My niece flew in with updog and her dialect makes me want to kill myself
>Nintendo is "nintender"
>Zelda is "zelder"
>Wario is "warier"
How do I tell her she's driving me nuts without hurting her feelings?
My niece flew in with updog and her dialect makes me want to kill myself
>Nintendo is "nintender"
>Zelda is "zelder"
>Wario is "warier"
How do I tell her she's driving me nuts without hurting her feelings?
Other urls found in this thread:
MST3K Thread
What's updog?
How old is she?
Best episode was richard. Thread over
not much what about you user?
You arent funny.
Ligma balls!
Fuck i meant mitchell
if she's anything less than 15 then just fucking deal with it you ninny
Only scifi zoomers disagree
Just use a dichfore.
Best episode was The Puma Man.
steve jobs
who the hell is steve jobs
ninja tfue
Just give her a urmumshudcomivernsukmy, that will do that trick
not as bad as ligma
mus' be from up Norf wid updog like tha'.
is a physical presence necessary anymore when everything is online with more detail and information?
I work retail as a job on the side and there's a kid who talks in twitch and YouTube comment speak, heard him do the "NO ONE, NOT EVEN A SOUL" shit you see in comments.
prince of space was better
people praise this show all the time and i honestly don't get it, is it meant to be for kids or is it just unfunny?
Deez nuts
its elevated family guy
You crack me up, little buddy.
She just sounds like your average Britbong to me
Honest to God it's Reddit before Reddit existed. Just like Futurama and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
>Devil Doll
>Puma Man
>Blood Waters of Doctor Z
>Space Mutiny
>Prince of Space
>It Lives By NIght
etc etc etc...are all better than Mitchell
I can't believe rosharch didnt know who steve jobs was
I've got the complete series, what 2 episodes should I watch tonight? I'm feeling one Mike and one Joel episode.
Yas Forums has absolute shit taste in comedy, so your review doesn't hold much value.
What are your favorite comedies on television?
Mads=Pearl, is my only disagreement. Oh and anything after Diabolik is complete digshit. New MST3K is not ok.
>Honest to God it's Reddit before Reddit existed.
Joe Mama!
Puma Man then Space Mutiny
zoomer parlance for coronavirus
What's a dichfore.
The Final Sacrifice is the best.
Nothing much
Final Sacrafice, Prince of Space, Overdrawn at the Memory Bank, and BUFF MANMEAT are the best in the series.
Mike era was best era, you literally cannot argue this.
I wonder if there's beer on the the Sun?
>Futurama and Hitchhiker's
Reddit loving it doesn't make it reddit itself. They're too clever by half to be defined as a site that is literally incapable of telling jokes that aren't references or stolen.
Zombie Nightmare is pretty fun too.
Agent Double 007 in the Joel era was up there.
A Bit of Fry and Laurie is GOAT
MST3K is decent, great for having in the background while cooking
My niece is 13 and has an internet girlfriend she met on LoL. And it's actually another 13 year old girl.
New MST3K is OK. It ain't the best, but it's trying.
What's the one movie you want them to do?
Cry Wilderness, The Land that Time Forgot, Carnival Magic, Mac and Me, and Lords of the Deep are up there along with the originals in my opinion.
Eh, the tone os completely wrong. Instead of 3 friends watching a bad movie and making their own sorts of jokes to cope, it’s 3 comedians all with the same type of humor doing standup with the movie as a backdrop