What are the odds this is actually good? There are so few vampire games and the rare ones there are usually suck...

What are the odds this is actually good? There are so few vampire games and the rare ones there are usually suck. I know it's a current Western game, so there will be some dumb shit alongside of it, but can it be an actual good game?

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I'm not sure, it looked really really rough and it was clear that it wasn't going to hit its original release date. They have so much they need to fix, animations, models, combat, environment, i'm not sure they can really do all of it in the time frame they have. However, they did say it was """"""""""""""""""""""pre-alpha"""""""""""""""""" at E3 so possibly. They are probably discouraged because of how people tore into it which is why we haven't seen jack shit about a new build since then.

I hope it's good but it looks like it's gonna be just some cash grab.

a tudi fruti
awe rudi

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>What are the odds this is actually good?

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It still says a 2020 release, but like you said, there's so much to work on, I doubt it'll be out this year. If they can fix all that we saw wrong, then I'm fine with taking their time, but they have so much to live up to with its predecessor. I really want a good vampire game and that Vampyr game, while having some interesting things, just fell flat.

I feel you user, i love the original so much i actually got into the table top game with my friends. However, this is a big undertaking for Paradox. Paradox made it clear that they want to actually profit off of WoD as evident of fundings of new books, the tons of new video games, (like seriously, we are getting like 4 new vampire games in the coming years already including 2 actual RPGs, one being bloodlines and a new werewolf game), and other shit. So you can look at it as Bloodlines needs to be good to get the customer's confidence so they will work harder on it but i'm not sure. Like you, i think they will also delay it to 2021.

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Yeah, Paradox also known for being incredibly Jewy with DLC.

Where to?

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I think the gameplay and technical aspect is guaranteed to be a fucking mess, but the writing and overall vibe will likely be good enough to make it a cult classic like the original

To the Islamic-communist gay parade.

> Pozzd faggots an LGBT propaganda

Its a game about god damn vampires and you're upset about gay people in it

Yes. Gay "people" don't belong anywhere.

Vampires have always been a queer allegory man, maybe this game is just not for you

I think it will be fine. it will have all of the flaws of the first game and the parts it doesnt have flaws in will be placed elsewhere. its only a matter if that effects the game badly or not.

Just give me a good story, atmosphere and replayability and I will be happy. I dont give a shit about the combat since it was awful in the first game anyways and that is the only thing I have seen that was actually bad from the demo videos.

I actually liked what they showed, I mean the design and atmosphere
if they add character animations and finish enemy AI I think it’ll be a solid game

That's a projection if I ever heard one. Vampires are an allegory to the social outsider/ emotional parasite. The whole "alluring" aspect of them was a compromise to make them a marketable villainous archtype.

The only thing I am worried that wont be in the game is good goth/punk/metal/whateverywanttocallit music since its current era. At least we know they are using a lot of unused music from the first game though.

They are an allegory to many things and homos arent even in the top 5

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>The only thing I am worried that wont be in the game is good goth/punk/metal/whateverywanttocallit music since its current era.
Ha. Pretty much the same. Bloodlines was tied so hard to 00's culture, that it may just feel wrong in modern day setting.
But it's always about compromise between making 30 y.o. ex-goth kids happy and attracting new generation. Hope they'll find some kind of good compromise here. The game will definitely lose a lot of it's charm without some 00's goth shit.

>What are the odds this is actually good?

Nonexistent. Best case scenario is that it's just not totally unplayable.

It'll probably be solid but Yas Forums won't like it because of its controversial political opinions like gay people existing and being in the game. At the very least it'll be better than the first from a gameplay standpoint because that is literally the bare minimum accomplishment for it to achieve.

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>Dracula, the lord of a small nation who is known for seducing women and turning them into his concubines is totally an allegory for gay people not fitting in

LITERALLY NO FICTION OR MEDIA HAS EVER BEEN A GAY ALLEGORY. EVER. This is something faggots read into things after the fact because they desperately need to be validated.

>Kindred safe space

Anne Rice vampires have the gay

Anne Rice wrote erotica.

What does this even mean, who fucking cares? WW has always been left as fuck, even the first game was pretty left-leaning.

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Don't be retarded, vampires have always been pretty fucking gay, if not overtly then they act extremely flamboyant. Fuck, half the reason people found Dracula scary back when that book came out was because he was a rich, foreign
>sexual deviant

The allegory is to rape, not to buttsex, faggot. Everything in the universe is not about fucking buttsex

since there was no music in the gameplay footage they showed (not even in the disco iirc) we don’t know what kind of soundtrack they are planning to smash together

What is he dancing to Yas Forums?

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you're blind and stupid if you honestly think there aren't at least some queer themes that come with vampire fiction, honestly. Just because you're uncomfortable about th-th-the gays doesn't mean it's not there

>Anne Rice
is she who wrote Interview with the vampire? I read in her universe literally all the vampires are gay

Dragostea Din Tei

Yeah exactly, that screen cap literally proves my point. Literally the only thing wrong here is the bit about not abusing humans in game, considering the constant comparisons of humans to cattle in V:tM. Regardless, these aren't rules, you're more than welcome to disregard them.

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It's made by parajews, meaning it'll be total crap until they dump 20+ dlcs on it and then it'll be ok at best

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If VTMB was released today you'd hate it to fit in on Yas Forums. Vampires were never ""trad"" and neither are you.

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Idk it will be interesting to see what they come up with. Would be nice to have new material to listen too.

shut the fuck up tranny

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idk why you post V5 screencaps like the clan baali book doesn't open with gay pedophile sex that ends with bugs crawling up a man's urethra. WoD's always been fucking weird, but nobody on Yas Forums actually plays the games aside from Bloodlines though so who cares

Let's just say that I hope that they all were some goth girls 15 years ago and they know what are they doing (instead of just showing trendy shit into the game for some internet points on twatter)

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Also I have to admit that male objectification on her insta is 100% problematic!

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read carmilla (which predates dracula)

Can the mods just delete this thread? It's nothing but butthurt sjws crying that no one is going to buy a shitty game.

This one is actually pretty funny desu

>idk why you post V5 screencaps like the clan baali book doesn't open with gay pedophile sex that ends with bugs crawling up a man's urethra.

It's almost like Baali were designated card-carrying NPC villains, and their clanbook was printed under the Black Dog brand, specifically reserved for gross-out content.

virtue signalling fest, they even said it during the development, so that's a no from me.

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everything is gay if you're fag enough.

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it's clearly some emo gothic fagotry

Don't you Rudiposters have anything new? Isn't V5 at least 300 pages? At least post something new or funny. It's been like 6 months and its the same 6 images being posted every time.

they need to address the combat
that's literally it, otherwise i think it'll be great desu

>Bloodlines was tied so hard to 00's culture, that it may just feel wrong in modern day setting.
A lot of people were already unhappy with the borderline disco club they showed in the gameplay demo. Neon lights and disco balls don't really scream vampire to me. And somehow it ends up feeling more outdated than goth stuff in some ways.

desu it would be fun to have some kind of setting in the sphere of ballad of gay toni where Vampires exploit the degenerate gay underground club scene to feed on people and further their own goals by blackmailing gay politicians and celebrities.