Yas Forums plays haven and hearth (HnH)


>What is haven and hearth?
It's a shit game made by two gay swedes over a decade ago. You start out trying to survive in the woods with nothing and use the world around you to build your home. Eat to become stronger and advance your civilization. Work together and claim land, a village, and then a kingdom in this sandbox MMO with pvp anywhere and permadeath with some stat recovery.

>Why are we playing this?
In this world you build a civilization with others using the wilderness around you. Together Yas Forums can overcome all obsticles and destroy all the russians and koreans that invade this game. Pvp can be initiated anywhere and working as a hivemind we can be the ultimate force in this world. But combat is not all, as we must also build our own glorious civilization. Together you can help build and conquer your part of this world.

This world known as world 11 is finally coming to an end by march 6th. Until then we can do whatever we want. We have this time to prepare and get you initiated to the game mechanics so you can be a powerful rusky stomping force of nature. When world 12 arises nothing will stop our ascent to glory.

You can either join our discord or post in this thread as Yas Forums tradition states. Either is acceptable as there is an ingame chat area as well.


World 12 Trailer:

Here's a pastebin with more info and guides for newcomers

Also a google doc for plans this world, constantly being updated.

This is the wiki. Use it for everything, as knowledge is king in this game.

Yas Forumsillage's Discord (we prefer to use the thread but we do not always have it up)

Attached: unknown-89.png (1725x865, 1.59M)

Other urls found in this thread:


It sounded good until the discord part.
I'm out.

don't need it, just wait for info to drop and join the bros

Attached: AEphgu7.jpg (934x467, 590.52K)

I used to love this game back in the day. It's 3D now?

I kinda wanna play again but I think I'll just drop it in a month. Never really played in a group tho.

I feel like group play helps prevent the burnout. Any effort is welcome, we have to get rid or the 1 day dropout hearthfires anyways

oh it's the game that does a massive stutters every 1.5 seconds even if you have a 400$ GPU.


I tried every custom client I could find (amber, ape, kt, pasta), and they all crash either at boot or when I login (couldn't find research gfx/bla/bordak or somesuch). The official client works but is slow as fuck and of course buggy and shitty. Additionally, I got KO'd by bats and trying to log back into that KO'd character instantly crashes the game with "couldn't find sfx/bla/whatever" (related to the KO'd sfx apparently).
3d was a mistake.

Works on my machine

Works on my machine

Then send help. Googling around shows many other people having these issues with no fix. Also I did copy the run.bat to the appropriate folder in each client to launch, compiled from source or tried the precompiled ones, nothing seems to work.

Did you post on the wizards tower section of the forums to custom clients that you crash on?

Yes. No response beside "wait for new world nothing works" or "client is no longer maintained". Yet many people report no issue around the same time.


set java directory path


Apparently this is an issue with Java fucking things up. Try to see if you have multiple versions of Java installed and deleting the older ones.

I wouldn't have gone so far as to actually run the client to get it to crash if that was the problem.

Only one version, freshly installed just for the sake of hnh.

How does the new ko protection work?

Reminder not to go in swamps while injured

Fuck combat, fuck midges, fuck satiations, fuck hunger, fuck experience, fuck localized resources, fuck 3D graphics, fuck tar kilns, fuck wounds, fuck jorb, fuck loftar but most of all FUCK FIREBRANDS

If you use ancestor worship from a shrine you can get a buff that could protect you from being killed when knocked out but under the current system if they can hit you hard enough you can be killed before being knocked out

previous user is wrong uhh ko protection works this way get rage you lose it only some things will kill you tho players with rage bears moose mamoths if you dont have rage provided you dont get overkilled you wont die to anything unless you get overkilled really hard and its hard to kill anyone without rage with b12 nerfs midway through last world does less grevious damage

You forgot sand fleas.

holy fuck yes soap is cancer

What happens if you do?

infected wound you need to constalnly soap or it gets worse

and some wounds only heal 1 point per day while mended and its cancer b.c you gota perma soap they may have changed it agaijn tho i could be wrong lots of commiunty outrage about infected wonds

isnt the the old system from before murder was added?

