Gender bending in video games

Are there any games with Gender bending that
>Actually impact the game in a more than just cosmetic way
>Is actually addressed in game
>Isn't just a one off thing
>Isn't a visual novel/dating sim

One thing I really hate in games (especially RPGS) is when the character you created and the way they look and act have no meaningful impact on the game. If I'm playing some big hulking ugly ork I want to be treated differently than some big tittied elf chick. The only game I've played that sorta had this was fallout 2. What's the point of an RPG if your stats don't impact the way you interact with others.

And it's like this in a lot of games where you can change your sex. You go and change your sex in game and everyone pretends that nothing happened or never addresses any cosmetic changes. If I go from gigachad to shortstack I at least one the NPC's to maybe make some confused comments at minimum.

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fuck off back to your containment board >>>/lgbt>

Gender bender is okay and better than trapshit but ubfortunately got hijacked by leftists

Trannies not allowed

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The crown was a gift by god to mankind
>All these excuses to draw delicious curvy women

Just because I want to turn things into cute girls doesn't mean I want to lop my dick off and wear a dress.

Fucking trannies ruin all good things. Why can't people just coom to their fetish without making it some lifestyle.

i'm gonna cum in those butts

There are no limits

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>thong straps

nintendo fags ruin everything goddamn

To answer OP's question, BOTW. Though it's not really gender bending. Just cross dressing.


R63 us gay.

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What is that on the left?

If it has a penis it's a no from me.

I just like boys being turned into girls, including myself.

Boys pretending to be girls by medical means and devoting their life to an act are the worst version of my fetish and take it too far.

Good thing I posted sega characters then.

Still cringe.

>If I'm playing some big hulking ugly ork I want to be treated differently than some big tittied elf chick.

Why would you want that when you could become a big and strong man

why yes, i support both

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I still remember the firsts edit threads

It's called Role play. Any good DM would take shit into like that into account, not all characters should be treated as interchangeable cogs because then there isn't any meaningful point behind it. In a campaign that I'm doing currently my character is 10 fucking feet tall, and people notice and treat me differently because of that, and it impacts shit that my character can do, like using normal people chairs and cloths. I have to shill out extra cash to get cloths and amor tailor made for my huge roided out monoply guy looking ass. That's the kind of shit that makes character creation meaningful.

Cosmetic only shit is fine for a lot of genre's, but for RPGS especially your character SHOULD matter to the story and your interactions.

this, trannies ruin the best fetish with the worst fetish

I hated Bowsette at first, but then I slowly succumbed to her and the other super crown variants. Boosette is my favorite one, still.

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>Literally just an excuse to draw sexy girls in cosplay
A heavenly gift.

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Treating people differently based on appearance and gender is cringe.
Unless they're like clearly overweight and in need of help.

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Seek help.

What if you use the crown on zelda?

Blazblue is the only game I know where genderbender is part of the character's story and it's taken to a serious degree instead of a one-off joke.
But even with that, Mai is a really boring character.

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>Seek help
What do you have against Booette?

the problem is male Mai is a non-character, we never really know Mai as a boy.

Mai only existed to get her ass kicked in BBCF too

Because no one like him.

she gets fluffier hair and bimbo lips

It's a plot point in Disgaea D2, Laharl grows a pair of tits and gets pissed off.

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>Treating people differently based on appearance and gender is cringe.

Lmao you're retarded, everyone 100% treat people differently based on appearance and gender. Especially when differences are as stark as being a 6"4 hulking ugly man and a 5"3 petite young girl. No one would treat those two people the same, and it's the same in RPGS. All the best RPG's take shit like weather you're an ork, human, elf, or even male or female into account. Because like it or not that shit actually matters. You honestly think people should treat my 10ft tall warrior the same as my scrawny elf companion? Even when it comes to shit like immediate reactions?

Like I said, if you take away that creating a character loosing all meaning in the game and becomes basically pointless. Especially in any RPG.

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Yeah, that's one of my main issues with Mai and her manga, you barely get to see what was his life as a dude, at best you get Mai saying "im a man i can't do this!" or small glimpses of his male body.
In the end she ends being a really plain character with her only interesting trait being her body.

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>wanting faggot shit in your games
Kill yourselves faggots. Stop playing video games.
Fucking trannies.

That.... Just might be the most based thing anyone has done here

>Faggot shit
How are girls with huge tits faggot shit? You're not gay are you?

>Treating people differently based on appearance and gender is cringe.

