Game development is almost entirely liberal run

>game development is almost entirely liberal run
>not a single game about saving the environment
>every other game is about shooting guns and killing people
Explain your hypocrisy liberals

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Subversion can only be so blatant before it loses effectiveness.


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There’s literally a final fantasy 7 remake coming out soon.

they don't make games, they only ruin the work of the people trying to

I just realized that once zoomers on Yas Forums learn the full plot of FF7 they're gonna start calling it "too political" and cucked.

I don't play leftist political games about being antifa ecoterrorist

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playing games doesn't saves the environment.
kinda does, coz you sit at home
But killing people in vidya doesn't kills real people.

It still has shooting guns and killing people

PS4 Spider-Man had some retarded side missions where you have to help clear up NYC's smog or some shit.

>learn the full plot of FF7
you mean the story of a dude with spikey hair and fat sword who is always fighting with a long haired dude with long sword?

You're killing facists soldiers working for a corporate totalitarian regime.

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You complained of a lack of ecologically minded vidya.
I didn’t say you had to play them.
Let’s be honest, you don’t really play any vidya, you just shitpost about them on 4channel.

Environmentalists love the idea of killing off large swathes of the human race specifically because it will lower emissions. Most of them know better than to say it out loud though.

People complain about shit they have no intention of doing anything about all the time.

>Best solution is to launch top secret black sites that exterminate the majority of Africa, India and China

when real life has a gaia entity needs protecting from a LITERAL MAGIC SPACE ROCK i'll accept ff7 is a game about the environment

it's pure fantasy and should be considered as such

Cities Skyline lets you make both snowflake green cities or an endless grid dystopia

>Environmentalists love the idea of killing off large swathes of the human race specifically because it will lower emissions.
C'mon, you're talking about extremist nutjobs that are considered fringe even among more hardcore environmentalists.
But yes, it would definitely help a lot.

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>>Best solution is to launch top secret black sites that exterminate the majority of Africa, India and China

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>every game is now ff7
was it kino

but fascists where green party tier tree huggers, and their leader was a vegetarian

Uh oh.

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Missed the entire first part with Midgar’s reactor and Shinra in general then

You're thinking of nazis, fascists didn't give a single shit about any of that and mussolini ate meat and drank wine every day of his life.
Similiar ideologies, but different organizations and leaders.

>love the idea of killing off large swathes of the human race
>comfy meaningful post-apoc setting vs our soulless and life sucking corporate hellscape existence
DESU who doesn't?

Can't wait until driving becomes illegal so I can bike in peace

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correct, most "environmentalist" want to let every third worlders in to the first world and give them American consumer lifestyle for free while they have 15 kids

Midgar and Shinra are such a tiny part of the overall part
People who think FF7 is about environmentalism have never played past Midgar, nothing past that point is in service of an environmental theme.

>Midgar and Shinra are such a tiny part of the overall part
Nigga now you're just flat out coping.

>doing 5mph in the middle of a single lane road with a long line of angry wagies in their self-driving cars trapped behind me for miles

>move your entire industry to China
>blame China for pollution and claim to be innocent
Just Western things.

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No, it wouldn't help. If we halved the population it would bounce back in less than 40 years. sure, during that time we would emit less pollution, but it's just a temporary measure.

>If we halved the population it would bounce back in less than 40 years
Then make sure it doesn't.
Get the hint?

yes shin-ra controls every other location on the map, juno certainly falls in to the mold, but the world is mostly pristine and beautiful,

the exploded reactor is surronded by a lush forest

and what Shinra literally destroys the coal industry

shin-ra is a clean energy company, fight me.

when a n00b filter is removed, the only thing that happens is that more n00bs reach the endgame.
it would only make places more liberal because no barriers anymore

Everything past escaping Midgar is all about Jenova/Sephiroth's trail of mayhem
The immediate threat to the world is caused by an alien lifeform, and not humans
The Shinra directors become slapstick minibosses or begrudging allies
Try playing the game some time

>>the exploded reactor is surronded by a lush forest
>reactor that is functional is surrounded by desert wasteland and a horrendous city
>reactor that is not functional is surrounded by nature
>this is not meaningful

Like allowing abortions? Contraceptives? Banning religion?

>force your billions of people to work for pennies and sell them to the highest bidder
>wonder why for-profit business go for the cheapest option
>call yourself 'the people's party'
just chink things

>muh Chernobyl exclusion zone
>humans have a worse effect on the environment then nuclear fallout

>shooting guns and killing people
>saving the environment
This is how you save the environment in 2020. All hope is lost, it's already too late. Hundreds of millions of climate refugees are going to happen no matter what anyone does. Your children's children are fucked. If you want to mitigate how bad it is going to get, then violence against mega corps and their political stooges is the answer, but that wont happen.
And the game industry is liberal run because conservatives have been too busy sucking saudi dick for the past century.

probably has nothing to do with the overpopulated city where most people live in piles of filth and garbage.

>corel reactor, pristine nature

>fort condor, does not seem to be harming the wild life

>Completely destroy the Coal industry

>retard doesn't understand per capita

>not saving the world by removing every brown person

Your oligarchs' mega factories would still cause the same pollution.

Yes. To save the environment.

>Banning religion?
science already has all the answers like sex is a social construct and intelligence is a measure of white privilege


More like that people that are very religious tend to have more children. Please make proper strawmen at least :/

we are all just biological machines in a pointless world.
also you should really care about the sacredness of life.


So make the best of it and be nice to each other, including the animals, on the celestial body hurtling towards an inevitable doom.

>be nice to each other
>give infinite value to something you know is valueless

>>give infinite value to something you know is valueless

why should anyone be nice to anyone?
their mere existence is a burden
every year execute the bottom 20% along with and any criminal and the world would be a much better place.

If you're naughty Santa wont get you any presents, and someone will bash you over the head with a pipe.

I you honestly can't figure out why people should be nice to each other, it's time to go back to preschool. And when I say nice, i don't mean obnoxious niceness like not calling you out for being a retarded piece of shit, i mean just not raping the planet and making endless seas of plastic.

>we are all just biological machines
We are swarms of biological machines working together to form a multicellular being
robots are just massive artificial single celled organisms

I am my bacteria and they are me.

Not really, tons of them would close down due to drastically reduced demand.

top: soul
bottom: soulless
city bots are disgusting

I think you mean tons more would open up due to the land grab.