He makes good games

He makes good games

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Did you guys ever wonder why Vulcan Raven let his own birds peck him to death?


No. But why did liquid disguise himself as Miller and start giving snake advice? And how come mei ling didn't realise his comms were coming from shadow moses?

Master Miller lived about 40 miles away from the mission or something like that. So it wasn't uncommon for his transmissions to make it to Snake. Mei-Ling also uncovered Master Miller's dead body just moments before the reveal of Liquid Snake.

>Hideo Kojima later stated that he had barely anything to do with the gameplay of death stranding, but that he only worked with the story department during the development. However, his distaste for americans is still something he holds true towards, and reinstated that "just because you don't think a game is a good idea or you want to do something, doesn't mean that it can't be made"
Do we forgive him for the blunder that was Death Stranding?

Blunder? Its a goddamn masterpiece you philistine

Why did liquid help snake with advice though? And why did natalya know more about weapons that snake?

No, he make good cinematics, not good games, not good stories, just good cinematics. DS was the worst game I've ever played in decades, if you can't make a good game with 200 million dollars, you are just fucking shit at it.


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Policenauts was a fun game.
So, people using Codec can see one one another, right?

>goddamm masterpiece
Never seen a masterpiece with Monster ads and AMC ads before. You guys have a terrible taste

Liquid needed the passcodes to actually activate the Genome Project and subsequently Metal Gear REX. Snake was just his pawn in the delivery. Natalya is part of National Security, not to mention being assigned to Snake's mission in the Alaskan tundra. She's supposed to have knowledge on all kinds of gear, especially to answer any questions Snake might have.

If it wasnt for plebs like you there would be no need for ads to make all the money back


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Usually, yes. MGS 4 kinda sucked.

why do ads bother you if you're not affected by it? unless you do feel compelled to act on it.


can you name 5 things besides long cutscenes that you didn't like about mgs4?

When you want to disguise yourself you typically put on the clothes of the person you're mimicking. In basic ventriloquist or even disguise classes it is customary to pretend to be the person thoroughly, not just bring his voice to command. Even if you are a skilled or master impressionist, you need to be able to distinguish identities, without those normal codes of culture to help it can make life very difficult, and get in the way of what you wanted to do in the first place.

Thats what happens when you have too many cutscenes

ah yes, the creative dad

Hot Coldman

Who needs five things? I just think the level design sucks, but I can split that into multiple things if you want.

He also calls Mei Ling cute, and is shocked when Liquid takes off the disguise.

dios mio, la creatividad...

>Zone of the Enders 2
These are good. Everything else is mediocre to bad.

It's not how.long the cutscenes are, it's how long the gameplay segments inbetween are. Death Stranding has long cutscenes and it still doesn't feel like a movie. Because between them there are long stretches of gameplay.

Nah I disagree. DS was fun and one of the best games of 2019 desu. 2nd to Sekiro for GOTY.

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I guess that would be a pretty good reason to be surprised then, wouldn't it?

Ads is not the main problem but the game itself, it's just garbage. A 200 million garbage.

>Kojima haters have to outright make shit up to besmirch him.

You faggots are mentally ill, go have sex or something.

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Is that the guy who invented cameras?

Only because you are a kojima fanboy it doesn't mean that it's a good game, it isn't.

Hardly, I've only ever played MGS 4 and 5. I thought 4 was shit, 5 had pretty good gameplay.

>Kojima says that he thought of puting camera item in MGS1
>schizophrenic deluded hater is so far gone he twists it into thinking Kojima said he invented camera
cant make this shit up even If I tried or wanted, this perfectly encapsulates the absolute state of people who genuinely despise Kojima, its just pure gold

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so he just confirms the shitty trend that these sony exclusives are more cinematic than an actual game. blows my mind this is the same guy that made mgs. the only thing from that game that carries over to death stranding is the convoluted story

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its literally fake, but retarded american wouldnt bother to check and believes everything user pulls out of his ass on 4channel, classic

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This. Huge segments of gameplay before more cutscenes. I can normally tell if someone didn't actually play it when they call it a movie game. Anyone actually expecting a movie game would be severely disappointed.

Are you going to respond to user calling you out for biting fake info?

I don't understad how can you say that DS is a good game, it's the most boring garbage I've ever played in my life.

It's bizarre at the lengths some go to hate on Kojima. I just want to know, what in the flying fuck did Kojima do to draw the ire of these autists?

Believe it or not people actually like different things than you. I know its really hard to accept or even think of such concept when you have autism.

This guy is only an idea man, without someone who actually knows what and how develop those in videogame format the end result will always be a mess!

Well, I know people who love to eat feces, and drink piss, or a kick in the balls. I will never understand them, and I really don't want.

That's exactly what people said about Metal Gear Solid.

news flash, not everyone likes the same stuff
also DS is a extremely polarizing vidya

It's the same guy in every thread. Saying the same shit in broken english. I don't know what his fucking problem is.

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nah i'm too lazy to check, game was so trash I didn't want to invest anymore time on this game beyond shitposting about it. easiest (You)s of my fucking life

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No one is asking you to understand or approve of extremes like that, only to understand that people like games that dont appeal to you

>I'm proud of my ignorance!

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People love shit and stupid things, I guess I have to deal with it.

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All these threads tell me that the people shitting on DS have a weird obsession with Kojima. Are they mad he's not working on MGS anymore or something?

Relax guy they're just jokes

Oh it is a joke for sure, seeing a thread full of adult men sperging out because of one tweet Kojima made about putting a camera item in MGS1 is just too funny. Or is it sad?

le steve boulot du jeu vidéo... le papa créatif..


It's just nature running it's course

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The biggest travesty of everything regarding Kojima is that he got the BAFTA award for releasing a poor game that nonetheless had movie quality cutscene direction and voice acting. Because those two things are the reasons it got the award. Those things are the reasons it is so appealing to many and help hide the piss-poor gameplay mechanics underneath. TLoU is so highly regarded and popular for the exact same reason btw, except it's much better mechanically too.
If you wanted to give Kojima an award, you needed to do it in 2002. Doing it now is just taking the piss.

How to tell someone is a poser who's never even played any of Kojumbo's games

The fuck are you talking about? Metal Gear 2 is great.

The last game that has made it is a huge piece of garbage.