Can i go back and enjoy his music again?
So what happened then?
Sure. I still enjoy Michael Jackson's music. I still enjoy watching OJ Simpson's NFL highlights. etc.
>I still enjoy Michael Jackson's music
but he didn't do anything
MEH, can you just get the point instead of dragging us off into the weeds on this he did/didn't do it shit?
apart from being a weirdo with a fucked up face and mental problems he didn't really do anything wrong
He was inappropriate at the very least. I don't think he diddled, but if he was still alive I think it would be best if he wasn't around children.
Why can't americans separate the art from the artist?
let justice handle the issue and hire him for the next elder scrolls if he's not in prison
MJ was ill but didn't mean any ill
he was just a weirdo with a fucked up childhood, everyone that knew him well says he was a good man with the heart of a kid
I'm so sorry I derailed the thread by mentioned Michael Jackson. It was kind of a bad thread to begin with, I should have just posted in a vidya thread.
You aren't allowed to enjoy his music anymore, but this is a great chance to buy a new version of Skyrim with a new soundtrack
He learned to conduct better music
fucking gorgeous spritework but overall pretty meh gameplay
As usual turns out that "i said it on twitter" doesnt fly in court so the charges were dropped.
You wont hear shittaku report that side of the story though.
Allowing women into the workforce was a mistake.
Nothing ever actually came of this, right? An accusation was made and that's the last I ever heard of it so I assume he never actually did anything.
Like the other user said, the sprites are the only thing anyone remembers.
>stop enjoying some work because a woman says something
Did the accuser ever double down?
That doesn't mean his actions as an adult towards children can't be inappropriate. If you're 30 and you're taking a bath with a 10 year old that's not something you should be doing regardless of intentions.
If the Feldmeister agrees, I won't argue
This is a funny Pinochet reference.
Some of the music remixes were pretty decent, though.
People have been doing that for ages, it's only in this modern SJW era that that's suddenly considered bad.
But there were two women
Why would both women make claims with zero proof? That doesn’t make sense
>every edition of skyrim is rereleased with an oppression free OST
>If you're 30 and you're taking a bath with a 10 year old that's not something you should be doing regardless of intentions.
Only if you're not related.
>Why would two women accuse a famous composer of sexual misconduct?
I bet if he was nobody, there never would have been any accusations at all.
Why? It's just a bath.
If Japan does it it's okay by me.
What about lost prophets
Yet it's fine when trannies have naked pool parties with kids
But a rape accusation against a nobody is not something you would ever notice so you've just constructed an artificial scenario that only serves to confirm your own biases. Can't you just admit your hatred of women is irrational?
Good music renditions for a Genesis game
I read the blog of one of the women who #metoo'd Soule. It went off on a long tangent about how she was lured to Canada, overworked, and then hung out to dry by her contractor (who wasn't Soule), with e-mail excerpts that unintentionally painted her as a bitter, disagreeable person. Soule was barely even a footnote in her rant, except for the part where she took him to see her folks after he allegedly raped her.
People don't believe rape accusations these days because women have weaponized it.
>Why would both women make claims with zero proof?
Because they want money?
Do white guys just not know how women work or something?
You guys DO realize that they're ALSO human, right?
And humans are fucking shit, as such, women are also fucking shit.
>stand up
>there you go
Post excerpts and screenshots
Another fake accusation. Yawn.
I actually hope these piece of shit women keep doing this, so when it actually happens to them, no one believes them anymore.
It's... almost like there's a pattern to all of these sex fiends...
I dunno. I remember reading the girl's blog about it but I don't really remember the details.
Whether he did it or didn't do it is kind of irrelevant. There is no proof at all and comes down to he-said-she-said. So, I'll just ignore it unless something else comes out.
He did this on the SNES
He could rape two hundred women for all I care.
it isnt.
Tell normalfags that, see what happens.
More like "Hello real life".
Then why was he allowed to host a naked pool party for kids?
>types like a redditard
Yep, its a redditard.
Fun game but I prefer the Arcade version of Moonwalker.
they had no proof so nothing happened
Have sex incel, why would a women ever lie about rape?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Same reason why I used to tell my parents I didn't steal cookies from the cookie jar.
Because you're a colonising white male who's instincts are too hoard resources denying minorities those same resources?
More like women are subhumans and subhumans are fucking shit.
#metoo! Believe all women! We don't need proof or innocent until proven guilty! He needs to kill himself like Alec did! We must RUIN him because our lives are shit, so his should be also!
i raff
Did you intentionally or unintentionally just admit women lie about rape?