It makes me sad that an entire generation will grow up only knowing Edgy Barret

It makes me sad that an entire generation will grow up only knowing Edgy Barret.

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I wish he would curse like he did in the game, or just mumble off to himself

>zoomer will never see this scene

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That's how he was in the early game, loud mouthed and rude. Did you play FF7, zoomer?

if he didn't speak exactly like Mr. T he would pretty much just be this

Doesnt really make sense considering he actually swore in the original.

Barret is built for ______

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tfw you will never know the feeling of your long silver bullet slamming into his well greased chamber

I'd prefer him just literally being Mr. T again, but if they didn't do that this was the best possible direction. That embarrassed shrug Jessie gives to Cloud when Barret goes on his rant cements him as a dork who goes into that sort of thing all the time, which is very appropriate for his actual deeply-caring personality.

He was corny, not edgy.

That's a retarded mistranslation anyway. You faggots seethe all day about bad localizations unless its something you have nostalgia for.

Barret was a hard ass in the original game too, you based retarded zoomer.

I remember calling him Billy in my original playthrough because I deleted his name and forgot what it was, and I didn't understand what Default meant . Called Tifa "Lady" for that reason. I was about 7 or 8.

In what fucking way was this dork edgy?

The desperation to find flaws in this game is simply hilarious. I'm willing to bet most of you never played the original.

No amount of whining about this game will make XV any better.

cringe post

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Who brought up XV schizo?

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>Is several feet taller than you
>Has bigger biceps
>Has a deeper voice
>Most like a bigger dick than you
Nerddddd... Dorrrkkkk.....

I'll miss the real Cloud.

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He has a dorky attitude, is what that user meant, despite his massive size and intimidating looks. He is quite thin skinned, too.

I like remake Cloud, he's smug. And when he gets embarrassed when Barret asks his age is cute.

Are you stupid?
This is the start of the game. Obviously he still needs to warm up to Cloud.

That said the writing in this is horrid.

He still swears, just not f bombs. Which were censored anyway.

This is literally how I imagined him sounding

Literary just saw it

They have no idea who B.A. Baracus is, user.

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I'm still kinda annoyed the made it so Shinra are the ones who destroy the reactor. This means the scene in cosmo canyon where Barret realizes he's got just as much innocent blood on his hands won't be there. The scene with Dyne where he admits his hands are just a dirty will not be there. I don't get this story change. It added an angle of character development that made Barret likable.

im curious to those who played the japanese version. is it also censored?


"Japanese don't have swears" is sort of true, but they do have rude ways of speaking to others.

Wholesome sex and having a loving family with me and Marlene

>deeply-caring personality.
He sided with everyone in Corel, except his best-friend Dyne, to allow ShinRa to come in and set up a Mako reactor. Coal mining was out-of-business and he wanted an easier life for his town, his wife and himself.
ShinRa builds the reactor and shortly after causes an "accident" in the reactor, blames all of the Corel townspeople for the jeopardy (while Barret and Dyne are out-of-town), murders everyone while burning everything down, and actively begin shooting at Barret and Dyne when they return (during the ShinRa murdering). Promising not to let go of Dyne's hand, he lets go of Dyne's hand when both are shot to pieces.
He still (somehow) returns to Corel, literally only finds Marlene (Dyne's daughter) alive (she's ~1-years-old), gets surgery to replace his nervous system for an implanted gun, learns someone else did the same thing before him recently (knows it must be Dyne) and that Dyne must not know Marlene's alive but he can't find him.
He blames himself (and ShinRa) for all of it, every step of the way. Ruining his life, his wife's, his friend's, his town's, all of it he blames as sacrificing his honor for something easier and for the scandalous ShinRa promising nothing it delivers on and killing to keep competition or accidents minimum. And others who know him and lived with him do, too. He's a big target to blame and he rolls with it.

He hates himself. He hates ShinRa. He's narrow-minded a focused on one thing: take revenge. He justifies it as eco-saving for the planet's good, because his previous AVALANCHE experience got its information from Cosmo Canyon, and he knows the life process and what Mako is.
But he hates himself. He hates everything. The only thing he loves is Marlene, his adopted best-friend's-4-year-old-daughter he raises alone but abandons every time he creates a mission. You can raise semantics about what you mean by "caring" but Barret is a very, very edgy guy who just loves chocobo chicks.

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Would you fuck off already, he was always pissed off. He's not even being edgy here, Cloud was being a prick. That scene when you get back to the bar in the original, its like Barrett was ready to kill him. He was always tense. Did you play the original?

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He's just acting like a black father acts when his kids don't behave. It's cute.

>You can raise semantics about what you mean by "caring"
I probably would, actually. By my definition, someone who didn't care wouldn't feel that remorse, guilt, responsibility or any subsequent desire for revenge. They'd simply say "well, that was an unfortunate development" and move on, whereas Barret is deeply haunted by his actions.

