Remember when we were ok with BotW having microtransactions in the form of more than 15 items...

Remember when we were ok with BotW having microtransactions in the form of more than 15 items, Epona and Wolf Link locked behind amiibo purchases? We’re usually extremely against that, but I guess we were ok with it.

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id still be okay with it if the fucken joycons didnt drift. fuck the switch.

It's OK when Nintendo does it.

That sounds fucking bad. How do I get Wolf Link of CEMU though?

Fuck this game.


The point of amiibos isn't to gain an advantage in a game, the point is that they're cheap small statues that also service as neat little easter eggs in games too, so they have more purpose than the average collector's item

Amiibos are objectively not microtransactions.

>implying i care about epona
>implying i ever used horses

Attached: Master Cycle.jpg (1280x720, 105.89K)

No, they're microsaction-quality DLC without any of the convenience of either

The way the wolf Link amiibo worked with it getting more hearts in BotW the better you were at the Cave of Trials in TPHD was cool though. Epona being exclusive is annoying though, especially since Zelda's and Ganon's horses are in the base game with sidequests tied to them.

>it's a glorified paperweight so it's not a microtransaction!!!


>"R-remember when w-we-"

I didn't even know these existed. They did not impact my enjoyment of the game, or were even mentioned in-game when I played.

Remember when Yas Forums played video games?

Still can’t get those items or Epona in-game without them though

>amiibo rune literally in-game in the rune menu


It is. Because those items are not necessary. So if you bought them, it's your own fault.

i have never purchased or used any amiibo and i never will. they are literally retard tax

>dude, just get a generic horse instead of the horse tied to the mythos of the character
>dude, who cares that these helmets that would be great rewards for beating divine beasts are amiibo only
>who cares that the green tunics that don’t make you look gay, from past games, are tied to amiibos, there’s already a green tunic in BotW after you beat all of the content and have no reason to play further
>who cares they made a dog companion AI and tied it to amiibo only, you don’t need it

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every thing you said breaks the game lore tho, so they are not really needed in game. They are a plus.

You already have reward to beating the dungeons.

You are simply crying about stuff added

They mostly only play Nintendo toys

I remember when the NintendoGAF here constantly shit on other publishers and developers for having DLC in their games during the years Iwata was still alive

and not to mention the threads using the pic of Iwata's quote where he basically told the shareholders and investors to fuck off about putting DLC in games and making mobile versions of Nintendo IPs

everything but the four divine beast helmets were already in the disc, day ONE. Literally day 1 microtransaction dlc locked on-disc the likes of which we haven’t seen in a long time in AAA games outside of WB / EA.

I also remember that, they also used that pokemon guy quote too about DLC cheapening a game experience or something like it

which Pokemon guy?
is it the same guy that they're hating on now?

I think so, cause I saw people pointing out how he pulled a 180 to justify dlc today, when he was against it in the past

these Nintendo fans are stupid as fuck then and Nintendo will keep exploiting their stupidity to get money

>Yas Forums has general consensus and collectively agree this is what Yas Forums thinks
This is can only happen if it's porn ie. Zelda's ass

Attached: Zelda.jpg (1582x1083, 367.48K)

thats one of the worst render I've ever seen.
The beach is literally polished wooden material

3 years

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no its shit thats why i made my own amiibo cards for it

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Literally describes 90% of microtransactions today.
Just further proof that Nintendies live in their own little bubble and are clueless as to what is outside of it.

>Mario Tennis
>have to buy two games for two consoles (which you had to buy separately), buy a Transfer Pak, all to unlock entirely new characters in the N64 game along with plenty of unique courts, all of which were on the cartridge to begin with
>literally impossible to 100% Animal Crossing without buying a Game Boy Advance-GameCube link cable and a Game Boy Advance

Who is /we/?
Because Yas Forums definitely wasn't all collectively okay with BotW.

this isn't even good bait, you fucking retard

Wow, I guess I should thank Nintendo for locking items behind amiibos!


Right. I buy games, I buy story DLCs, but I don't buy cosmetic garbage / weapon packs / ''keys'' that unlock staff that is obtained through playing the game like you do, and yet, I am clueless and you are not.

Really makes you think.

I forget everything regarding Amiibos and their uses. I have some, but I never use them, because they usually make things easier.

Also Amiibos are hardly micro.

Well I guess it's okay now because it's the same shit but cheaper

Unlike other companies I can see that Nintendo cares

Where is the bait? Do you seriously think what BotW does is half as bad as what Mario Tennis does? Is it okay for Mario Tennis because it's old?

Yes, you are.

>buy nfc tags
>make "amiibos" myself
wow that was hard

I bought a bunch of tags for $10 on Amazon and make fake amiibo with my phone.

Oh, ok. I guess I'll have to buy every Persona 5 costume DLC while it's on sale, and then complain on Yas Forums how shitty and scummy Atlus is. Brb in 15-20 mins.

The problem with this when it comes to BotW is the game already doesn't let you have all of the individual armor pieces in the game at once. So, from a completionist's perspective (the only people who will really care about these helmets) there isn't much benefit since you can't add them to your collection without throwing away other parts of your collection.

>every solution involves buying something

honestly, it’s like you’re losing money if you don’t buy it!

How far do you have to get in the story to trigger the DLC quest for that thing?

Beat all the Divine Beasts afaik

>wtf this isn't fair why is all this content locked behind amiibos?
>wtf this shit locked behind amiibos is worthless garbage and not real content?

Oh. Lame. I was hoping to do a Master mode playthrough and get it early on.

100 tags = $19

Just use a save editor lol.

I was never okay with it. BotW's DLC scheme was fucking awful. Amiibos in general are awful.

Not him but you have to go on settings and turn the amiibo rune on before it appears.

This is preschooler tier logic.
Didn't your parents ever teach you "two wrongs don't make a right"?

I've literally never in my life seen Yas Forums whine about how Mario Tennis did it.

kill yourself please! :)


>Remember when we were ok with BotW having microtransactions in the form of more than 15 items
NO? I honestly don't remember anything like that?