So how many games do you guys think VII Remake will be?
So how many games do you guys think VII Remake will be?
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Minimum 3, probably 4.
who cares
At least 3.
Game 1 as we know takes place entirely in Midgar and will end after the bike chase and Cloud's party leaving Midgar.
Game 2 I feel will end on a cliffhanger after Aerith's death.
Game 3 will culminate with the final battle with Sephiroth.
We do Barry.
2 or 4
I wouldn't be surprised if they add episodes in a form of DLC.
Probably three. There is a lot of filler content in the middle of FF7 that they will probably need to trim down.
1.5 and another cg movie when nobody buys the dlc
Advent Children as Game 4 or a DLC expansion pack to Game 3.
Please let this be true
It may be.
the right amount should be 3, it would be perfect
more would be terrible
less would be rushed
Do you think it could be just one game with "season pass" style dlcs?
i honestly wouldnt mind this
Best case:3
Worst case: 10
if it's not only one game it defeats the purpose, but judging by this thread people really want it to be 60$ for every game disc, nice cuckoldry
Either 1 because it won't sell as well as they hope. Either 9+ with truck load of re-releases and cashgrab attemps. Expect a definitive edition, an enhanced edition, a "royal" re-release, a 1.1 & 1.2 interlude, a "story so far" re-release, and that's just for part 1.
Game 1: Midgar
Game 2: Up to Cloud leaving the party
Game 3: The rest
3-4 realistically with DLC/expansions.
We've already been over this. If they tried to make it just one game, tons of shit would have to be cut.
>people really want to spend 60 dollars for a full game
well, yeah sweetie
3 minimum and I don't think they want to go more. Midgar was the biggest section already, and they can go lightning quick if they keep the new stuff at a minimum. Part 2 can easily finish at Aerith's death if they don't blow up every single area with new screens and content. Junon's first visit is a boss battle and a 5-10 minute long mini game.
The game will never be finished.
I feel like AC would be way better as a game instead of a movie.
The better question is which console will it be on
Then why were they able to make it all one game back in '97?
Because the environments in original FF7 are literally static images. Building that out as a full 3d environment is way more work, then once you've done that you need to have the player actually do something there because you cant justify all that work for a screen a player runs through in 30 seconds like you could in 97
3 discs candyass
>1 ends when the party leaves Midgar, maybe some post-credits stinger teasing Yuffie or some shit
>2 starts with an extended cold open during the Nibelheim flashback (think Roxas in KH2), and then picks up with the story proper with Cloud telling the party the story in Kalm
>Ends with a cliffhanger at the Northern Crater, with Tifa being knocked unconscious as the Weapons awaken
>3 starts with Tifa waking up a Shinra prisoner in Junon, and the world besieged by Weapons, and Meteor hanging overhead
>Ends with the Lifestream destroying Meteor
I hope it doesn't take ten years. Only because I don't want to finally play the finished story and then remember that I'm ten years older than I am now.
How do you think they're going to handle the overworld with respect to the original but maintaining the "realism" of the Remake? Probably something like XV? I haven't played it so I wouldn't know
Now that the groundwork is laid, I'm willing to bet that it'll be two years between games, tops. The only reason this one took as long as it did is because they pulled a Resident Evil 1.5 halfway through development, shitcanned CC2 and most of what they had worked on, and started again from the beginning.
It'll be like Dragon Quest XI, where you don't have one giant open world, but a series of interconnected large explorable maps.
Hopefully one due to poor sales and smart consumers.
Realistically 4 with DLCs and a new offspin a la cerberus or advent children.
Shut the fuck up, you cynical faggot.
It’s gonna be a Game of Thrones situation. Book 3 had two entire seasons of the show dedicated to it because they were “taking the time to do it right and include everything”. Everyone wondered how they would adapt books 4 and 5 which massively increased the scope of the story. Then as soon as they got there, they flipped it around and cut everything and steamrolled two books into one season. Then everything else was rushed into a conclusion that nobody liked.
