
>make a game with amazing, deep combat
>cool enemies and challenging mechanics
>shove in a FUCKLOAD of pointless gameplay sequences that last forever and shitty one hit kill QTEs

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i quit this game FOR YEARS because of that chase sequence where you run toward the camera and can't see where the fuck you're going and suffer instadeaths if you don't dodge things in time

great game, op is a retard


As pain in the ass as those are playing the game a few times you get so used to them, where they are and what they are that they're nowhere near as pesky as they were the first time one plays. Yeah, it's bullshit but it's not as difficult or intrusive once you've played the game.

The PS4 version has other issues, though, that I didn't see on the 360 or Switch versions.

What issues are those?

Blame Kamiya's autism
This is the same guy who didn't think DMC1 needed a jump button but insisted on first person underwater sections


Wonderful 101, viewtiful joe and okami all fare much better in terms of the non gameplay segments, bayonetta is just completely off the fucking rails. I wanna replay the game after having finished it but man even that last boss was shit

Oh boy I love potato sack enemies