Thoughts on gacha mobile games?

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>tfw have a 2* sharena, alphonse, and anna

I haven't played in over a year but it was fun playing against 5*s in some modes that allow it.

Please play Dragalia Lost.

there for retards


soul-deteriorating garbage, money- and timesink

Literally only good if you're already invested in a series and just want more art etc from them. Otherwise they are totally devoid of any appeal and playing a gacha for a franchise you haven't already spent hundreds of real hours and dollars on is fucking stupid.

I did
I got Pipple

Fucking garbage when they barely give you opportunities to get stuff to summon something you want from an event for free.

gacha = awful game mechanic that ruins any possible balance
mobile games = not inherently bad, but the people who spend money on these games have awful taste so mobile games tend to be awful in order to cater to these people
parts of the game only available for certain small windows of real time = cancer, it's shit game design to lock out much of the content
cute anime girls = VERY GOOD

He still won't come home... Fak dis gay gaem

Been playing this every now and again but trying to summon NEW fighters in this game is a absolute joke.

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How they're handling new characters released in global is pretty terrible too.

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It's okay as long as they use gacha money to make real games like azur lane, gbf and shironeko

The only gacha that had gameplay I liked was shut down so the whole genre can rot in hell

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They are the one of if not the most disgusting pieces of shit ever made by mankind

I still play fire emblem heroes tho, I like to collect waifus and I hope they'll add Petrine one day

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Dokkan Battle is pretty fun, and theres no point in spending money since youll get shafted anyway.

The only gacha I like is DBZ Dokkan Battle. It only gets more and more F2P friendly all the time you know.

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Girls Frontline is pretty good. Ranked maps are very enjoyable, though they are unfortunately not very often.

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afk arena is alright

believe it or not, mobile gacha games tend to live longer than pc/console gacha.
>hence (pic related will die soon, year or two from now)

with that said, gacha games if they are too popular or not too popular will die abruptly too.
>too popular
gacha game version 2 announced
>not popular
servers stops and all that money is used in other game funding.

reasons why i just cant fathom people spending 1-10k US dollars for min maxing stats or just a bit of fashion / accessories.
i used to "get it" when people used to buy accounts for thousands of dollars, but that was for hardcore MMOs. now, the line between gamble addiction and gacha gamers gets really blurry.

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When done right, it can be alright. When done absolutely fucking wrong, it's incredibly blatant that it's a cash-in and nothing more.
>OP related
>Mario Kart

I play pic related but I don't know if I'd call it a gacha since the focus is much more on trading and collecting units than using them to fight in a game

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I'm enjoying DQS

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I like em.

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Did that new Taimanin game flop already?

It depends heavily on the game. FEH's rolling system is FGO-tier jewery so stay clear of it.

I've been playing arknights because i always enjoyed tower defense, it's pretty decent and the girls are cute

I tried that shitty game, thinking is like it since it is fire emblem.
I realized how fucking gay you faggots really are for pushing these games.
Absolute pay to win, grind your life away rng loot boxes cancer.
How is this even a thing that's popular?

Based Arknightbro.

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bad. and the people who "play" them are the lowest common denominator of life

I don't mind gacha. I mind when it gives people i know a 1.50% drop rate OP character in their first ever x10 while in 2 weeks i either get shit or the same crappy 4.50% drop rate character that i don't even use SIX FUCKING TIMES

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I like the characters of all kinds of gacha but I haven't much enjoyed the gameplay of any of the games I tried. Everything is too grindy for my tastes apart from dislike of gacha. Hat's off to you for liking them.

based? Dude the game is trash the only reason it's "popular" is they're spending millions on ads.

They're shit. Play it only for the story or it will destroy your very soul with cancerous gacha mechanic.

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>Absolute pay to win
>filtered so much he thinks he needs to pay to win
Console babs have been playing ezmode so much they have never tasted victory when the odds are literally stacked against them.

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Never played FE, don't care

Stupid ripoff bullshit meant to bilk gullible exploitable idiots. And no matter the gacha it isn't worth play and is probably garbage. Unless it's called Destiny Child, then it's good

some are fun to play while others are fap addicts traps

They were made for gentlemen with a stable career and good taste

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My ignis is being so big.

If you play gacha games and enjoy them, DO NOT support the company that made the game, as their shitty mobile lootbox practices are constantly seeping into other spheres of gaming. Please, stay F2P and do not paypig.

As long as the F2P experience is fun, who cares that a few retards blow way too much money on it in order to get a stiffy?
Now, I haven't "played" the FE gacha, so I don't know how it pans out for that.

No. Will pay for cosmetics. You can deal with the tranny ugly games yourself. Western games are ugly trash and it really needs a market crash.

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They can have a certain appeal if they are from a series you like or Pandering to your Fetish, the main issue is people taking them too seriously with minmaxing and spending WAAY too much money and/or effort on them, both defending with MY GACHA IS NOT LIKE THE OTHER GACHA IT IS GENEROUS AND YOU CAN PLAY WITH THE FREE STUFF and simultaneously howling about MUST HAVE units, you can see that right now with FGO and every sod drooling over Skadi and before that with Merlin, but other games have had their equivalents.

To clarify, i actually find the "Start" of most Gachas to be pretty fun, when the player has nothing and has to make do without a full portfolio of purposefully overpowered super rare meta-defining stuff.

Well, in FGO's case, most of those SSRs are actually good units, only the tards make it seem that, for example Skadi, is the next best thing since sliced bread and you ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE HER, SPEND ALL YOUR MONEY. Truth is, you'll be fine with that Waver you got a year ago, you'll still clear content with welfares and whatever SSR spooked you once or twice. The. Game. Is. Fucking. Easy.

fuck you

waver and merlin are fucking exception shit that won't go away and will be good in almost any situation.

im enjoying langrisser more than FEH

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What are some good gacha games?
I like action games.

dropped it when they announced the subscription service.

you're still gonna ___ ________ when durandal's banner drops. See you in /hig/

They're only half decent if they're not Japanese.

Massive scam

You are objectively wasting your time and money if you are judging it on the basis of being a game

I don't have any of the 3 currently available Gold meta support Casters. Ask me how I feel about rolling everything towards Skadi.

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>look forward to a new digimon game
>it's a shitty gacha game that's not even fun

this is why we can't have nice things

Name some good gacha, faggots


Honkers impact

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Dragon Quest Stars