Monster Hunter

Hey bro, let me help with that capture quest.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Deviljho was a mistake

*purposely carts twice and then leaves the quest*

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so when is safi supposed to come out?

>Enduring Surrender with Blackveil Vaal armor

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PC room:
Dailies and stuff.

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Relaxed huntan?
Might join.

Sure. I just came home and made a room as promised. It's my precious relaxation time, you could say that.

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Alright then, give me a second and I'll join.
I was planning to farm Namielle and some other stuff but if it's hunting with Yas Forumsros I can make an exception.

I just want a custom music mod in Iceborne already so I can replace Teostra's theme with

That reminds me, how much are rewards reduced with carting? I feel like I haven't seen too drastic a difference

Pretty sure it only affects zenny rewards. By 1/number of carts total. The reduction of the actual quest reward items so far is only backed up by anecdotal evidence.

Do these shitter mental gymnastics actually work for you people?

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even in the guiding lands? cause that would mean I could just spend like 5 hours hunting without consequence

Oh you meant the GLs. There's no monetary rewards, so I believe fainting there does cut into your item rewards, but... The rewards you get for a completion of a hunt on GL expeditions are secondary to the items you get from picking up shinies and carving/capping the monster. The latter gives you unique GL materials needed for augmentation, while the hunting rewards are just a few of the monster's normal carves. Which you should be farming via investigations, not GLs.

Would pierce HBG be good for safi?

Reeeeee stop making these rooms every time I need to do errands outside.

That's fixed easily by making more rooms at all times of the day.

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Anyone got a list of what each elder dragon enraged state adds and what it does?

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i wish everyone else could see my big ass mods and 2B mods

I still don't get what the point of Elderseal was, for example, poisoning Kushala to supress the aura in older games was much more effective than using Elderseal to get rid of the aura currently.

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be glad i don't, cause i would kick you immediately

you can't kick people from your mission, can you?

Is Safi up on ps4? Wasn't it today?

You absolutely can. They don't get kicked from the quest though. They end up in their own local version of the quest, so they can still finish it. Shame.

It should be available after the weekly reset.

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>Bazel and Rajang don't have a turf war

Tips for preparing for Safi on PC?

Bring anal lubricant

>joins your 3 carts investigation
>double carts
>insults your mother
eh, nothing personnel, kid...

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Bring Partbreaker 3 for getting better rewards at the end and get +20 fire res to avoid fireblight and the OHKO pin attack, bring Dusts Of Life and Lifepowder, if you get enmity in Phase 3 lure Safi into the green fire for easy damage, keep any spot you're attacking tenderized, all weapons tenderize in one hit for Safi so don't worry if you're using a light weapon.

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To have a common trait that dragon damage counters elder dragons rather than every dragon having their own counters

>divine blessing lets you survive his "leave you with 1 hp" grab
>always eat for insurance or safeguard
>kick LBG/HBG users or they will eat all the carts
>avoid poison or you will have a very hard time breaking parts

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That's just it though. It's not even the dragon damage itself. Elderseal can be low, medium or high. And even then, not every elder dragon is weak to dragon. So it just ends up being better taking a high damage option over seal so that you can FLINCH the monster down a level and end the hunt faster RATHER than trying to apply elderseal and prolong the fight with a lower damage option.

gunners get all the part breaks though

i always kick slow hitters like GS and Hammer, they're deadweight every time

Greatswords are aight for one phase for them to solo the tail but that's it. Hammers are hammers. They either break the back legs and the face twice over the course of a full siege or they flounder and don't do shit. It depends heavily on their skill/experience. Also, hammer ain't slow in the LEAST.

how are you expected to get out of this?

By not floundering with the Radial Menu for a second like this guy did and MASHING that roll button.

Holy fucking shit he's P I S S E D
Is the whole fight like this?

