Yas Forums seethes when monster hunter gets slightly casualized

>Yas Forums seethes when monster hunter gets slightly casualized
>Yas Forums seethes when pokemon gets slightly casualized
>Yas Forums defends when it happens to its favorite game series and calls you disrespectful for not buying the newest game when it does this

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This thread is already starting to stink.

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higher abundance of casuals
and the game being harder to get a handle on thanks to the lack of a buffer system

dios mio imagine the smell

that shows you how loathed meleefags are

literally proving my point

>best character is a fat gay pokemon
>best player is a fat gay spic

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>full roster
Very likely the last series or another dev will be in charge in the future. They are implying that they want to move on from this franchise. The switch isnt being replaced anytime soon so it's likely they only release dlcs from this point forward.

wait are we talking about Melee or Ultimate

This criteria fits the bill for Melee, Brawl, Smash 4 and Ultimate. You're going to have to be more specific than that.

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>a pokemon
what did he mean by this

Alright sport, I'll try and explain this:

When a game is too easy, that's bad so they hate it when a game is changed to become too easy.

Melee is too hard to play at a high level for most, thus it actually alienates the majority of players to have that sky-high skill ceiling.

Basically, we're saying a great a big FUCK YOU to tryhards no-life melee spergs that want an unfair advantage over the rest of us that have actual lives and thus can't dedicate ourselves to the game to be good enough.

Now go die in a fire, melee minion. Your mother wont miss you.

>why do people hate the greatest fighting game of all time that wasnt even supposed to be a fighting game

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FYI, they're talking about jigglypuff, you shit-for-brains meleemotherfuckjob

>Best character

in melee? yeah, she is

>Yas Forums seethes when pokemon gets slightly casualized

alright which one of you retards thought a game that's made for 5 year olds is anything but casaul

Both Monster Hunter and Pokemon are the best they've ever been.

OP is a faggot

>Yas Forums putting 2,318 hours into a Souls game and ganking some casual on his first playthrough: "WELCOME TO THE THUNDERDOME, BITCH!"
>Yas Forums getting buttfucked in a game with a high skill ceiling by someone with better game knowledge, execution skills, reaction times, resource and spacial management, strategic thinking, etc.: scrubquotes.txt

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The people who call you disrespectful are falseflagging shills.
Everyone else probably just likes how Ultimate feels more.
Yes, momentum and input lag mean that little to them in the face of quality of life improvements like configurable controls.

>Only 1 puff at a world class level
>Only 6 in the entire top 100
>losing matchup vs fox, one of the game's most common characters

70% of Smash fans don't even play the game, they just like the idea that Smash represents, and use it as an advertising platform to bolster their favorite series. It'd be like trying to get a Marvel diehard to understand why you like Batman Begins more than Infinity War.

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Are you retarded?

sweety, the best character is the one that's winning grand finals now

Melee is already casual. Autists had to use glitches to make it "hard core."

>Autists had to use glitches to make it "hard core."
Why does that matter?

>Pokemon only started to be casualized with SWSH

It was always casual


Sakurai and Nintendo both hate your kind and will eternally continue to cater to casuals with all future smash.


stop implying the only reason you could like newer smash games over Melee is because you're casual.

In the past 6 months 4 different characters have won super majors. So which one is it?

I don't think anyone disagrees with this
But only smash gets weird autists convinced this is a good thing for some reason.
You aren't posting
>Blizzard hates you and your kind and will never pander to anyone other than phone gaming chinks ever again, ha ha this is a good thing

Yeah because monster hunter and Pokémon are shit now, and smash is better than ever.

None of what you said matters unless you are competing in tournaments. Don't get yourself too worked up over things you have no interest in mastering.

It's weird because you'll never see Yas Forums circlejerk on Halo 5 while belittling Halo CE or 2 players, yet you see it happen with Ultimate/Melee.

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>better than ever
>no momentum in a platformer
Not quite

> the entry with momentum is better just because it has momentum
> even though there are like four stages where you can avoid the RNG horseshit
> even though half the cast is irrelevant
> even though there's no buffer in a game where at least a few frames would be useful
> even though you can't configure the fucking controls

this user is among those who don't find Melee to be more fun on a casual level than Ultimate, so he sees the people who claim it is as an attack.

>> even though there's no buffer in a game where at least a few frames would be useful
Holy fuck are you actually serious?!? LOL

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>ultimate has more meaningless window dressing so it's better

but why would a buffer be a bad thing? Do you think buffers make games slower or something?
> configurable controls and a wider character variety are meaningless window dressing

>configurable controls
you can configure controls in melee. the variety of controllers people use is insane.
>a wider character variety
wider character variety means fuck all when none of them are interesting or fun to play.

You idiots! You don't get it - I've won! It's over, you meleesuckers. You don't matter; in fact, in just a few seconds you won't even be madder. You'll be seething over the undeniable truth that you are invalid.

