Does sex actually sell games?

Does sex actually sell games?

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it sells keychains

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>Does sex actually sell games?

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You can have a cute girl and a good game. Dumb faggots.

I dunno. Did Totori's game sell well?

fact: if the protag was a guy and you could bone reisalin and the other girls, it would have easily sold a million copies

Yes we can but people buy some hot ass and get all the other stuff as bonus.

Yes. As long as there's incels. Sex will sell


You are limited to
>with functioning sex drive
>who aren't ashamed of others saying "EWWWW are you a girl fetishist? Gross!"
This is why these games sell 15k copies while Last of Us sells 15 million

But can you have a good game without cute girls?

Not necessarily, but if marketing works and luck is on devs side it certainly helps. Nier Automata is a good example, it succeeded due to perfect storm of hype and word of mouth, and hot girl protagonist was just the cherry on the top.

There are much more examples of games marketed with hot girls tanking.

Yes, maybe if you are underage/incel/low self confidence. Otherwise you drop games that aren't good/engaging pretty fast.

Is that the one with yuri?

it only helps 6-7/10 games, make em seem better than what they are.

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The issue is those people tend not to have that much disposable income and are more likely to pirate games

who said it was bad

4 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 5

Well, I stopped buying ateliers the second they decided to focus on mindless pandering over gameplay(sophie was my last one and couldn't even finish it)
So no, doesn't help at all, at least in my case

YES. Sex actually sells. But games who sell based on sex live on a limbo:

>they will always make a reasonable amount of money
>they will never make as much as family friendly blockbuster content

There are good sides on making sexually charged games, as you will always have a faithful crowd. unlike safe content, that when it fails, it will fails hard. You just need to choose your crowd, and realize that there's no such thing as an "universal product". I'm a coomer myself and I don't consume PG content don't matter how much shaming tactics you use, while there are people that wouldn't touch sexualized games with a ten foot pole.

A diverse market doesn't mean that every game is now dull, safe, and full of niggers and mentally ill aberrations, but that there is a big variety of products catering to different crowds, and everyone get their targeted products.

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>all these Atelier threads
Are they on sale or something?

>family friendly blockbuster content
GTAV is one of the best-selling games ever made.

Yes, at least in Steam.

Bro, I didn't even knew what the fuck was Nier about before Automata. To me it was just "that RPG that have different protagonists depending on the version", and Drakengard was just "the PS2 shitty musou that turned into a generic jrpg on the third installment"

I bought Automata day one for two reasons
>Platinum logo on the cover
>2B was a cutie
And that was basically it. And I didn't regret a shit, the game was fantastic. Will I play the older games? Hell no. But Automata was great.

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GTAV doesn't have sexy lolis so it's pretty much a family game.

>tfw want to fap to ryza but there's no good doujins

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Don't you dare post more sick fuck

It works on spics and mouth-breathers

Yes, but only because dumb coomers are easily persuaded to buy garbage games like Atelier so devs don't have to put effort into making them.

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why are these anime games so fucking expensive
best discount is like 30% every time for a 5 year old game

You sound like a fag.

I like Ryza. I like the graphics. I like the two traveling "outsiders" who help Ryza. I like the alchemy system.

I fucking hate the combat system. I fucking hate the other NPCs. I fucking hate the story. Despite Ryza being cute, I couldn't bring myself to finish the game.

You know westerners don't see violence as an issue unless you start getting into Gore territory, right? The problem in here is only sex. A mother could see her son playing GTA and she would only get pissed if suddenly the kid solicited a hooker.

What is your problem with cute girls?

This shit is SFW, so there's no problem

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Never buy a game with your dick if you actually have standards for games.

Nips don't believe in discounts and lowering prices on almost anything.

What are some actually good H-games?
Preferably ones where you get to beat up and rape girls like in the Op picture.

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are you expecting fifty percent off in half a year or something? thirty percent off for a brand new game that came out in 2015 sounds like a deal to me outside of stealing it (or pirating).


