Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Shoot mans 2019, how will Treyarch even COMPETE this year? How?

Asking you with tears in my eyes, Yas Forums, HOW?!

This shit is getting Battle Royale get HYyyyYYYYyHHHHYyyype

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They aren't.

It's Sledgehammer's turn this year.

>It's Sledgehammer's turn this year.
Oh no, you're not serious?

I hope Warzone actually releases.
I tried out Blackout when it was free and it was the most fun BR I played, but IWs engine is so much better than Treyarchs and Sledgehammers.
I'm not even that much of a fun of BRs, but if it's actually free to play then I'll have something to play with my friends.

>he doesn't know

I thought about buying this game and plugging in a 360 controller to play with all the console shitters but then I saw the filesize is like 150GB. How the fuck can a game like this be more than 10-15GB max?

I actually really like this game, it's my favorite CoD since MW3, probably.
>Ground War
>Battle Royale incoming
>no microtransactions
>greatest gun customization in history

Sure, some of the maps blow but I'm pretty happy, I hope they won't take forever to release Warzone.

It's a huge fucking game, user, it's got a bigass campaign, a fuckton of multiplayer shit, assets out the ass, audio out the ass, they're constantly pumping out shit too.

The other day they did rearrange data to make it smaller, because if they keep on this trend this game will be 250GB by December.

>Sure, some of the maps blow but I'm pretty happy
That's the thing though, if maps are free, and they suck, then it's not nearly as big of a deal then when you had to pay for the fucking things like the old DLC model.

Why the fuck is ancient shit like Blops 3 still charging for DLC maps? Who the fuck buys that shit?

>no microtransactions
What do you think the ingame store is?

>greatest gun customization in history

Well yeah, you're right, the store does count. I meant lootboxes. I'm just really glad the maps and new weapons are free.

Honestly couldn't give a fuck cosmetics are for retards, this model is perfect, I hope they stick to it from here on out.

Activision has still not revealed who is making 2020 COD, what the fuck is going on?

Any bets on how wonky Warzone is going to be when it drops? Ground War at launch needed tons of work and it seems like the game is only now really getting into its stride as far as seamless-ness and squashing bugs (like camo kill counters not working or challenges refusing to progress.)

I’m very hopeful but without even so much as a beta released I’m kind of worried that it’ll be unplayable for the first couple weeks until they adapt to whatever the community finds to break.

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I just don't like that there are only 2 guns where it doesn't feel like you're gimping yourself if you don't choose. M4 and MP5 are just way better than everything else.

You DID get your own Tomogunchi in-game watch, right Yas Forums?

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They're revealing it with the PS5

oh shit yeah that makes sense, Activision did say in an earnings call recently that they don't expect the same success as MW, whatever that means.

Apparently it was made by Sledgehammer and Raven, but there was a huge fallout between them because of "creative differences" and Treyarch had to step in Q2 last year to fix.

Well these devs aren't DICE so I'm sure shit will actually get fixed.

That's just in your head, or some bullshit meta you read about online, just play the fucking guns you like, don't be a tryhard loser.

You can't stomp with all weapons, the time to kill in this game is so small going from whatever split of second with the M4 to whatever split second with any other weapon isn't that big of a change. And the game's weapon options are so orgasmic you're a literal faggot if you only use those two. AK-47, AUG and Kar-98 master race.

I don't expect anything from Treyarch anymore.
Both BO3 and BO4 were trash. In fact Xbone version of BO4 had lower minimum resolution than the last minute PS360 port of BO3.
BO3 and BO4 are yet another examples that more development time doesn't equal to increased game quality, when they have less content than games made in 2 years or less.

But on the other side, new Modern Warfare still have trash spawns and the only good maps are ported from old games.

lmao bo3/4 were awesome keep seething and have sex you weirdo

>micro grinding
>every match unlock something new too keep the zoomers happy

>train go boom XD being the only even remotely memorable part of game
>basically clunky and small scale Titanfall wannabe
>jewed so hard on the paid unironical pay 2 win weapons and microtransactions, they had to completely remade the monetisation plan for new Modern Warfare, because it got that bad rep
>more Overwatch hero bullshittery
>no even a campaign

True, I will give them credit, I love seeing weekly updates and they have made significant progress from launch. I’m excited to see what they put out, I guess I just don’t want to get my hopes up too high

Holy fucking shit.

"At the same time, the battle royale mode will reportedly be released as a free standalone game, which will give players the option to upgrade to the full Modern Warfare."

Gotta agree with everything you said
After playing a few matches on some of the shitty maps, I uninstalled and haven't touched the game since

Fuck the camping + map design

>how will Treyarch even COMPETE this year?
Treyarch games have more soul and are actually FUN. BO4 was a dumpster fire with the monetization and unbalanced specialists bullshit but at least it doesn't feel slow like ultra realistic call of battlefield simulator we got a couple months ago. Also Zombies > Spec ops any day. Hell I'd even be playing BO3 full time over MW if it wasn't for the low player count
>Battle Royale get HYyyyYYYYyHHHHYyyype
Unironically kill yourself. Fuck this dead genre.

Sledgehammer and Raven are fucking terrible cod developers so Treyarch are coming in and leading the development. Activision always announced who is developing the current years cod at their investors call and they didn't, which proves the rumors.

