Yas Forums, I sincerely hope that you will find someone who can love you as much as Kojima loves himself

Yas Forums, I sincerely hope that you will find someone who can love you as much as Kojima loves himself.

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And that is how I met your mother


hes alright

You don't get far in that side of the industry unless you constantly hype yourself up. At the end of the day Kojima is the only man who can call himself a AAA Autuer game developer.

He invented camera!

I still can't believe Kojima created video games, Jesus and pizza.

I can’t believe that Kojima created eyesight to be able to see his work

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molyneux and jon blow seething

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Your meds, take them.

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I want Kojima to die a horrible, painful, slow death.

Hidetaka Miyazaki did it with all the humbleness in the world. Kojimjim BTFO.

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We are covered

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he actually almost compared himself to a god here

ok now prove kojima wrote that and not one of his underlings

don't worry Hideo's got his number

based mental illness general, dont forget to take your meds bros, the hallucinations of Kojima might be getting too real

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Do you think that Hideo has the guts to kill Kojima?

The man invented the cardboard box.
Give him some credit.

Sucks to be you user

the virgin western nameless game dev easily replaced by another socal clone vs the chad nipponjin AAA auteur

What a fraud

I'm unironically infected


Get well soon
If it's even possible

I'm more worried about my pets, seems there is some strad that can affect animals.

Its almost like he made a museum for himself.

why are so many people here obsessed with pretending that Kojima praises himself?

you are literally just making up reasons for yourself just so you can hate him, and you hate him because you fall for your own manipulative bullshit

kojima never openly praised himself, you obsessed fucks are just twisting his words and bad english to pretend he does this Or post shit that wasn't even said by him and pretend that it was, just so casual onlookers and literal retards might fall for it and join your one sided circlejerk


Death Stranding came out earlier than expected.


Hey remember how literally every mission in MGS V had a credits sequence at the beginning?

>pretending that Kojima praises himself?
you mean like when everyone pretended that he claimed to have invented a new genre, then backpedaled when people called him retarded?

or maybe it was when everyone pretended that he insisted DS was too cerebral a game for Westerners to understand, despite the fact that he hired Hollywood actors to reign in normies?

surely that was all a farce in the heads of deluded retards

This is a cool quote, self fellation aside.

This is garbage.

The Hack Fraudman fans seething in the reviews and forums are pretty funny.

>Reviewers saying "THIS ISN'T FUCKING FUNNY >:("
>Other reviews just say "If you don't like it your brain simply isn't big enough"
God I love justice

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That just made me realize something, is Kojima married?

Divorced IIRC. Has a son that hates his games.


>kojima doesnt praises himself
>kojima is God from peace walker

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This retard is the closest thing Snoys have to Miyamoto

This actually hurt to watch.
That poor man must be so tired, putting himself on a pedestal over and over, and building a higher one every time.

what are the symptoms? Is it as bad as Yas Forumstards say?

Yas Forumsirgins mad because everyone here is a loser with no confidence who hates himself.

Yeah, and I also remember how he credited several people and not just himself, and that he did it because he wanted MGSV to feel like a TV show.
In fact, I think he only credited himself in the story related missions.

To be fair, Kojima of all people must know that it took people like 15 years to understand MGS2 even though it was simple as fuck.
In fact, you needed Youtubers to tell you, that's why all of you now go

And even worse when people here praised MGS3's Call of Duty-tier plot.

>his son prefers Nintendo games

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He's not divorced, and his son doesn't hate his games, it's just that he only plays portable consoles.
In fact, Kojima made Peace Walker on the PSP just for his son, and the Monster Hunter crossover was made because that's the game he played the most in it.
He also wanted to make Ground Zeroes (when it was a smaller scale sequel to PW, and not MGSV) a Vita game because his son liked PW.

fuck off, Miyazaki ruined Armored Core

>people taking pictures of games as if it was a cinemagrid
Absolute cancer, fuck off to Yas Forums

I mean what else is he gonna call his own game? Shit?
The classic hideo is a bit too far up his own ass but I still can't tell if it's balls to the walls narcissism with him or lost in translation.

Feels like the flu on steroids, plus abdominal pain. At least for me. The real problems come if you have other medical issues, so old people is pretty fucked

HAHAHA. You gotta love how unapologetic he is about giving himself a pat on the back

are you hospitalized or self quarantined?



I'm at home. To be honest it's pretty comfy, until I have to sleep since my throat is killing me at night.

Is this what happens when you give an ideas man a studio?

>This is a cool quote, self fellation aside.

And he only does more of it. Half of MGS5GZ side-missions feature his stupid ass face.