The duality of man

The duality of man

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Other urls found in this thread:

On the left; Someone who gets paid just for having a vagina

On the right; Someone with a job

Souless vs Soul.

I have the same chair

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Horrible gigantic feet

Souless vs souless

cmon man at least get a nice chair

Right is unironically interior design kino.
Left looks like a rainbow threw up in a room.

that chair is surprisingly comfy plus it forces you to have a decent posture

Fuck I wish I'd been born female. It's legitimately easy mode. Even the top female esports players aren't as good as some nameless unknown unfollowed male player and they absolutely rake it in, for no real reason at all. It's crazy.

No, she gets paid because she has a vagina and is pretty. Pretty people will always live life on easy mode regardless of gender. Have you ever seen a beautiful person living on the streets?

There wasn't anything in your room
-- only a bed and a small desk. It
looked like a prison cell...

Wait, left is a man?

>Handsome men just get given money

You are a fucking fruitloop if you genuinely believe that.

>those man feet

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Have you never heard of male models/escorts before user? Or male instagram influencers?

fuck getting a nice chair

Beanbag + big ass blanket for cold temps. say whatever you want but i don't have to worry about carrying shit when I have to move for whatever reason.

this man is so rare he made the news

I'm totally weird and love the idea of living and sleeping on carpeted floors and i dont fucking know why

its so weird, I can totally see myself having my TV laying on a very low table with no chairs, just carpeted floors a shit ton of pillows and a blanket

im so weird

Get off the computer, Al.

laying down all the time becomes uncomfortable.

I feel like all that light must be bad for your eyes but have nothing to back it up. Do people actually sit under cyan and magenta lights for extended periods of time with no repercussion?

Models get paid to do their job, modelling.
Escorts get paid to do their job, Escorting.

Being handsome enables those jobs and for men you have to be a real 10/10 to get them. they aren't paid simply for existing.

Women get paid just for being pretty and lets be honest, the fucking obese uggos get money too. Nobody is watching their gameplay, people donate just to look at them.

people that like RGB lights have no taste. they are the type that think putting underglow on your car is cool.

you can sit on floors too you know

thats not comfy. you need back support

>the fucking obese uggos get money too
Name five objectively ugly obese female streamers who receive donations on a regular basis.

Left is nice but clearly a scripted shot
The laptop especially gives it away
Nobody keeps their laptops open on a desk without the charging cable either plugged in or nearby, and the mouse cables are tucked under it, making it look nice but rendering the mouse unusable
Wireless phone charger is also unplugged

I dunno, I like them. They're dumb if you make some flashy light show with them, but mood lighting can be amazingly comfy in the right setup.
Of course, nothing could ever be comfier than a fireplace, but that causes excessive heat and isn't viable in the warmer months.
Ultimately, what it comes down to is having a space that's comfy and functional for you, rather than a space you can show off for internet points.

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Imagine the electricity bill

Having that desk would be pretty cool but
>look at my computer parts I'm such a fucking wicked gamer!
>look at my headphones!
there's mood lighting and then there's trying to be middle school girl

There are hundreds, look on twitch or adult streaming websites.
Didn't you hear about the just for fans hack? THOUSANDS of women got videos that were behind paywalls stolen and all everyone can talk about in sharing threads is how most of them are fucking awful. But those were PAID videos, not free.

You're delusional.

Starting at different colors does put your brain into w different mode, so it can fuck with your sleep cycle. Other than that, no idea

And once he had a haircut, no one was interested.

I'd take the setup on the right if it had a comfy chair. Maybe a recliner or something.

All I think about when I look at the left is how much of a pain in the ass it is when she has to move.

just get a nice colored light bulb for you desk lamp

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>I'm delusional because I don't know about every hack-eceleb drama that occurs
No, I did not hear about the just for fans hack.

People charging for videos =/= people purchasing those videos

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>pay moving company
>stay with friends for a day or two while it all gets set up

thats what i did

I'm kind of literally starting to think that there's nothing wrong with harming women due to how privileged they are.

Like... Ted Bundy was right.

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I'd take right all day long if I could buy myself a decent recliner, left just looks like a fucking mess I would instantly completely change around and remove all those fucking lights

Left not very comfortable due to bad lightning and overusing everything
Right is not very comortable due to bad chair and having a ps4 instead of PC

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why the fuck does she have those "star lights" everywhere like holy shit one is almost in her eye

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i hate people like this. i hate anyone who has speakers in an apartment. literally subhumans.

calm down, incel.

>no real reason at all

Yeah, but imagine her smells though. Just imagine.

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this nigger needs to prioritize getting a bigger place over getting some shit subwoofers

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Yeah. I never understood why some people like vibrant rgb lighting. It's so artificial and uncomfortable.

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needs more posters of tiddies

i'd go with anime tiddies but that's my taste

>laser lights shining in your eyes while gaming
no one who plays a fucking game would set up like this. wait, it's a woman, what am I thinking.

I wish I could kill every beta orbiter on earth

I don't blame women for taking advantage of these dumb findommed cucks

shit game and bad lightning
kino and proper room illumination


>dog = $2000
No, the price never stops rising.

if it had a second chair I'd come over for pizza and beers with my copy of Super Troopers

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>$2000 cat
Is it part Tiger?

If you're serious, you should spend less time here. A lot less.

i don't think you know how those laser lights work

holy fuck, my sides, I didnt expect that


Why would you want to marry someone who you need to trick in order to be yourself?

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For what purpose?

>and is pretty
are we looking at the same picture?

>not wanting to game in the hell zone

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le avengers need their locker room hehe XD

It would 100% give me a migraine after a while but I'm prone to them to begin with.

>man cave
>my fiancé

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>Have you ever seen a beautiful person living on the streets?

While rare, it does happen. Circumstance can fuck anyone. More likely is that they have the personality and character of a tire fire, and their problems are of their own making.

clearly not looks like the room of an effeminate beta bitch

Left - proud neet and pc master race
Right - filthy pleb taste wagecuck and a console nigger


>two laptops

there's nothing notable about his looks, just his remarkable hobo fashion sense

>capeshit lockers

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$2000 goat? wtf?

>TFW I've been using a folding table as a desk for nearly a decade because I don't care if it gets beat to hell and it's easy to move and work around

>TFW I live in squalor because I do the same for everything in my life because I'm constantly moving so I never set down roots which includes furniture since I know I'll just move it in a few years myself anyway

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jesse pinkman tier

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Where the fuck do people find L-shaped Desks
I've been looking for years and they don't sell any from mainstream furniture outlets that aren't fucking tiny
I'm about to just buy two regular desks and screw them together

What the fuck is wrong with you niggers? Jesus christ, how can you be this unhinged about Woman because some make more money than you?
What the fuck?

>ITT: Incels

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>reddit screenshots

Way to go you absolute retard, might as well just stay there.

>figures in front of the tv
i hope it was only for the pic

i cant even find decent priced good looking desk where i live

>For what purpose?
to lock up all the dragon dildos

based. chads don't care about lgbt led shit

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>not paying $50,000 for an immortal pet

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Your post is as empty as your heart.
But enough talk. Have at you!

That’s a really tall fucking room