FFXIV - Final Fantasy XIV

You like roegadyns, right user?

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Roes are shit. SHIT.

no, I like lalas!

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I want a femroe to sit on my face.

Just recently had an interaction in a dungeon that bothered me. I have a screenshot but I don’t really know how to edit it to make it more readable.

It happened while running Grand Cosmos for Expert Roulette. I don’t get the new player notification or anything. At the last boss, the healer dies pretty early to what I’m guessing was the blue fire DoT (I don’t know the name of the attack). I simply say, “to get rid of the dot you set furniture on fire”

We end up dying of course because we don’t have a healer. So right before we try again, I try to be helpful and just make the reminder “But yeah, red marker try to avoid the furniture. Blue marker, go to the furniture”

The next attempt goes alright, she doesn’t die to the DoT. But suddenly the MCH from the same server as the healer goes “refrain from saying anything negative to her again or we’ll have problems”

And I’m just really surprised and for some reason the healer is dead again and so is the MCH. I have no idea to what. I say “Umm what. I didn’t say anything negative. I was just saying a mechanic in case it was forgotten.”

I decide to leave after that because I don’t think that kind of attitude should be tolerated. I just wish I had been playing tank so it would’ve had a bigger impact, but either way the Expert Roulette queue isn’t a big deal. It’s crazy to me that anyone can even misconstrue what I said as negative. What bothers me the most is probably that they’ll go on continuing that attitude, being overly sensitive about completely neutral comments. How do they even stand being in the real world? Are they that insulated? Are they that insecure?

Noose yourself you tasteless green cock-addicted manslag

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As a Miqo'te, I like other Miqo'te and Elezen best.

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As a Hyur, I like to play the video game.

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if i'm going to go spam ishgard to level crafters, do i just need a 20 40 and 60 set/tools?
i figure at around 60/70 i transition into doing Custom Deliveries and the Crystarium Deliveries

I had a GM talk to me before because I asked the DRK to turn on his tank stance during some bosses in a dungeon because he literally couldn't hold aggro against me even when I used Diversion on cooldown. It's ridiculous how sensitive some people are.

I've had similar experiences in the past on this game. You didn't do anything wrong, user. Next time don't let them get to you and don't quit. Just disable the chat window and clear the dungeon. You were only trying to help them and if they refuse your help, then just keep doing your work as best you can and wait until they quit or finally manage to clear it.

As a Lalafell, i like money best.

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Sounds good but 70 to 80 takes considerably longer to level

I bet my gil pile is bigger than yours.

leves are still faster

People are just overly sensitive coddled pussies these days.
Too many times in Eureka I've seen people making fairly innocent jokes or comments, and someone not in the conversation felt the need to be offended.

Idiot. Being a female (male) and glamouring and using fantasia every week IS the game.

All e6s clear parties are like this.

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did you block out a random name so you think we found you but it's actually not you user

That is my fetish.

As an Elezen, I like other dhamels and cats best.

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Don't ever reply to people like that. Just don't say anything. You cannot reason with people like that. They'll just drag you deeper and deeper into their nonsensical delusions.

>Ask my FC if anyone wants to do roulettes and get a free pass through queue since im a tank
>2 DPS join
>They're both absolutely awful and the runs take forever
Never again.

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I’ve got a Ceto claw and the shiver emote listed as well which is another 15m, Eureka has made me more money than crafting and gathering ever has

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I've had people get snippy as fuck over basic instructions too. XIV is the only multiplayer game i really play anymore so no idea if it's exclusive to that or if people in general just have paper thin skin these days.

As and Elezen i also like other elezen but cats dont seem to be interested in me

fem roe run animation is worse than a fem midlander

Wanna compare sizes?
Good taste. Alphinaud and Estinien are the best husbandos.
Mine's bigger.

Well that took awhile.

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I think it's just XIV, overwatch, and some ranks in assfaggots

It's me, it would be quite interesting if you found me though.

>Eureka has made me more money than crafting and gathering ever has
Then you clearly haven't put time into crafting/gathering for gil.

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People in general but this game attracts a lot of them

I would bet a woman (female) was behind the healer.

>Wanna compare sizes?
I only have about 15m but i'm just a dumb sprout. I'll get rich one day.

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People hate it when others correct them in games. It ruins their immersion.

u rite, I tend to focus more on just hitting the day 1 nodes to make stuff for myself and friends, and not capitalizing on stupid people with gil. Definitely coulda made some more off this raid tier if I gave a shit. Here’s to hoping the next exploratory zone lets me rob people blind again

HQ scans of the japanese edition of the ShB artbook when?

