Itt: moments in video games women will never understand

itt: moments in video games women will never understand

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post more birds or else i’ll shit on your car

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This. i haven't seen a single female having a sincere passion for MGS beyond cosplaying sniper wolf

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Everything that isn't gay liberal shit.

post pics bitch

Fucking this as well. Seriously. This will never happen irl anymore.

>wearing a baseball cap during a wedding
What a player

Wow. Thank fuck I'm not that pathetic.

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Here's one of many pics, NIGGER

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aw shith, pigeon! that guy really let you just have his landstalker like that?? people in los santos are so nithe i cant believe it!

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Femoids can't into this entire series. They just don't understand.

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also meant to reply to

This entire fucking game. Women will never understand how amazing it is.

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please tell me those legs are shooped



good work user

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Anything with a protagonist that isn't a self absorbed narcissist, females can not relate to anything else.

post pics bitch

5 always seems to be the overshadowed one of the trilogy, but man it had a great climax, with the last ditch carrier launch, joining forces with yukes and oka nieba, Hamilton chasing you through the tunnel, and then the slow burn off the SOLG finale capping it off. Great ending.

HD remakes fucking when bamco?

the unlimited A10 autism some AC fans have is just perplexing

A10's are amazing

Are you seriously autistic? I'm asking seriously. Women will never understand this.

God I hate women

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i wonder if this guy still plays


I want to believe he was taking the piss.

they are


2D >>> 3DPD
Don't worry user. Day of purifcation is at hand!

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All of Metal Gear Solid 1 and 3.

man ds2 was fun game
too bad it came short visually and hitboxes were such shit

and too bad I've got soft banned


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It's rarer, but there *are* bald women out there.