I fr*cking love nu-tifa desu
I fr*cking love nu-tifa desu
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She is ugly.
NT Tifa is superior
I want to stream this game at release but I also want to fap while playing what do
Coach is waiting
Have sex.
NT tifa has smaller tits.
She is ugly and doesn't look like Tifa.
You do this only for attention
NT tifa looks less tifa
>still have those stupid socks
I will but only after playing
Now this looks like Tifa
why do you ResetEra Drag queens insist on shilling Flat Tifa?
Nu tifa is the cutest though.
Imagine unironically being literally a low test beta faggot simp woke soipilled bitch who is okay with getting a fuckin sjwcucked tifa
pic related is what tifa should fuckin look like it is perhaps the most accurate portrayal of her character yet
original tifa is ugly and nu tifa is based
niggers are dumb
hoes mad
Not really, she looks like a tifa without a personality
Just take the artwork, make it 3d and boom, you have a tifa
Who cares if everything else looks better.
I met a girl her name was Tifa Lockhart
She came in and she stole a piece of my heart
Nah, the face is also worse
God I wish that were me
Tifa is built for _______
But Yas Forums told me they fixed her tits. Looks like they went down another cup size here
I really wished they'd remove the sports bra but keep the thigh highs
>outdated models
I'm fine with what you are suggesting.
I meant that I can recognize Tifa in that model, unlike with nuFa
>her optional no sports bra outfit would have bigger tits
Just imagie.
I hate here eyes the most.
Don’t rhyme hart with heart, you ass pimple
tifa is more than just an outfit.
>let's keep the worst part
that's unironically more accurate.
Damn you're gay
Hard nipples and refined boob physics would straight-up get me to preorder this pile
Pretty sure you're just mad she's not as thick as your nostalgia goggles.
Fictional characters don't work with real world rules.
Fictional characters are literally the sum of their personality, lore and iconic design. The costume/body/face are exactly as indispensable as the personality.
So you are wrong
Ok then, keep pretending NT tifa is superior then
good thing shes stucked in a shit dead game and shes only used or 5 sec porn webms
>I love that piece of fabric that cover her body so much!
>who cares if they don't fit the costume. I love socks so much
Stupid fetishists...
I don't need to pretend, shill
Pretty sure you are just biased in favor of what's new
Omega based.
Bros... I wonder what her bra smells like after long days of fighting monsters in the sewers... haha...
was with you until that part. Gross.
But it literally happens in the game haha :^)
Her name is not Tiffany.
Your name is not Chad either, your point?
>muh "censor"
Looks like some anime schoolgirl
If they didn't told you she's supposed to be Tifa, you wouldn't even be able to tell.
>an extra shirt and black legs aren't censorship
>muh "censorship"
Not great.
t. have a bit tiddy FwB that just loves hugging me when I'm sitting down so my face goes into her tits even though it's 150 degrees outside so her breasts and bra are all sweaty and weird.
It sure isn't. Chad was a pretty creepy guy in middle school who rolled his eyes into the back of his head all the time.
That's actually a pretty chad move ngl
I'm at work no thanks saved it tho :^^^^)
Remember, this is canon.
>Red XIII can breed with humans. Hojo was trying to breed Aerith and Red XIII together and even though he was a madman he wouldn't have overlooked something as basic as an inability to cross breed
>Post credit scene in the original
>Red XIII howling over the ruins of Midgar with a couple cubs