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Does gathering give good money or do I have to spec into crafting for the big gil?

>He doesn't do the superior E5S MrHappy circle strat, instead he does the risky triangle bullshit

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Gathering can make real good money even on old stuff, but competition can be hard and super autistic with extreme undercuts.

No as male roes are played by annoying homosexuals while female ones look ugly

Both of you, post your giraffes.
Mine's much bigger.

One of these highlanders is not like the others.

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As a melee I like triangle more, but I understand why BLM, RDM or healers would like circle more.

Gathering makes you consistent money all the time, but the best money is within the first week of a raid tier since all the goobers will want crafted sets.

>Mine's much bigger.
Oh baby.

Only middle is fuckable. Others are goblinas.

Botters tend to ruin prices on anything good after a week. Look up what the current raid pots/foods need, see which mats are gathered/aetherial-reduced, and go after what's worth gil.

Yeah I hear my friend always rant about people undercutting his flax and stuff all the time so I wasn't sure if it was worth or not.

pls donate to me on Lich (Light Data Center)
I need money for a home

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Gathering will get you a decent, steady amount of money but you can't really compete with crafting. Focus on timed nodes, alchemy materials and maybe ephemeral nodes.

post feet

I'm on Primal, you're not getting a dime from me.

I could give you 2 mil if I wasn't in a party and thread wasn't auto saged.

So how do the writers expect to make Elidibus a better villain than Emet?

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see what you do is overcut someone by 100/1000 and then the retards that refuse to buy something that's an undercut will buy your shit instead


sorry lad, I’m on Aether. If you wanna make a quick gil without any investment other than time, deep dungeon was my start. The mounts and weapons are easy sells.

Odin friend here
Get a job

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I'm tired of wow classic and kinda want to get into ffxiv but i heard some shits about the main story and you're gonna struggle for hundred of hours to get to the good stuff. What exactly does it mean? Am i gonna play a shitty single player game or something?

You can trade him.

>highlander with grey skin
hold the fuck up

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the secret to money is to passively keep getting money and not spending it.

Make sure the next thread is only loosely related so it's not killed right away like this one.

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Autosage, lol


We fall

If you want 1mil find me on Odin Shirogane housing subdivision.

No, it just means the story of A Realm Reborn really fucking drags on. But once you're done with that, the expansions Heavensward, Stormblood and Shadowbringers are amazing. Everyone is still hanging out in the ARR locations and doing the content though. It's just the story portion that has a lot of fetch quests early on.

Only the male ones

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>(Light Data Center)
Oh no, it's a Frenchie.


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Pretty much. It's not like wow where quests dont matter. You must do the main story questline to progress and read all msqs because the story builds upon every expansion. I will say however all classes are more complex than wow so that's a plus

This shitty /vg/ bait thread deserved its fate.

Banish the current /xivg/ userbase to /trash/ and /soc/ and i wouldn't mind posting there instead.

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imagine the smell

It's valid until thread dies.

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Light is G*rman, Chaos is Fr*nch

Yugiri is best girl, Hien is best boy. And Kugane is best town. Yanxia is best zone.
>using Dragon Ball GT reaction image

Imagine the taste

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This one, sure. But I like having a place to discuss the game with people that actually play the game, unlike /xivg/.

Not sure if i want to experience that. Thanks for the answers.

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At least it's a clear.

I'm with you on that. Damn shame /xivg/ can't fuck off.

SB is the worst expansion. Don't even try to argue otherwise.

the absolute state of final fantasy threads on Yas Forums

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It's not.

>run trial roulette yesterday
>run trial roulette today

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Never post this ever again.

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I haven't played the game in months. What now, gayboi?

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i would but you know how people feel about that stuff here

Heavensward and Shadowbringers are so worth it user. Best FFs since the PS2 days.

Post character before the thread dies. Post main job.

I've had three days in a row of Shinryu and every time my butt clenches watching a tanks' HP go from full to 1/4 with his non-castbar cleaves.

the thread's on autosage, who cares.

Link off site or if you're in Primal, let me size you up in person.

Go back to /vg/ you literal faggot.

>Be rich omnicrafter lalafell
>Give shit away for free or cheap to friends all the time
>Friends still joke calling me a Jew
It hurts a little bit, I'm not gonna lie

she's shit
he's okay, boring though
its okay, hidden baths in the roofs is neat and the climbing puzzle was fun
okay zone, inferior to the Azim Steppe