Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

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Hmm, maybe it's because I have a freaking brain!!

They are low budget and plays like shit. Even a smaller western dev can make greedfall. What excuse do small jap devs have for making nothing but bad waifu shit that has PS3 graphics and a big price tag?

But I am, user. I'm playing TMS and FF9. I'm planning on buying Star Ocean 5 and World of Final Fantasy, although I have no idea when I'm gonna play them. Certainly not next month because FF7R and Resi 3 are coming out.

Because I am not japanese

because i fukkin hate jap tropes
>muh harem
>muh 14 year old saving the world
>muh power of friendship
>muh i must save everyone or else i'm literally hitler
>muh dense motherfucker

FUCK jap games

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but I am
I'm emulating Breath of the Wild

Because I would rather play fallout 76 instead of a JRPG

I’m playing DQ5 and TWEWY. Shit’s mad fun.

Attached: DQV.jpg (1545x2048, 820.94K)

Not sure which one to start, I’m thinking of going back to either Drakengard 3 or Nights of Azure.

Right now I’m working on getting all the trophies in Driveclub and driveclub bikes before the server shut down