Barret will believe just as much that HE, AVALANCHE, destroyed the mako reactor. That ShinRa is still as much to blame for dropping the Sector 7 plate, but they wouldn't have done it under those circumstances if it wasn't for him, AVALANCHE, and what they did to destroy the mako reactor(s).

He doesn't know the AVALANCHE bomb failed to ignite and that ShinRa President executed the explosion himself...but he sure expected his AVALANCHE bomb to ignite and destroy the reactor, just like it did. The result is identical and it's everything he wanted. None of the moral ambiguity lessens, none of the cost is diluted, Barret is no less at-fault for causing great amounts of death in ShinRa than in FF7 original. He's still a terrorist taking civilian lives.

All this REmake changes is the actual igniter. It's not Cloud, it's President ShinRa. It changes WHEN President ShinRa is made aware of the goings on and his overall approval of it (though, even that doesn't change, because he knew all this was coming long before the mission ever began and was preparing this result, too).

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>The result is identical
Then they wouldn't have bothered changing it in the first place. This is the exact logic of making Greedo shoot Han first by the justification that it's technically self-defense in both cases.

Like when Gohan called Buu a retard?

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are you for real? I was amazed how accurate he sounded to my imagining of him. well other than saying "Mahko" instead of Mayko

Eh. Unless Avalanche learns that they didn't actually cause the catastrophic explosion of the reactor they can still do it. As far as they are aware, they did it. They see the fallout and decided to do it again anyway knowing how bad the outcome can be for innocent bystanders.

I wish I could call people retards irl again without going to jail

>Edgy Barret
Barret is the most spot on character out of all of them. He's exactly how he should be.

>Unless Avalanche learns that they didn't actually cause the catastrophic explosion
They likely will, if they don't automatically assume Shinra did it to make them look bad.

Just say you never played the original game. He acts exactly like that. Also he's not being edgy he's just a loud mouthed asshole.

I think its primarily to make avalanche feel less evil to new players.

From the character's point of view little has changed unless they learn the truth at some point. But from the view of the players it paints Shinra as the villains immediately and makes avalanche more sympathetic instead of just eco-terrorists. I don't like the change either but I think that's why it was done.

Even if they never find out, the effect on the audience is altered. There's a reason why attempted murder is a different crime than murder, and if the audience goes "actually, you didn't kill all those innocent people, Shinra did" while the characters are talking about their guilt, the audience doesn't feel any guilt because they didn't "help" the murders either.

It's not the same as the Han thing. In this situation their intentions are the same. They wanted to destroy the reactor.

I think it's important to change the effect on the audience for this. This one game will be entirely Midgar and we're going to see a lot more characterization of President Shinra so it's a good way to set him up.

That's the exact reason why. These characters aren't just characters anymore, they're also brands, and you don't want the cool space pirate cereal mascot character to have shot someone in cold blood any more than you want your cute anime boy to have so much death on his hands. It's the single most worrying change I've seen.

No, you cannot equate two things with different results. President ShinRa pressing "ignite" is not the same as "Greedo shoots first."

Han shooting 2nd lessens his willingness to murder. It makes him less prone to it. It could be shock, "self-defense" as you say, reaction, all kinds of things. It lessens Han's willingness to murder a gangster who's threatening his life.
That is not the same as lessening Barret's willingness.
Barret knew from the start he was gonna place a bomb at the reactor, set its timer, GTFO and let it destroy everything inside and around the reactor. There were gonna be lots of guards, and there was probably gonna be civilians, too. And he was gonna do it. And he succeeded. The result he expected (and the result that occurred in FF7 original) happened. In REmake, he FAILED...but the result he expected (and the result that occurred in FF7 original) happened. ALL THAT CHANGED was it was President ShinRa's "bomb" not Barret's. And Barret has ZERO CLUE about it. He's 100% as much to blame for obtaining the moral result that occurred as before.

The REmake has simply hastened WHEN it's made obvious that ShinRa is escalating this faster for their benefit than AVALANCHE's. ShinRa was ALWAYS "letting" AVALANCHE do its thing, and even helping them do it, so they could blame them all the more in the future. The REmake is simply making it more obvious with the 1st bombing mission instead of the 2nd (and more and more as the game progresses).

Barret is still the reason for "moral wrong" happening in Midgar.
AND, he "shot first."
The only difference is, his shot failed, so President ShinRa fired another bullet. And Barret doesn't even know (yet).

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Gohan called him "usunoro" which could easily be translated as idiot, simpleton, dumbass etc.

God I want to fuck Barret

That's like telling a soldier who went to war
>You're not to blame for the enemies' deaths.
>Yes, you were at war. Yes, you were on the battlefield. Yes, you were equipped with a gun. Yes, you were firing that gun at your enemies.
>BUT, you missed!
>All your enemies were killed by other soldiers around you who were better marksmen who's bombs actually went off, BUT it wasn't YOUR bullets that you were firing at them that killed them!
>So you're not to blame! You didn't help the murder!

