The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.
Half-Life: Gordon Source 2 engine screenshot leak
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He kinda looks like me
That looks surprisingly official but I imagine its from Black Mesa or some shit.
>reverse image search brings up nothing
he cute~
He-he is hot...
gordon is kind of handsome, bros.
He's so handsome oh my god.
I'm not gay, but I'd let him fuck me.
I personally know gordon's VA ama
So is the Gman.
He looks like he fucks black chicks
He looks older.
what a chad, no wonder alyx is all over him
post the handsome G-man
>he looks like me!
Nice. I'm not even gay.
>Why yes I do own VR, how could you tell?
Forgot your pic or something?
Source or is this another deviantart bait?
wtf is it real
whoa, hes just like me
Who was Gordon's VA. Kelly Bailey?
Jokes aside, Gordon really did have a VA who did the panting and grunting sounds, but I don't think anyone was explicitly credited for it.
no it's Source 2 you dummy
>no source found on yandex or google
oh god
oh fuck
is it really happening
It looks great, but prove that this is official
I don’t care. When is the Artifact relaunch?
What's with all the ironic homosexuality? He looks like an average 40 year old scientist.
How will shitposters spin this in their favor?
We get it, you are a faggot. You don't need to post the same shit thrice.
This is fan art, unfortunately.
HLA does have a Gordon model, but this isn't it. The real model is very, very tightly guarded because Gordon's appearance is supposed to be a huge late-game plot reveal.
>average looking 40 year-old
Why does this look like War Thunder or Watch Dogs with low texture settings? WHY IS IT SO FLAT?! Where's the texture filtering/anti aliasing? And why is the scene coated in piss yellow?
Well, where the fuck is the source?
Reverse image search comes up with absolutely nothing. If some discord tranny 3D modeler put this much time and effort into a fanmade piece of art, they'd have plastered it all over the web by now. This is the real deal.
it's just him in a coma and alyx helps wake him up
Gordon Freechad
Surprisingly looks amazing.
fuck off roleplayer
this image is nowhere on the internet
If this is fake, then this is a really fucking good one.
Ok, Tyler.
because youre a retarded faggot
the textures on the HEV suit are embarassingly shit.
Mama mia!
Imagine being a multi-billion dollar corporation with the license to print money and you still can't make a game engine that won't shit its bed above doom 3 texture resolution.
I wonder if he has a fully modelled urethra?
ok, the suit it's lit. NGL
no they're not
fuck off retard
So if it is true that Gordon is in, then what does that mean?
HLA takes place during HL2 as well?
After Ep2?
wtf I want to BE Gordon now
craft it myself, enjoy.
There wont be an end. We will probably get fucking Half Life where you control shit with your brain or some shit eventually. Unless valve dies before that
screech harder till anal prolapse you seething shitter
should of gave him skintight plugsuit redesign with exaggerated bulge.
He fucks chicks of all races. He doesn't push race-mixing. He pushes his dick inside pussy of all races.
Based jew, not a cock-sucking jew.
we don't know
its supposedly before half life 2, but in the first trailer we heard the line from the end of ep2 of her dad dying
and we still haven't seen him in-game
no one really knows, the plot is all a mystery
you retarded? the citadel blew up at the end of ep1
I read this in his voice
why does Gordon look like a söyboy!
Oh god
This is a fan render.
>screech harder till anal prolapse you seething shitter
talking to yourself again, schizo?
>he doesn't know what a timeskip is
hey its Gorgeous Freeman!
post the source then
really? where's it from? yandex and google reverse searches show nothing.
>still no source
False alarm.
damn that HEV suit is sexy
alyx takes place right before hl2
could rival doomguy with that handsomeness
HLA is a new timeline created by the events of HL2Ep3 happening off screen.
The new timeline games will be titled alphabetically rather than numerically. Next game is planned to be called HLB.
gordon will be way over-designed like the combine won't he
It's called texture filtering, it's the reason why textures are not aliased. Sadly it's the standard now, every game engine is doing it. I would rather have everything aliased than this cancer.
he'll lag my game with all that detail
hair looks too good compared to gman, has to be a fan render
Valve might do a thing where the game takes place right before 2 or alongside 2 at a point. Because Gordon would still be in stasis before 2 starts.
In all of the promotion material Alyx looks exactly like she does in 2.
He reminds me of some actor. Ask Yas Forums for help.
shit theory
The fastest way to become an anime girl is to kill your self tranny
>never seen that pupped before
>saw a clip somewhere
>searched for its stuff on youtube and watched it yesterday
>now i see it on Yas Forums
ok wtf is going on
Doesnt look cartoonish enough to be real, sadly
Damn he really looks like the Gman
story has already been leaked
get out now if you don't want to get spoiled
>Half-Life Breen
>Breen personally goes to Black Mesa East and shoots up the place
Where my BreenBros at?
yo what the fuck is this real?
why is his hairline so square, is he a Lego?
whatever user, at least I have VR headset
>"Why yes I did cause the resonance cascade, how could you tell?"
is it me, or the actor from breaking bad could totally nail him in a series?
no it hasnt faggot
Chad Gordon
Where can I buy an ERROR?
this is 100% legit because some dude on the internet said so.
unironically would make a great breen.
Hes probably pretty cheap too.
Yes it has, someone who did closed captioning leaked it a week or two ago.
Bryan Cranston is too old now. Gordon is in his early 30's if recall corectly.
he is old
because VR
is this a fucking white male?
No but seriously i hope someone will do day of defeat source 2
He's 27.
It's a map loaded into and edited for Steam VR Home. It's not rendering the same way it would in the actual game.
Gordon was 27 at the time of the Black Mesa Incident
Not him and I don't have a source either so this is also pure speculation, but I also suspect it's a fan render based on art shown in Raising the Bar like pic related. The irregular graying in Gordon's hair almost matches the light on his hair here, plus the facial structure is incredibly similar. Still pretty good work, but I'm not 100% it's legit - would be great if it was though, it looks stellar and would probably look even better with Valve's facial animations.
Megatextures was such a dumb overengineered idea, Carmacks worst moment.
this, pretty common looking engineer
Well can we have it?
Oops, sorry wrong image, here's the real Source 2 Gordon.
something about him looks wrong, but I honestly can't tell what it is.
The HEV suit is too detailed. Why does every sci-fi armour need to be Crysis/HALO "tactical" military style armour nowadays? They all have the same design elements... Smooth/cleaner styles (like the HEV had in HL1 and 2) is missing from more and more sci-fi designs which all have the same "cluttered" "tactical" style now.
Just google "sci-fi armour" or "futurstic armour", they will ALL have this generic, ugly style....
where is it then fag
Someone made a workaround where you can play this steamVR environment without (!) a VR headset, this means HL:A will be jailbroken too most likely
cast him, Yas Forums
sci-fi is the new tacticool
wow i can't believe the model would match previous models and art??? it must be fan made
Wtf why is his nose bigger