Dooms humanity for a kid

>dooms humanity for a kid
Nice "hero" you got there

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That's the whole point of the ending, dumbass

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joel wants the hole

>saves a kid rather than letting idiots rip out her spine "Because it might work THIS time"

anyone would kill for their teen wife.

she's a lesbian idiots

>every decision he makes through the whole game is totally self-serving



>implying that'd stop a sex starved coomer in a post Apoc world with no rules
Do liberals really not think things through???

if that was true he wouldn't go on with ellie after tess's death

>300 million mushroom zombies in the US alone
>scattered pockets of humanity you can't communicate with or find easily
>vaccine is good for a bite, not good for getting torn apart by zombies
>going to the next state is a goddamned trek, much less across the nation
The game ain't called "We still have a chance," user. A vaccine would have been useful just after the outbreak, not two decades after.


Stupid American Yas Forums users. Leave your identity politics out of fucking blue boards.

t. Freako

Firefly here. We totally had it that time if Joel hadn't blown us all away singlehandely. I mean, yeah, we had been buttfucked by this one guy and yes, none of the previous experiments were successful (our doctors went to medical school in the Bahamas, give them a break) but yes we were on the cusp of creating a vaccine. What's that? Of course we would use it against the government. You didn't think we'd actually give it away for free, did you? Well, yes there are bloaters and other zombies everywhere but we could still vaccinate the handful of people still alive. I mean, it won't save you from being chewed to death or shot by a looter or Firefly, but still. GIVE US YOUR FUCKING LOLI NOW!

this but unironically
better than to let her to rot with tommy and joel

>a kid
She's stacked.

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>dooms humanity for cunny
sounds based to me

>ibn4 I was only pretending to be retarded!

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I think you posted the wrong picture

If either of you are implying that the Fireflies had another immune person, you're fucking retarded.

I'm so tired of people not being able to understand the Surgeon's Recording.

She wasn't at the time.

>Already lost a daughter
>Spends the better part of two decades dealing with shit, both human and zombie.
>Everyone outside of established living spaces sucks and wants to kill/rape/eat you
>Full on cure is a long shot at best even with Ellie
>Losing second daughter after the walls finally come down

Yeah it would be a pretty each choice for me too.

>20+ Years after shit hits the fan.
>People still living like its Year 0
>Fireflies trying to fuck over the government.
>Government is, like, one city, if that.
>Infected have two or so years before they go clicker.
>Run into hordes upon hordes of runners in towns that had been abandoned for two decades.
>Writing is good because people cried once or twice and Elle pet a giraffe.
Alright, fuck you.

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The fact that he feels the need to stab the doctor in the throat at the end makes him look like a crazy psychopath imo. The doctor was just hired to do his job, he was completely defenceless, you coulda just shot him in the leg, or knocked him across the face with the butt of a gun to disable him while you make your getaway, but they have this option there where you can just stab him to death and it's just waaay over the top. I don't get it.

Humanity was already doomed.

The fireflies have killed all of their previous test subjects and produced no vaccine.

Even if the fireflies could develop a vaccine, their organisation is in shambles and they have no infrastructure to distribute it.

Even if they could distribute it wouldn't get rid of the existing infected or all the cannibals and raider gangs rampaging around with military equipment, in fact it would make it easier for them to attack sustainable settlements.

Joel did the right thing but he's still a delusional asshole.

you are a selfish human being and I would not go into battle with you by my side

>Oh what's that humanity?
>If I had kids and passed my immunity down, we'd all be a bit safer?
>haha no, girls
wow, such a brave character

the Surgeon's Recording clearly shows they DID have several other immune people, retard

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>joel sacrificing he world for his happiness is fine
>ellie isn't

I'm just glad this dumb game brought us Sarah at least

He's not. Neither is she. The world is already fucked. A vaccine existing doesn't make things okay.

a picture of amy adams' armpit

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I could have sympathized with the fireflies if it wasnt for the fact that after traveling across the country and narely avoiding deather dozens of times they not only hold up their end of thr deal but they disarm your and tell you to get lost, essentially codemning Joel to death anyway.

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Is there any series of choice I could make that would lead to me marrying her?


>April 28th. Marlene was right. The girl's infection is like nothing I've ever seen. The cause of her immunity is uncertain. As we've seen in all past cases, the antigenic titers of the patient's Cordyceps remain high in both the serum and the cerebrospinal fluid. Blood cultures taken from the patient rapidly grow Cordyceps in fungal-media in the lab... however white blood cell lines, including percentages and absolute-counts, are completely normal. There is no elevation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and an MRI of the brain shows no evidence of fungal-growth in the limbic regions, which would normally accompany the prodrome of aggression in infected patients.

>This infection is different from the others
>As we've seen in all other cases of infection, X is present and Y is happening, BUT unlike other infections, A, B, and C are normal. Everything looks good and she doesn't have any of the symptoms.

They've studied the infection in other infected people, but Ellie's infection is the only case they've seen of a benign infection.

You are retarded. Please reply to me telling me how you were only pretending to be a dumb piece of shit.

>As we've seen in all past cases
The answer was in your own post, but you're such a retard bitch you can't even see it. They had PAST cases of immunity, retard.

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Okay, now start arguing how a vaccine 20 years later with hundreds of millions of zombies clicking about means anything.

vaccines kill the sick they cannot heal idiot

So we are agreed it's useless and Joel didn't doom anyone.

>killing the zombies is useless

They're going to die off naturally in half a year, tops.

You think they were going to use Ellie to make pesticide? They could just make pesticide if they wanted to gas the zombies.

You'd doom humanity for your imouto too

they didn't die in 20+ years but sure it's like 2 mnoths away bro

I know you're only pretending, but it's pretty unbecoming.

I don't give a shit about that. There are lots of arguments you could make why the Fireflies were a bunch of inept retards and couldn't have viably produced a vaccine or viably distributed it. I'm just sick of Yas Forums threads where someone claims the Fireflies had other immune people because they're retarded.

he didnt doom anything. there was never a guarantee letting them kill her would lead to a vaccine

They were only getting stronger as time went on, literally the opposite of what you're suggesting. The clickers are inhumanly strong.

>uh, uh....uh....YOU'RE ONLY PRETENDING!
>no counterpoint

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>wipes out the firefly
>he didn't doom anyone

they're biological, they need food, they're going to die

In case you're not pretending, can you show me where the recording mentions cases of immunity rather than cases of infection?

/thread why the fuck you people still going

>Lets just murder the host instead of studying the Infection
this is your brain on fireflies

they're mostly shroom now
heard of photosynthesis?

I just did, try reading.

>Hey we got this girl that's immune to spores.
>Y'know we could just let her have kids and pass down the immune gene over generations.
>Nah fuck that! I've got a better idea. Let's kill her and try to make the cure from her brain. Science! What could go wrong?

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she's a lesbian

Also implying the fireflies are the good guys and wouldn't use the cure to control the world.

That's what rape is for.

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being a lesbian doesn't seal off the fallopian tubes

>Hurr durr let's not take a blood sample and see if there's anything in it that might help
>Hurr durr let's not impregnate her to see if it's genetic
>Nope, gotta rip out her brain, no other options
Great writing there Kikemann.

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crueller than killing her

not remotely sufficient, and plants need far more than just sunlight to survive, they need resources extracted from soil, water - none of which clickers have any means of getting into their bodies

they're going to die, en masse, long before a vaccine would even be manufactured