> the entry with momentum is better just because it has momentum
> even though there are like four stages where you can avoid the RNG horseshit
> even though half the cast is irrelevant
10 good characters out of 26. not a bad ratio. And even now, there are low tiers making waves at the top level, like Amsa with Yoshi and Axe with Pikachu
> even though there's no buffer in a game where at least a few frames would be useful
Melee doesn't need it, though I'm not opposed to a tiny buffer system. Unfortunately, Ultimate's buffer system is literally infinite
> even though you can't configure the fucking controls
the base controls for Melee is most likely the best configuration you could get for it

Stop responding to this retard, he's too far up his own ass to realize what "adjustable controls" means

>slightly casualized
bro, they fucking removed half the pokemon because they think we can't handle having that many in competitive. well at least that's what they said

momentum is less of a big deal than you sell it for
stage variety isn't much better in ultimate but i genuinely at least prefer variety in the look and feel of stages, if not the gameplay
ultimate has a few very polarizing characters same as melee, but a lot of the cast is genuinely at least usable in some context, and I think that's more admirable than melee players tend to admit
I prefer ultimate's buffer to no buffer at all, but would prefer a small reasonable buffer to either.
guess this is down to opinion, I really don't like melee's base controls but ok

>> even though half the cast is irrelevant
Instant confirmation that you don't play, have never seriously even tried melee, and only watched. Pathetic

People win in bracket with fuckin bowser. Get good

>Yas Forums seethes when monster hunter gets slightly casualized

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even other melee players in this thread have admitted less than half the cast is "good", the fact that exceptions exist does not invalidate a rule

where's the un-casual melee player that succeeds on the ultimate stage

really makes you stink, doesn't it

There exist not a single decent platfomer that doesn't have momentum. People have been doing it since Mario Bros on the damn NES. Not having such a basic feature is undeniably shit design.
Some people also have issue with a weaker combo game compared to Melee, but I'm a Sheik main so I'm doing fine
And we have GOT to turn on hazards. Ult stages are so boring without them, I don't care if we end up with less usable ones. Does Fountain of Dreams still drop frames?

>Does Fountain of Dreams still drop frames?
That were fixed a while ago. I think 3.0.0 was the last patch that fixed the stage.

Watching aMSa's stream, what a wholesome fellow.

My problem with Smash is that they have absolutely fucking gutted event mode and all the single player content like trophies.

I have no idea how people defend this.

Also fucking eSports fags are a joke. I remember when Yas Forums ran jakku off this board.

So it is fixed. If only it didn't have blast zones identical to Battlefield's

the thing about melee is that it has real issues but for some reason people ignore them in favor of dumb shit like "it has glitches, i think" or "i've only seen three characters, so i guess there are only three characters"

> Does Fountain of Dreams still drop frames?

They fixed it by lowering the res of the reflections lel

what I'm getting from this is that you've either never played or genuinely dislike mega man, castlevania, and metroid, which is a pretty retarded stance for someone who's trying to make a blanket statement about platformers.
and before you tell me it's some kind of relic of an old time, shovel knight is anything but coasting on nostalgia and it also doesn't really have momentum.
i would genuinely prefer a more combo heavy game, I admire melee for having them more prolific.
and yeah, certain hazards are pretty fun. it's a shame that online, the only mode most people really care about, only lets you pick to have them on or off, not which stages for what configuration. Or fuck, at least let us play on hazards off versions of some stages, like umbra clock tower and mementos.

No argument there. Personally, my biggest problem with Ultimate is the freeze-frame for deathblows. Nothing sucks the air out of the room like the screen going red and someone getting launched out of the arena, only to survive because the in-game calculation for round-ending blows failed to account for DI. Melee, Brawl, and 4 had this problem as well, but they didn't call attention for it by zooming in on the opponent just before the launch.

Rivals of Aether had a much more accurate calculator for game-ending attacks that even accounted for all possible directional inputs.

>its favorite series

are you just pretending to be retarded?

>super metroid
>no momentum
Post disregarded.

i'm being sincere
i don't see what was wrong was my post

But that shit is hype as fuck, it only ends on a fart when the screen doesn't do that and they just die

that's kind of fair, but at the same time, most of the momentum based stuff is locked behind running, which is a bad idea in pretty much every room you're not obviously intended to do it

I played some megaman games. they're not bad, but I largely prefer megaman x for the more fleshed out movement like the dash and walljumps
also played Castlevania: Rondo of Blood. Didn't stick with it for very long.
Satisfying movement is king for platformers, at least for me

x has more fleshed out movement, but once again, no actual momentum, just good movement in spite of that.
protip: there's a good reason they're called metroidvanias and it's because SotN is a killer game, you should try it. movement isn't super fleshed out but it's solid enough, and the game is overall fun.
so what I'm now getting from this is that you can handle a game without momentum if it still has some fun/optimizable movement tech. no comment on shovel knight? the main campaign's movement is ass but the other three are really fun in that department.