Fuck off, characters treating other characters differently makes RPGs interesting. It makes life interesting. Who wants to live in a world where Chris Chan and Taylor Swift are treated the same?

Anyone have the crown on DSP masturbating on camera image?

people should treat them differently based on their ACTIONS. are you actually retarded?

Girls being turned into boys is gay

Boy's being turned into girls is based and also redpilled

You are removing dicks from the situation and adding vagina's. And no it's not tranny shit because they have real tits and vagina's not some gaping maw of regret.

It's not even boys being turned into girls. Look at the OP, two human girls with anime fox ear headpieces.

No user, you're fucking retarded. Like was said here and here
What your character is matters. Especially in a setting where you have different races that have stark differences in shit like strength, intelligence and natural ability. You're fucking stupid if you think, even if it's just a first glance kind of thing, that a character would like a horrifying ork and a sexy elf, and treat both of those characters exactly the fucking same. Especially because most societies that can be referenced in history are not tolerate places.

>people should treat them differently based on their ACTIONS. are you actually retarded?

Should, but won't. That's a fact of life, and honestly makes things much more interesting. To give another example, Jeffery Dahlmer has fangirls while no one is creaming themselves over Ulililiah.

Why are there so many Yas Forumsirgins who want to be girls? You'll masturbate all day like normal, only now you'll have a harder time pissing.

>Characters should interact based on how I feel the way the world should work versus the more nuanced reality of how people actually treat each other which creates conflict and meaningful interesting scenarios

Not real women.

All this.

>Not real woman
Yeah, they're drawings.

I have a personal theory that a lack of interaction with girls causes a person to fantasize about them so much to the point where they want to be the girl rather than just peruse one. Sexual repression + curiosity of the female body. The curiosity drives people to fantasize about being the girl, they fap, wires get crossed. That's how fetishes happen. Some people make this an obsession.

>Not real women.
They are talking about males magically transforming into females, you retard.

man, what a cringeworthy post about someone who has no understanding of neuroscience. late teens early 20s boys have the stupidest fucking outspoken opinions on the planet lol. keep your retarded theory to yourself, you have quite literally zero understanding of how any of those things work, thanks!

Magic or surgery, we only want to fuck women that are born as one. Not males transforming to a woman because they're incels or fags.

I'll bite, what exactly was wrong with that post?

Because wouldn't it be more fun to be a chesty hot women with cute cloths and bouncy tits than being some ugly fat, hairy dude that no one likes? Women get to have fun, be sexy, wear pretty cloths, don't have and annoying ugly dick or balls. And people WANT pretty girls. No one want's Yas Forumsirgins. Who doesn't want to be wanted?

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>Girls being turned into boys is gay
But that's what makes it hot

Speak for yourself.

Dude, they're girls in cosplay. Sonic is a tiny hedgehog. The OP is a buxom bossomed woman with hairband ears. You're being ridiculous at this point nigger. are fucking inanimate objects. one isn't even an object.

shut up nero

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Look faggot, I said it was just a personal theory, never claimed I was some psychologist lmao. But if you're gonna take issue with try and actually point out where I'm rather than just bitch and moan without offering anything of substance.

Also did you just assume my gender?

>he watch that episode
You have to go back.

Super Crown shit is making you gay.

>See this girl? With huge tits and a nice ass? And some cosplay accessories? Yeah you're gay for liking her

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>Because wouldn't it be more fun to be a chesty hot women with cute cloths and bouncy tits than being some ugly fat, hairy dude that no one likes?


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>implying "she's" a female since birth
Stop thinking with your dick.

I am forever annoyed that the general consensus is that Bowsette is blonde instead of having redhair. Makes her too much of a total Peach clone instead of her own thing.

Saint's Row 2 mentions it at the beginning.
I'm gonna leave before I start actually reading this retarded fucking thread

Not him, I don't think there's any real evidence one way or another that confirms nor disproves what you said, but given the amount of weird fetishes blossoming on the internet you may be right. Where were the vorefags years ago, for example.
You think that's hot? That's my fetish, turning into a boy and doing lewd stuff with another guy

>female since birth

>>he watch that episode
What episode?

People are going to turn things into cute girls and you're just going to have to accept it. I'd turn my fucking refrigerator into a cute girl if I could.

Yeah, it's weird that an item that's supposed to turn you into Peach turns you into Peach.

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>you're just going to have to accept it
I think your replied to the wrong post.

Even worse.