90% of people quit blackout for apex for a reason

I really like this idea:
"Death doesn't count you out of a match entirely and instead puts you into a "Gulag" where you'll fight 1v1 against another player to return to the match"

>Fuck the camping + map design
Not only this but the game somehow has even worse spawns than Ghosts or MW3. The fucked mini map, and super fast TTK promote this shitty "tiptoe" like gameplay and sweaty mentality.

i think this is one of the first cods where i straight up got so bored i stopped playing. i stop playing other cods due to other games being released, this one i straight up got too tired of it and stopped cold turkey and went back to older games

Why user? What changes would you like to see which will get you back into the action?

>BO4 was a dumpster fire with the monetization
At least we know now that they're pretty much done with loot boxes. Even Treyarch tweeted how this change will effect their next game. Black Ops 5 will be their redemption arc mark my words

Haven't played in a while. Just wished there were some different palettes. Everything is either green or brown. Too old to spot an enemy and react to shoot it

Not that guy, but the gun customisation is extensive, you can turn LMGs (the mg34 at least) into run-n-gun monsters with shortened barrels and no stock, and a good number of the customisations actually have interesting impacts (integrated suppressor for mp5 removing death markers for any kills you make). You can make every gun extremely different from it's default state.

>Black Ops 5 will be their redemption arc mark my words
Sure, but we all know the true reason this ultra level Jewry is getting reeled in is because of emerging legislation and nothing else.

Some countries will straight up ban your games if those laws get passed, EA is going to fucking sink in the next 5 years because of this.

>Sledgehammer and Raven are fucking terrible cod developers so Treyarch are coming in and leading the development.
Raven made the only good CoD this gen (Modern Warfare Remastered). While they trashed the sound design, they nailed the visuals and art style.

The gun customization is ridiculous. Haven't seen scope of choice like this since BF4.

For me, it started with Advanced Warfare. Fucking hate that dogshit game with a passion. Played BO3 all year because the dlc multiplayer and zombies maps were fun. Infinite Warfare isn't as bad as people make it out to be but it was still a BO3 clone. WW2 was the same as Advanced Warfare, quit 3 months into its cycle and never touched it again. I really want to fucking quit MW. It has so much potential if they would just do a massive overhaul to the gameplay Id be happy.

That's a fucking remake, user. Raven are COD janitors. The bitchwork B-team.

Escape from Tarkov

Yeah, it's the main reason I keep playing. I pretty much just stick to a handful of guns until I've unlocked all their attachments, then move on to some more to see what other crazy builds there are.

So? Compared to MWR it's like no one even tried.
Dumb niggers should realise that people want CoD game from CoD, not Overwatch, Titanfall, Battlefield or Siege.

Literally one of the only things this game gets right. I'm actually proud of my custom classes compared to the past few cod games

Wasn't MWR kind of destroyed by DLC bullshit? It's a very dead fucking game but should absolutely not be.

im trying to click the first google result that came up when i typed "Modern Warfare Battle Royale"

which happened to be on

...this shit has to fucking stop. there should be no reason FORBES needs ads at all

this whole "DUR PEOPLE WILL VISIT SO WHY NOT PUT ADS" shit is getting to journalists heads

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Easily the best nu-cod
I won't touch a CoD again in a very very long time

My fucking brain hurts just trying to think how they balance all that shit out.

game mode you want to see?

kill-streak confirmed

streaks are only earned by picking up dogtags

On PC it's enough to play TDM, which is what people play only on PC unless it's the latest game.

>use the RAM-7 and just get kills and win or fuck around with a gun that just isnt good even with attachments

Did they fuck up by adding free maps and crossplay? People are supposed to by these yearly, what if the game is too good and everyone sticks to MW?

Is that why Activision said they don't expect the 2020 cod to do as well as MW? Did they just fuck themselves by not Jewing hard enough?

This is a kino obvious shill post. Hope you get your bonus

They just make the naked guns terrible compared to previous games.

Thank you, we try to keep our audience interaction as broad as possible.

It's most likely because of development issues between Sledgehammer and Raven, and Treyarch being incompetent

Advanced Warfare was the last CoD game I actually enjoyed, too bad that a game in this franchise actually requiring skill or straying off the norm even when it does that flawlessly is usually seen as a failure because console kiddies can't aim vertically
I also bought BO3 but I fucking HATED that game with passion, it made me write off the entire franchise until MW
And honestly MW in specific just feels like it's being restrained by the franchise it belongs to, guns give you an uncanny valley of gamefeel from how strong and punchy they sound but by contrast they're all laser beams with no recoil, maps try to be strategic and about power positions but instead you get a fuckfest of getting shot from 20 different angles even if you do know the maps, it has try hard modes but the gameplay is so disgustingly simple and braindead it ends up being a ping pissing contest, etc
It's a shame, but it literally made me redownload Siege instead because it's pretty obvious that's what it wants to be

Raven is the best FPS dev out there, Activision just treats them like trash. Hopefully Sledgehammer becomes the support studio and Raven becomes the lead one.

As a professional high level FPS competitor, how much do you make a year? What are the taxes like with regards to sponsors? Do you post on Yas Forums often between training sessions?

Why the fuck would there be "creative differences" between SH and Raven? Raven makes remakes and does bitchwork, they shouldn't have any creative input at all and just do their fucking jobs.