are you dumb? you don't have KO protection from not having rage anymore. Murder is now a skill again and without ancestor protection you don't have KO protection from players, animals can still randomly kill you.

ah when did this happen

a couple weeks ago, this might only apply in world 12 though

im glad that isnt in the w12 changelog clearly not important

what do you expect from two swedish retards? I know that the reaction to it was somewhat negative so I imagine they will implement it anyway slightly differently

Seeing old ruins in this game is fun

Attached: 3358623432114.jpg (1779x899, 574.79K)

The tile decay system is cool

How the fuck do I play the Legacy Haven? I can't get it to work from the official forum thread, it shows this error

Attached: legacyerror.png (860x558, 40.85K)

You need jogl in your library path. This means either somewhere related to the folder where you're starting haven, inside the jar, or somewhere accessible from %JAVA_HOME%.

I'd rather not be around that mongoloid who types like a literal retard

You mean the Russian? Don't worry that's a spy, we kill them soon.

We can spawn more people but since it's the end of the wolves devs added wolves, trolls, and deadly fish everywhere. Also during the time when the world is ending getting KOed kills you. The world isn't usually this harsh.

>World 5, first time playing
>Wandering around on the clay like a retard. Make a few chariots to study because figure out how that works
>Fail to catch rabbits a few times until I get lucky
>Almost starving to death, unable to build a fishing rod because too new and retarded
>Boat comes by, prepare to accept my fate and get murdered
>He tells me to get in and we go to his camp. I'm studying the game
>We land and dock at a base by the river, tell him that this seems dangerous. Others passing by in the boat will easily see it
>He shrugs me off, that night we get raided
>Try to help him rebuild, I forage the land in the mean time
>Bring some stuff back and help spruce up the place
>A few days later he invites his real life friends and kicks me out so the place could be just theirs
>Feel a little sad but build my home inland more south, away from the water
>They build up a palisade and are doing more successful due to their numbers, I get envious
>I go on the forums and ask questions about how to build battering rams and raid people
>This was middle school and my dumb ass in character name was the same as my account name
>Later the guy messages me saying he knows what I've been posting on the forums, we are on worse terms now
>Eventually they stop playing. Their fort decays and gets raided
>I live alone for the rest of that character before I invite some friends and move
I just wanted to be with you guys...

Should have used the wiki instead

>dude just use a guide
These games stop being fun once you know what you're doing

Depends on how the game is structured. Hnh gives you lots of freedom to do stuff even when you know what can be done, so you still have plenty to do and have fun with even with a wiki constantly open.

For most games yeah but for this one it's the other way around. You have the most fun when you know what you're doing.
I'd argue that this isn't true for all games. For example like ss13 you're better off when you know everything but then it loses it's magical charm because you always know what you can do, minus when you have creative moments to blend mechanics.
On haven however the game is very dull when you don't know what to do. When you know what to do you have goals to work towards, and by the randomly generated nature of resources there's always incentive to go out and enjoy the world.

Anyone gonna be a fisherman when the new world comes out? I can get you entrails to fish with but I wouldn't bother digging up worms. The stamina drain isn't worth it

When the people around us are flattening land to build on we can separate the worm piles and the dirt piles for you guys.
Btw don't forget to plow and pave land before you build on it to prevent building decay.

So when we start out it would be a good idea to rush leather for slings and backpacks right?

Localized resources are based. Gives people things to fight over.

How long is foraging useful for? I like to roam the woods and explore the land while picking mushrooms. Will I be useless later on?

nobody fights over the localized resources, not a single conflict has ever started over someone taking this shit. Even the most valuable one, ice isnt contested

foraging is useful for a very long time, gardening pots won't be able to produce the best curios a while and certain things like mushrooms are just super easy to acquire outside or mussels will always be needed. Even just pickuping up squirrels and bugs is useful.

I've seen someone get murdered over ice before. The murderer uploaded it on youtube after killing the guys horse and then him.

If I see you taking my village's salt I'm gonna beat your ass


Add me in game with my hearth secret. "Tutbrah"

Is it safe to give your hearth secret now? I thought people could spawn from them.

Ardennes client discontinued, use amber instead?

use custom clients at your own peril, they now utilize an automapper that was made by a dude who literally made a client to steal accounts with.