Muh Discord more important than developing game
Yandere Sim
is -0.01 run possible?
what even happened with this game?
i remember seeing it a couple years back and then saw a thread on /g/ shitting on the developer for being a codelet
>Hello, all my loyal Yandairy Sim Patreon supporters. It's been a rough year for us, but luckily, I have managed to put the finishing touches on Osana. Unfortunately, the game has been delayed again from its initial 2042 launch, and will be released later in 2043 assuming I can find a top-tier dialysis machine to help my ailing kidneys (please see the Kickstarter in the description for info). After that, I can begin working on implementing a new system whereby you can kill students by shoving a broom handle up their asses, but only after I have had sufficient time to play with my new "BIGBUSTYBOOBIES4000 Samus Aran" sex bot (again, thank you my loyal subscribers). Thank you once again, and I should have another 16 minute hologram transmission for you next month.
Almost 6 years since it was pitched here and he's still only at step 2 out of 8 in his own development chart. In other words it still hasn't moved out of the debug build and literal 14 year olds are blindly giving him money with their parents' credit cards expecting a finished product.
It got popular and the "dev" used his newfound fame to launch the streaming career he tried to force-start on Yas Forums a long time ago. As such, the game isn't anywhere near finished (he's been saying "soon!" for the first rival for years) and it never will be because the scope is a huge clusterfuck of ideas from better, professionally-made games bogged down with referential "easter egg" jokes.
Even if it wasn't, turns out it's hard to code a game when you're spending time playing other ones, editing polished videos to keep your audience interested/complain about made-up distractions, and jerking it to flavor of the month anime. It's been so long it's getting hard to say his supporters are even children, a huge chunk of the former middle schoolers are in high school or even graduated by now.
tought it was the Emails what slowed the game down, now it's discord?
It's in development
It will be finished soon but trolls keep distracting the dev
Luckily we can speed up development by donating more money to him
Why hasn't anyone just made their own Yandere sim in dreams yet?
>Muh Discord more important than developing game
That lazy piece of shit didn't work on his game before discord existed.
I can't remember the last time he bitched about e-mails, last I heard I think he turned his attention to negative YouTube comments. OP's claim comes from people trying to get banned from his Discord server as fast as possible, which I doubt affected him personally since he has a legion of mods that happily do it for free. Not to mention getting in requires you to get over a paywall.
not in dreams but there have been some projects akin to it
Watashi no mono started as a mod and is still in development today, thing is it has competent people behind it and updates bi.weekly
Yas Forums tried to make a game too akin to A humanized verion of HTF but went nowhere past a tech demo
There was a game about a loli killing people around and shit like a mix beteen Yandere sim and goat simulator
Plus like 4 different projects eva shut down
>banned from his Discord server as fast as possible
this actually a thing? well hot diggity damn i tought that was a 4chin thing only
And now what's stopping him from working on the game if not te emails? he could just shut down comments like a bunch of devs have done before, or do overtime on his Discord mods and let them filter out shit on Youtube
>Uh user, you don't get it
>I've gotta stream daily for my fans, that's a couple hours right there
>And I've gotta eat, that's a couple hours!
>Oh and I've GOTTA keep up with current anime and games, that's a few hours right there
>And I've gotta make update videos for all of you guys!
>You should be grateful I spend an hour a day on development. Don't worry though, it will be updated soon!
I know diddly fucking shit about coding and I've heard that if you want to get 1000000, normal code would just multiply 20 by 50000, while Yancode adds 50000 instances of the number 20 manually, js that correct?
Is Watashi no Mono still in its "eggshell state," or is MealDev just lax about updating the website? Of all the legitimate attempts at salvaging the concept, most of them spawned from tumblr, it looks/looked the most promising
He did disable them for awhile, but I think fan begging caused him to cave and bring them back. We all know what's ACTUALLY keeping him from making the game but if he has a new scapegoat then I don't know about it. As far as the banning though, yes, "yanderedev discord speedruns" are/were pretty popular on YouTube momentarily
Still too much
Those 14 year olds have become 18 now and they are.stsrting to realize they got scammed and are pulling donations.
He went from making 6k a month to barely 2k on patreon.
>bogged down with referential "easter egg" jokes
I remember one of his videos where he lamented that games with "simulator" in title aren't taken seriously.
Fucking ironic since most of his fame came from streamers fucking around in his game.