Tell me if I'm retarded for having this opinion.
I've never played the original FF7, but I'm interested in the remake. I'm apprehensive on getting it, though, even if reviews are good, simply because I know that it's going to end on a cliffhanger. They were working on this game for, like, six years. They could have easily made just a normal full-length remake that covered the whole story, but they instead chose to stretch it out over several games, and now the first one is going to be 60 hours of buildup towards what is effectively the end of the first act of the game (or so I've heard). And this is the end of the PS4's lifespan, so the next game (or games) will be on a PS5, assuming Sony has timed exclusivity.
So we're looking at potentially three $60 games + a brand-new console to play the other two. Assuming the PS5 is around $500-400, then that's an absurd amount of money to play one game when I can play the original for much cheaper - and I doubt it'll exceed the original in anyone's eyes, anyway.

Again, maybe I'm retarded. If this was one 60-hour remake that covered the entire story, I'd buy it for sure. But the fact that it's going to end on a cliffhanger for a sequel remake that might be another five fucking years down the line is turning me off.

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It doesn't change his willingness, but it absolutely changes his culpability. Again, there is a reason attempted murder and murder are two separate charges with separate implications about the perpetrator. And the effect on the audience is also lessened since now as far as they're concerned all they did was kill a few faceless guards and break a scorpion that was probably expensive. There's a reason MGS3 tries to make you personally pull the trigger on The Boss, when having it done in a cutscene is the same "result."

Just get on PC (if you already have one) when PS exclusivity ends next year.

Pirate/play the original
Whenever the rest of the game comes out, just play the remake then.
There will be plenty of time between them then

That is literally the reason why execution squads sometimes had blank cartridges inserted randomly into one or two of the squad's guns. Every member of the squad could then hope that despite doing every single thing up to the point of pulling the trigger, maybe they never *actually* shot a bullet that killed the person and therefore they aren't *really* responsible.

They still intended to do it though which is the difference. While there might be some technicality that is morally letting them off the hook, they don't know it and they intended to do it anyway and still resolve to do it again even with the guilt hanging over their heads.

To use your murder example, you aren't let off the hook because you failed to kill someone that you intended to. The criminal intent is still there and you're still a dangerous felon even if you ultimately harmed no one. Barret still blew it up regardless of the consequences and Shinra made it worse.

It's a pointless change to wash the blood from AVALANCHE's hands and kind of makes them go from being a dedicated eco terrorist cell to being an incompetent eco terrorist cell.

can't wait for the sfm of him plus tifa

It makes me sad knowing that all fanart of Tifa moving forward will be of some censored, squinty-eyed stick figure

It's not a mistranslation, you can't fuck up エンギでもない that hard, it's just one of those lines where the translator rewrote it because he felt like it.

Why is he wearing sunglasses?

Still true.

He acts like a fucking dork, and you know it. Your obsession with BBC has no bearing on that.

you're retarded then because most tifa art is off model anyways

New Barret is problematic. Why is he an angry black man all of a sudden? Why not make him a doctor or scientist instead of le mad black man?

You're right, which is why they should have just left it alone. It doesn't improve anything, just makes the event needlessly more convoluted.

I just feel like SE made this game to cash in on FF7's appeal for a new generation audience and is trying to suck as much out of it as possible by stretching it over three games without realizing that I, as a potential customer who has not played the original, am actively disinterested BECAUSE of the fact that they're stretching it out. I don't want to play 200 hours of a single playthrough of the "completed" remake story. Just give me on 60 hour story. Even that's pretty damn long by my standards, but I'm willing to deal with it.
And I know enough about FF7 to know that Sephiroth was more of a brooding omnipresent feeling of danger - the vibe that the battle with Sephiroth was approaching at all times - rather than direct encounters with Sephiroth early on. But in trailers for this new game, they've showed him off so many times and have even had Cloud fight him. It feels like they're just throwing him in there because people who haven't played FF7 (like me) recognize him and think he's cool, so they're trying to hook me.
We don't even know at which point this remake ends, and it's presumably just the prologue of the game.

Either way, I'm a new customer - the one they're seemingly trying to appeal to - and I'm not feeling it. It could've been one big remake, but instead they had to split it over years. And by the time the next one comes out, I'll have to replay the first 60-hour game as a refresher, since that's how I am with sequels to games I enjoy. I play the original again.
Maybe I am autistic. Xenoblade Definitive Edition will be good, though.

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Why did they ruin Tifa by making her body accurate to the original artwork instead of fanart?

Despite making up only 12% of Midgar's population..

Right, but "technically still a dangerous felon" is emotionally a far cry from "murderer" even if they aren't that different in terms of the pure logic. Again, they wouldn't have bothered making the change in the first place if they didn't think it would change the effect. Granted, raises the possibility that this will be accounted for somewhere else in the narrative, and I can believe that, but right now it is incredibly worrying unlike almost every other change.

What said. The "censored" words were added into the English version to make it sound edgier. In Japanese, Scarlet just says 「なまいきね!!」 there, which is like "impertinent" or "brazen" literally.