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>I fucking hate the story
Three thousand Atelier games, and you still didn't realize these games are just Slice of Life anime in JRPG format, they are not about "saving the world", just about fucking around. The story is not really meant to go anywhere.

Also, Atelier Annie > Everything else.

she is short and has big tits i know about 5 artist that specialize about this and not one of them jumped on it

Do you think we need more video games that feature sex with cute girls of low height (commonly known as "lolis")?

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>Nier Automata (niche franchise goes mainstream)
>Xenoblade 2 (biggest financial success in franchise history)
>Code Vein (sold on being Dark Souls with anime tits)
>Dragon Quest 11 (franchise has always tried to pull in the waifufag crowd)
>Fire Emblem (almost dead, revived by waifubait)
We have numerous examples over just the past five years, and countless more if you're willing to go back and/or look at multiplayer games that still have a large playbase (like League). Remember that these examples come out of a time where most of the industry is trying to shove ugly women down our throats. They're not just the couple swings at bat out of hundreds that happened to hit home runs.

>with functioning sex drive
>who aren't ashamed of others saying "EWWWW are you a girl fetishist? Gross!"
So basically, every man who votes Republican and plays videogames? Go outside. Normalfags are still dudebros who like sex and violence. And I live in the pacific northwest. People fucking hate the SJWs.

I figure that the number of people who are willing to repeatedly buy shitty games for the girls sits at around 150k. Also, you have to remember that most of the games that you're probably thinking of were made to turn a profit at 50k or less. Lastly, keeping in mind the budget, the number of good games that lost money due lack of attention is much higher than the number of waifufag-pandering games with decent graphics and appealing art that lost money due to lack of interest. I actually can't think of a major bomb that fits the latter's description.

The real question is, if you have a competently made game, how effective are hot girls going to be at drawing people to it? I'd say that all signs point to "pretty damn effective".

It's only tecmo

IS games for instance go on sale all the day

sex sells anything

Why was Xenoblade 2 and Code Vein so bad bros?

>buying shitty games that intentionally try to use your primal urges to manipulate you into playing them
Imagine being so weak willed.

Eh, they were okay.

Lolis are the peak of femininity.

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>This is why these games sell 15k copies while Last of Us sells 15 million

Don't pretend that people weren't drawn to it because of Ellie. I'm not saying most of the buyers want to fuck her, but cute girls always work.

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Are you going to post more sex?

>Dragon Quest 11 (franchise has always tried to pull in the waifufag crowd)
It's very wholesome game
>Fire Emblem (almost dead, revived by waifubait)
That's actually a lie spotted by newfags
Series focused on waifus long before awakening
During tellius years situation was so bad, that we ONLY had waifu threads for games

>tfw I splurged on the entire Steam library of this series
Haha which game is first? There are arcs, right? Excited to finally jump into the series

Men who vote Republican have no foreskin and cant get aroused

Rorona, Ayesha, Sophie, Ryza are the first ones in each subseries.

Ok Karen

>It's very wholesome game
With lewd outfits.

>That's actually a lie spotted by newfags
>Series focused on waifus long before awakening
You didn't have half-naked dragon girls and dancers running around, and you also didn't have the 00s/10s artstyle, which is basically made to be arousing. They brought the waifufags in and saved the series.

Apparently not, considering the sales.

Alright, thanks user, I'll see if I can play one over the weekend. Heard there's a timelimit? Is it constantly ticking or is it a time limit like say, Persona where you get certain time slots per day?

1s got that tummy also a gymnast

>find ryza doujin
>has all the fetishes i hate
fuck man.......

Time advances when you switch between areas, gather, craft, or sleep. They become pretty irrelevant starting with the Dusk trilogy.

>You didn't have
You had stalkers for boys
Girls touching lord's crotch
And very obviously pandering for waifufags
So no
Awakening sold well because they finally got rid of retarded stories and fixed retarded ai that made all maps boring and soulless, waifus were a bonus
When series had only waifus it sold like shit, RD as great example

i like this pic

>trying to rewrite history so that you can say that sex doesn't sell
Showing skin and having girls that people find attractive are rules #1 and #2 for sex appeal.