mistake at 1:53
what went wrong?
I do not agree on anything you just said.
The map design in 2016 is abysmal. Gunplay is unsatisfying even with all the addons, as there's simply no reach, no penetration, and no simulated "pain" tresholds for foes. And most importantly: you're stuck in tiny combat arenas, in which you initiate the fights yourself in most cases, and then you only face around a dozen foes at once, at best, by running circles and popping a few in the faces of anything you come across in your loop + chainsaw the big guys out of your way.
There is nothing hard about D2016, and in literally every other category it gets completely towered by its 1993 roots.
Clearly you have not ever played a game that went to hell after significant overhauls of both the in-game content and the devs' own priorities.