*saves your gaming session*

*saves your gaming session*

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>interrupts your gaming session

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>mouse isn't protected

Why are cats so purrfect bros?

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>brain parasite

I just know I'd have a heated gamer moment and accidentally smash my knuckles trying to twirl my beard.

>that increases testosterone levels in your body


$399 plus tip

Only degens own pets

>that you get from eating red meat

is he retarded?


Eye opening post

Because they're cute.

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Unless that underdeveloped snout is a breed quirk then it looks like he has the kitty equivalent of downs

>that increases *perceived* testosterone levels in your body
Actually read the studies yourself rather than regurgitate what you read on Yas Forums.

Persons of commonplace ideas—unimaginative worthy burghers who are satisfied with the daily round of things and who subscribe to the popular credo of sentimental values—will always be dog-lovers. To them nothing will ever be more important than themselves and their own more primitive feelings, and they will never cease to esteem and glorify the fellow-animal who best typifies these. Such persons are submerged in the vortex of Oriental idealism and abasement which ruined classic civilisation in the Dark Ages, and live in a bleak world of abstract sentimental values wherein the mawkish illusions of meekness, devotion, gentleness, brotherhood, and whining humility are magnified into supreme virtues, and a whole false ethic and philosophy erected on the timid reactions of the flexor system of muscles. This heritage, ironically foisted on us when Roman politics raised the faith of a whipped and broken people to supremacy in the later empire, has naturally kept a strong hold over the weak and the sentimentally thoughtless; and perhaps reached its culmination in the insipid nineteenth century, when people were wont to praise dogs “because they are so human” (as if humanity were any valid standard of merit!), and honest Edwin Landseer painted hundreds of smug Fidoes and Carlos and Rovers with all the anthropoid triviality, pettiness, and “cuteness” of eminent Victorians.


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why not just skin that roof rabbit alive

cats are fukin gay man


What does that mean?


dont click

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Must be fun as fuck to be constantly bumping your knuckles on glass just because you can't close your cat in a different room or you have a fucking cat at all. Only women and gays have cats.

>tfw no cute catboy to pet and give chin scratches to

that's explains why you have so many

>want to give cat attention
>just ignores you
>do anything else
>cat is all up in your business
>won't sleep with you
>but will sleep on your back when you need to get up
I love you kitty but you can't keep doing this to me.

that's some nice young pussy

cute lil chonker


It'll be possible once genetic engineering is refined.

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the cat thinks youre its bitch loooooool

Why do you eat cat shit, my dude? Do you think this is a normal thing to do?

Nobody will understand this but I wish you could tackle cats. Like, the only regret I have is that I can’t mildly strangle while shaking the shit out of my cat and kind of beat his shit. All out of love tho.
I think my cat feels the same with his little bites and neck-slicing threats (where they pretend they’re gona kill you in your sleep but it’s affectionate)
There’s gotta be a word for violent affection urges

My baby girl knows not to jump on my keyboard. She climbs everything and everywhere but she never touches anything.

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Ruthless, you monster.

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Jesus, almost had a heart attack

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bro nobody said anything about eating cat shit but you haha :)

>what does "perceived" mean?
Oh lord baby jesus, what the fuck even happens at school these days? Do they just berate you for being white all day?

Nah bro i've always liked the idea of wrestling every animal in the world into submission but only for fun and games


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What are you trying to prove by being an asshole?

only trannies like cats

You know what parasites are, right? Probably not since you're dumb enough to eat cat shit.

dude we get it you like eating cat shit, theres fetish sites for that

Don't get silly. Boy can refer to a cute adult male.

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Theres a type of romance like that in Homestuck called kimesitude or some shit like that.

>Between dogs and cats my degree of choice is so great that it would never occur to me to compare the two. I have no active dislike for dogs, any more than I have for monkeys, humans, niggers, cows, sheep, or pterodactyls; but for the cat I have entertained a particular respect and affection ever since the earliest days of my infancy.

>announcing reports
That would be you getting the vacation

>There’s gotta be a word for violent affection urges
Cute aggression

>tfw my cat respects my space and only comes for attention when she realizes I'm unoccupied

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Why do low test soi males own cats and all the alpha bulls own dogs (mostly pits)?

heh...nothing personell...kid

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>announcing the announcement of a ban
looks like youre going on a cruise to the banhamas

Okay both of you are retarded

a cat is a piece of furniture that bites and shits in a box


I got something even worse

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>It'll be possible once genetic engineering is refined.
No it won't. You clearly don't know shit. I love how people with zero background in genetics think GE and CRISPR is like magic from a videogame, it just has to be "leveled up."

Just fucking shove the cat off the table

lmao what a lad

I want a cat, but I don't want to get a cat that's a dick.

enjoy your permaban for posting this horrific shit


me second from the left

Nooo! think of the advertisers!

Yeah, it's called "play."

I miss my cat, brehs...

my reasons why i hate cats has been growing for 15 years
cat owners are easily manipulated people


You will find another animal to have sex with

Shouldn't you be looking for another body?

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*takes one sip of your water*

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Imagine letting your fucking pet just do whatever the fuck it wants as if it runs the house. Imagine buying a contraption just so you don't have to tell your cat to fuck off and not stand on your shit.

There is a stray that comes by my porch everyday that looks just like this. I gave him a flea bath, treatment, brushing and a hemp collar I made myself in preparation to bring him inside fully but he was pissed off and ran off for the past 5 days. ;_;

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thats a lot of ginger bois

How is this post not deleted yet? Holy fuck mods

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Implying either of them hit submit


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t. a dog pee'd on me

>allowing an animal to do this

>giant mouse pad
>mouse has about 4" of horizontal space to move


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>dogfag can't even comprehend of someone having reasons beyond pure emotion for their opinion
Like fucking clockwork.

>game has traps

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He ain't ever coming back after the bath dumbass