Chun-Li is basically confirmed to be playable in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Do you REALLY think Sakurai would pass the opportunity to add the First Lady of fighting games to Smash? If he wanted a joke character, then he would pick someone like Springtrap (which he won't because Sakurai has standards).

Chun-Li is the reason we have the option to pick the same characters in fighting games, you see, Capcom noticed girls both wanting to play as Chun-Li but couldn't, so in the next version of SFII, they added the ability for both players to choose the same character. Now, how does this relate to Ultimate, well guess what? That's a feature that's been in Smash since the beginning. So without Chun-Li, the competitive Smash science couldn't exist if people mained mostly Fox and Falco.

Chun-Li has done so much in history since 1991, and that's just one reason why she NEEDS to become playable in Smash!

So, any thoughts about Chun-Li's VERY likely inclusion in Smash? Well let's here it down below!

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yes, he made rayman a spirit


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I dont think she's very likely at all.

She's already a spirit.

Never ever. We have enough SF characters and females.

>first lady
>not pic related who came a whole decade earlier before SFII

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Pac Man's not a fighting game.

>no source
Never will get me to play this child's fighting platform

Only in smash 6

She wasn't the first female character in a fighting game. Or a playable female character in a fighting game.

>Not Arle

BuT aRlE iS tHe MoSt LiKeLy FeMale ChaRaCtHeR tO bE iN tHe PaSs!¡!

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She was the first popular one.

stop dragging puyo puyo into this shitfest with your retarded boogeyman mindset

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She isn't more popular than Ryu from Streets.

Yeah she is.

Nah, the most popular characters in Street Fighter are Ryu Ken and Akuma. Just check the online usage stats.

sup losers?

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#1 sakura
3. juri
4. Q
5. Cody
6. Chun Li

>online usage
While in this case it's true, Metroid has one of the highest popularity to actual fan desyncs. The actual game sales are pretty bad for Nintendo.

I-is that chun li?

>Do you REALLY think Sakurai would pass the opportunity to add the First Lady of fighting games to Smash?
Yes, otherwise she wouldn’t have been a spirit. She even got cucked from being an assist trophy.

Her body is too lewd to expose children to.

Bayonetta has an attack that turns her naked.

>After Springtrap since November

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I'm surprised Ray-Man isn't in it
>Not playable
>No assist trophy
>No items pertaining to the series
At least he's a spirit I guess

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YoU wAnT In To SmAsH? ThEn DeAl WiTh STINKY pOsTiNg LiKe ThIS!¡!¡!

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Chun-Li's thighs are more than twice as big as Bayonetta's

>his entire argument hinges on a standard in fighting games for people to play the same character.

How does it feel to be a labotomite?

this tbqh

Wow haha what a cool lizard! Go get them lizard hhahah

>Bayonetta has an attack that turns her naked.
and it doesn't turn her naked at all in smash

I have t sa a in really drink now and you better fucking post some thicc chun lk art you fucking niggers

tsa?!?!?!?! what do they have to do with non airport shenanigans?!

She literally gets a sling bikini in Smash.

I don't want women in my fighters pass.
They only belong to spirits so I can collect them

lol are you fucking serious
please tell me you're not referring to this
because i'mma bout to slap you down you stupid turtleheaded bitch

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Is this an actual rumor or is op full of shit?

>has her tits out with no nipples

ooooooooooooooooh ryuuuuuuuu
did i hear something about chun-li's
huuuuge ass?

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that's literally a fucking mod you retarded immigrant
THIS is what it looks like if you ever actually played smash in your life you dumb faggot kimchi breathing butt nugget
how about trying to pause some official footage of her you walmart gokarting dipshit

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How else would they fit a very revealing outfit on an E10+ game?

oh by the way, as you can tell, that shot was from the fucking direct overview
goddamn faggot

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It's an actual rumor, but to make sure, maybe someone should ask Yoshinori Ono on Twitter

everything's a rumor, geno's a rumor, sora's a rumor, waluigi's a rumor, more pokemon's a rumor, yet another fire emblem is a rumor, stevie nicks is a rumor, bananarama's a rumor but also one before your time

it used to be if you were a certain kind of stupid you ended up accidentally offing yourself from your stupidity, but life is too safe for you these days, especially since you can't be lynched

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So wait. Bayonetta's technically naked, huh?

if you don't count wearing her magic hair as some kind of makeshift 1920s womens swimwear outfit, sure why not
although she really does get naked in her own games

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She's in, but will she have a meter?

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>Capcom getting a third street fighter rep

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If they can let a nudist like Bayonetta in, they can let Felicia in.

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sure after giving her a few changes to her looks that you might just enjoy


You can never have too many females fag.

well said my friend.

>Do you REALLY think Sakurai would pass the opportunity to add the First Lady of fighting games to Smash?

the best female fighting game character: Ryu

Can't wait to dab on Chun-lifag's life.

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Too lewd.

Seek help.

i'm not gonna be 100 percent dismissive to a new SF rep but we got 2 reps already and one megaman rep, we could use a second megaman rep, pheonix wright, mon hunter or some kind of capcom surprise instead of a character that kick-button mashing is required to be good with.