There are a number of bad Switch ports, but what are the absolute worst ones?

There are a number of bad Switch ports, but what are the absolute worst ones?

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Daemon x Machina

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It would unironically be easier to count the ones that aren't shit.

Nobody ever discusses anything positive on Yas Forums.
If I really wanted (You)s I would've started this thread with an immense monologue about how it's holding the industry back or some shit.

literal ps1 textures

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How bad is the Switch port anyway? My assumption is that it's unplayable since the online literally doesn't work.

OP said ports.
Ark. It's almost as bad as Path of Exile on PS4.

The real problem is switch owners are literal manchildren

That wwe game that could barely run on the console.

I would say which one, but theyre all bad now

Smash Ultimate

The truly bad one is Dragon Quest Heroes I and II, to the point of not releasing west. I do think Switch porting has gotten a lot better since its first year (development too) with its Xenoblade 2s and all that stuff.

I'm not sure what you're getting at but not every switch port is bad. It's just that most are.

Daemon x Machina IS a port. It was designed for PC and more powerful consoles in mind, but released first on Switch.
look at this trash

the Hollow Knight port has a dickload of input lag and is seriously infuriating because of it

I’ve been lucky with the ports I have bought, But katamaris switch motion controls were so fucking janky and awful because there was no way to sync or reset so they were always off kilter based off where the joycons were when you started the game. Or I think level.

Factually false, thats not how game development works

I haven't bought a port that's bad either. On the other hand, I don't really give a shit about AAA studios and wannabes' pet projects for optimization, who really wants to play shit like Mortal Kombat 11 on a portable? So maybe I'm filtering out bad ports by that.

Between that shit and the delayed DLC releases, I’m glad I chose the weeb shit with FighterZ. The matchmaking and frame delays aren’t much worse than PS4.

>It was designed for PC and more powerful consoles in mind
Where are these versions at then?

>literal ps1 load times the game

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Not that user but

I own the switch version and even like it. I’m absolutely rebuying on PC.

That's not a bad port. It runs equally bad everywhere, just a total shitshow.

I know its already on Steam, every game is made on a PC
Where are said console versions at?

Isn’t that just a bad game user?

That's unfortunate. I had it on my wish list for close to a year before it finally went on sale and it's practically unplayable.

It's also pretty badly designed and written. I really wanted to like it and even finished it, but it's just a very lousy game. A waste of cute designs.

I'm surprised they even got it to run at all, both the PS4 and xbone ports are absolute garbage as well

The Resident Evil ports are overpriced. Also specifically 5 and 6 are so poorly optimized they ruin the 1 thing they had going for them, the multiplayer. It runs at less than 20 FPS

Oh so you just cherry-picked.

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i mean he did say other consoles

Planescape Torment. The port is LITERALLY unplayable.

I've had so many crippling save glitches, text-related glitches, graphical glitches, and all kinds of garbage. My save died around the time you fight Ignus. The cutscene was glitching the fuck out and it kept crashing the game no matter how many times I reloaded or started.

Seriously, it's fucking amazing how bad this port is. I guess it's my fault for buying a console port for a PC game.

DMC2 for the sole fact its DMC2 and Capcom wants actual money for it

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haha epic dmc2 bad I ipvote you good sir

hello Capcom intern

Literally not true.

Singleplayer runs like shit too, it's full of jitter and slowdowns. I don't know how they fucked it up so badly considering MT framework runs well on even the 3DS. It's not even like they bumped visuals, RE5 looks worse than on 360 for some reason.

>when it was designed first and foremost for the switch

The Payday 2 port that everyone on earth immediately forgot existed after it released

There are many bad ports, but so far none of them have been as bad as Borderlands 2 on the Vita.

N64 desu. PlayStation textures wouldn't that compressed.

>only kept track of it because Joy was a delayed release on PC
>character deck and guns blew ass anyway

Surprised no one mentioned Bloodstained yet...
Port was so bad they spent all the money trying to fix it.
To the point that we won't get the new modes.

I find it funny people still try to blame the system itself for the shit performance fault despite it being a 2.5D game, and anyone with a brain could tell you a game constantly crashing is the dev's fault

Don't think anyone has mentioned it but fortnite runs like shit on the switch too. It's actually kind of funny because everyone refers to the switch as a port machine but so many ports run like shit because most devs don't care enough to optimize for this platform because you guys will buy anything regardless of quality

I bought it for cheap a couple of weeks ago and I'm pretty glad for how active it community on the Switch is.

The initial version of Fortnite ran like total shit on Switch, but I did try it out of curiosity when they launched the new map and it was shockingly smoother.

I would say blame unreal engine. Since that engine has trouble running on the switch, a ton of unreal engine games have trouble.
So that means switch is partly to blame, since optimizing for it actually takes a lot of effort and skill.


Oh yeah it's definetly smoother than before but that's only because it was an absolute nightmare before. It's "playable" now but still runs like ass. Sub 30 fps for a shooter is crazy bad.

UE4 has problems running on all consoles, its a shit engine to optimize for

Not a failure on the port aspect, but I will continue to relentlessly shit on the DQ 3 mobile port that's come to PS4 and Switch. Cut the cool battle animations, spritework looks it was a fangame, it just looks like dogshit on all platforms.

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>many bad ports, but what are the absolute worst ones

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?? Doom is like one of the only good ports on the switch. It runs pretty well and doesn't even look that much worse than the ps4 version

>Since that engine has trouble running on the switch
No it doesn't. It doesn't have trouble running because of the system, it has trouble running because its a shit engine.

UE4 and Unity are meme engines

>runs pretty well
>not much worse then an already dogshit looking version

It has a handful of arcade mode maps that run bad. Nothing compared to utterly broken garbage like WWE2K19. Hell they even managed to fix the annoying screen tear from the PS4 (and Xbone?) version.

Tons of games proves you wrong, most recent example is FF7 Remake.

i beat doom on the switch and i had to squint to see the text, the port is pretty bad m8, still fun though

portables with shitty hardware and controls shouldn't have ports of modern first person shooters, its a fucking abomination

>looks nice but runs like shit
Thats UE4 in a nutshell

I can't to see people defend Doom Eternal on the switch, i mean why else would they delay the game without a release date for the switch.

But Switch is the best way to play console Doom because of gyro.
inb4 user sucks at gyro aiming

Jump Force invalidates all of those

You mean the text in the datalogs? Really? I read it pretty easily. I guess it might depend on your screen though.
I mean it wasn't amazing but it ran well enough for me to not even notice any drops if there were any.

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It still sucks because it runs lower than 30fps on switch, even ps4 and Xbox can run it 60fps.
>inb4 fps don't matter
Thanks, you just proved yourself as having shit for brains.

>consoles with shitty hardware and controls shouldn't have ports of modern first person shooters, its a fucking abomination
Fixed it for you, much better now.

Are you white?

PS4 also has screen tear and the worst controller this gen, dunno about the Xbone version but it's not like anyone owns an Xbox anyway.

They only bothered releasing one on Switch.

Also, MK11 requires an online connection. On a handheld hybrid.

IIRC the Switch version was the only one that DIDN'T require a connection

Maybe that was changed after launch, but it definitely required one at launch as a result of that definitely-not-lootcrate game mode with all the chests.

I think they pestered you for one but patched it out at some point. Similar to either Doom or Doom II not letting you play without a Bethesda account, which they also patched out.

wait they didn't patch that shit?