>make a game that panders to edgy 14-16 year old teens
>the game takes so long to develop that those people are now in college and have grown out of their edgy teen phases
>anyone who actually sort of liked the idea in the early years of the game's "development" has now learned the truth about who this tard is and that the game will stay mediocre/clunky and not release in full until 2028 at best.
i dunno how could it have happened?
>eva teaching a whole generation of zoomers about the dangers of early access
Pretty based to be honest.
no, he writes 5,840 lines of code to make a script that auto programs 50,000 instances of the number 20 for him but ends up only doing so at a rate of 3 20's per minute with a 15% fail or glitch rate while using 100% CPU.
Patreon is a failed format in terms of funding games. Developers are given monetary incentive to delay the game for as long as possible to keep the flow of cash coming
hey is the tripfag in the yandere dev thread on wsg the real deal?if so why does he still browse here when he is"developing" a video game all day.
he barely spends any time developing the game now. most of his day is spent moderating his discord, streaming games, and watching hentai.
No, his tripcode just got cracked because he's a retard that used the easiest to guess trip possible
Sorry, forgot to capitalize it
too bad they got fleeced monthly and not just a one off payment
Oh lol yandere sim is still alive? I'm surprised.
Actually, He getting mind break after mass raid banned and now YanDev discord only available for patreon
Who is this semen demon?
Riko Aida
That's literally less than $15/hr
The difference between him and Notch is that Notch actually got his shit done. He created and finished his game in less than 3 years and sold it to Microsoft and became a billionaire.
While this dude still hasn't even done shit after years and years. I didn't look at the updates on this game since then and still seems the same to me.
Some people are do'ers. Some people are lazy fucks who don't accomplish anything.
Wait, the coach from Kuroko no Basugay? She wasn't this cute in the anime. Shit got too gay for me by the end of the first season.
That's still a year of a low end job he's getting for basically free
He doesn't have to commute to work, and he lives at home so I'm assuming he doesn't pay shit. Not a lot of people can save much after paying bills and other shit, he is pocketing all this money for doing absolutely nothing
At the current pay rate he's gonna end up forced into actually getting off his ass and working on his game. $2300/month is barely livable even in the middle of bumfuck nowhere which is where I live.
What's the password? ;3
He lives with his parents. Even if they charge him rent he's still making more than enough to do nothing and have some money left over.
Also you don't know what he's done with all the money when he was making more in the beginning. If he's saved it he could have a decent amount of money saved up
He's 31 and still lives with his parents? What the fuck.
Yeah, that's her. Some panels look nicer than others but generally speaking I think it's just the art style in the early manga. As it gets cleaner and less exaggerated it loses the effect to the point by Winter Cup she didn't even need the hairstyle change to look equally bland in both renditions. At least she's still cute in non-anime promo illustrations and cover art.
I can't blame you, I got into it for the gay shit but I still dropped it from burnout while S3 was airing. Didn't even get that far in the manga when I picked it up last year either.
In his defense, the housing situation is pretty fucked in America. I have doubts I'll ever own a house unless I move to a significantly cheaper are and uproot my life
On the other hand he was regularly fleecing 6k+ a month on patreon for years and I doubt he even paid his parents rent, bought his own food or just generally had any expenditures an actual adult would.
This. I mean, I can move out to an apartment and live relatively comfortably, but it's such a fucking waste of money unless you got a roommate splitting the bills. Would rather just save until I can buy a decent house and not be in debt. Also my parents actually want me here, otherwise I would leave. Not everyone's situation is the same, but there's no denying yandere dev is a sleazy unbearable fuck
Watashi no Mono is dead, user.
At least I can listen to the OST
Knowing what an idiot he is I wouldn't be surprised if he blew it all on dumb shit, but who knows, maybe he hoarded it.
It's troubling thinking about how I might never be able to afford a house in my state
What was the big dropoff in 2018?
Where do you live, user?
Commiefornia. It's fucking over for me in terms of housing here. Average sized homes start at about a million
I just took a look out of curiosity and you can buy an apartment unit for over half a million. A fucking apartment unit.
Was It true that he payed 10k to buy the subreddit and turn it in another hugbox?
Holy fuck user you live in one of the worst states. Hope you can get out of that shithole.
Yes. There's a discord screencap floating around of a former owner announcing that he sold the subreddit.
I'm waiting for him to start talking about his Thal genes.
Inb4 he'll put Yansim on hold and starts another new patreon project