FFVII remake project will meet a similar fate. At the rate of what they are covering with the first one, there should be at least 5 episodes to include every other event in the same quality. But this does not mesh with reality. Things will be sacrificed and it will be 3 games. We’re getting a super midgar game and probably a rushed “greatest hits” of everything from Kalm to Aeriths death and then there will be a final game covering the Lifestream and Northern Crater by which time they will have run out of budget and passion.
It’s sad because that moment where you step out of Midgar and into the world map is exactly the point in the game we all replayed over and over thinking “they don’t make games like this anymore” and its exactly why everyone wanted a remake. But because they’ve cut this entire thing into chunks, the entire project is a smokescreen for the fact they won’t and cant deliver on that shit. First game is gonna sell $$$ before anyone even realizes they’re doing the rest of the game FF10 style.
>poor sales
>best seller on amazon ps4
Ok sorry, let's consume this on-rail story mash X to win game. What a hit!
LOL, can someone explain this? Got a good laugh for some reason.
I really hate that RLM has created a sea of imitators like you who's main takeaway is that everything sucks. Seriously, you faggots are making me retroactively dislike RLM.
He don't know which button to press
one for each disk
>mash X to win game.
Oh, so you haven't played it, but you still want to act like you have a valid opinion.
That's cause both the cinema industry and videogame industry are become an fucking garbage can and the examples they give about how movies are now a rollercoaster for stupid people that munch on popcorn are incredibly similar to how video games are now a rollercoaster for stupid people that munch on gamer food.
All thanks to you non-cinical conzoomzoom. And i'm glad you hate them, now you know how it feels.
Haha this game has been in production for over 5 years and they're only just releasing the first 1/3 or 1/4th of it? How fucking long does this shit take?
FF7 is square's gravy train, they'll drag it out as long as they need to
Game 1) Midgar
Game 2) To Costa Del Sol
Game 3) To the Tiny Bronco
Game 4) To Aeris' Death
Game 5) To Cloud goes sleepy-time
Game 6) Hunting Huge Materia
Game 7) End
Is Yoshi P still doing FF16 or are we going to be waiting for the next two decades
it's in the fucking title
They'll promote 2 as the last one but then lowkey make a sequel to it. Selling first and last episode of an episodic series is easy, selling the middle one is hard. Nobody wants to release episode 2 out of 3.
No we haven't, they confirmed there's a lot of padding nobody asked for.
I hope he dies of a stroke. Fucking tard.
I would guess like 7 or 8. I think people throwing out the number "3" are being really overoptimistic. The game is massive, and even with a lot of modifications to rush the pace of the story (bringing Sephiroth and memories out sooner), it still has so many events you just can't cut. Look at it this way: There is no way Kalm to End of Disc 1 (Aerith's death) is another single entry. That content is more than twice as long as Midgar; in that time, the casts visits Kalm, Junon, Costa Del Sol, Corell, Gold Saucer, Gongaga, Nibelheim, possibly Wutai and the city of the Ancients.
You really think all these places are things they can quickly gloss over? Just making the scenarios of that many places will take years.
Probably 2 or 3. Any more would risk people losing interest and also make them look like they are just milking it. Also can't forget the inevitable Complete Edition on PS5.
Hopefully 3.
The first game was 3 disks
The first part of the first disc was midgar.
There's about 3 more remakes worth of episodes on disc one alone.
about one more on disc 2, which you could include disk 3 if you omit all the side shit
We're up to 4 at minimum and we still have not added in all the stuff from the side story episodes.
It's gonna be big.
The answer to both is yes.
>I’m gonna be 40 when my favorite Pokémon gets finished
that's what she said
Sounds like a fun night.
Part 1 will sell pretty well. Part 2 will sell like shit because people already know how garbage part 1 is. They rush the story in part 3 and be done with it.