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- You have to finish the entire Stygian Zinogre questline to unlock it, so do that.
- Like Kulve, the main objective is part breaks, not only dealing damage, but there's no IMAGINE THE SMELL phase and you have to actually slay it.
- Unlike Kulve, you can usually finish it completely in two fights so focus on the obscure partbreaks in your first fight like Wings/Tail/Back, then either Head and Legs in the second fight where the fight is harder and you're more interested in not carting.
- Bring Lifepowders. They're good generally but you need them to heal allies from his Pin attack which can often be a guaranteed death otherwise.
- The Pin attack is nearly fatal if you don't have Blight Resist 3 or a total of 20 Fire Resistance. Running this is easy enough and will save you trouble.
- You can skip the transition by travelling to camp and using the hitch post. Saves you some effort and time you otherwise spend walking all the way to the other side of the map and watching an unskippable cutscene

For rewards

- Weapon rewards are random in the sense that every weapon can be rolled and will have either an element or status, there are no non-elemental Safi weapons. For physical options, people pick Blast but Para is good too.
- Equipping a specific weapon before you pick up your rewards will guaranteed that at least 1 or 2 of your weapon rewards are your equipped weapon. The Siege Rewards doesn't care what weapon you used to slay Safi'Jiva, only what you have equipped at pick-up.
- You can meld Safi Weapons for 1 x Dracolite. There's a trick where you can spend 8 Dracolite to boost your weapon to Awakening 6, which then lets you meld it for 2 x Dracolite, which basically means a profit of 12 points.
- You can savescum awakenings, to a certain extent. Each weapon has fixed odds but these can be manipulated slightly. Honestly though, if you're on PC and willing to cheat, just use a trainer to choose Awakenings instead of trying to wrestle with awakening odds.

RIP, user. The connection is kinda unstable today.

>- Unlike Kulve, you can usually finish it completely in two fights
You can finish Kulve in one though.

That's just phase 1. Safi gets a lot more aggressive in zones 2 and 3 where he'll spam the shit out of AOEs.

>Stygian Zinogre
Is he already on pc?

Getting in soon

Thanks a lot, for breaking his Tail do I need cutting damage or can I break it with shots/explosions?

Sorry, user, we just closed the room. But feel free to post another one. I'm sure there are some hunters active in your time zone too.

>he does the big AoE explosion while everyone has low health

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Tail cuts are exclusive sever damage.
It was different in one single game, where only the final hit had to be sever. I think P3rd maybe. But in every other game tail only takes part damage from sever damage type.


So? You can also finish Safi in one fight. Most people won't, especially not if they're in a disorganised pub lobby, so what's your point?

No, but that's why it's worth mentioning. On console, you needed to defeat Stygian Zinogre to unlock a Safi'Jiva "recon" which was a sneak preview of sorts, with the actual Siege itself coming a week later.
On PC, they might just throw everything in at once and then we get 100+ posts of "hurr I can't safi how join safi!?" because people don't know it's tied to Styg Ziggy. May as well get the word out now.

Is using the help flare considered scrubby? It's not that I can't beat the mission on my own, I just like having other people play with me

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No. He gets worse.

Does it matter what some anonymous fags on the internet think about your gaming habits?

It’s good to complete assignments solo on your first run at the very least.

You should fight every monster solo on your first try so you can learn its moves and mechanics. After that, nobody cares, but people do care when morons are carting in their Tempered Investigations because xX_Bow-User_Xx never actually learned what a Monster does or how to deal with sustained aggro.

Not at all. There are people beat monsters down to low health and then flair just so others can share in the rewards.

>On PC, they might just throw everything in at once
No they're not releasing the actual siege until the 20th(19th really)
It's pretty fucking retarded if you ask me considering that console gets it for a 4th time and then everything syncs up in like 2 weeks after that.


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My rule of thumb is assigned missions should be done solo. Anything else is fair game.

The quad Laser Spam in that Webm is basically a freak occurence, not sure why people are overblowing it. I've never seen it in my Safi hunts, though he does get cheeky with the occasional double sniper. Also i'm pretty sure with Flinch Free you can just walk straight through it.

Man, I don't think I like the sound of safi. Yeah it's a "proper" fight, but I don't know if that's what I want from something you fight fifty thousand times in a row. KT and ATKT was cool the first few times, then got boring, but you could just tune out with the grind. Safi seems like it'd be cool the first few times then a complete pain in the fucking ass.

Well fuck my luck sideways, here's a
Join up and don't be shy
n6nh kZN6 !Fp+

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i sos and carry people all the time, cause i'm a nice guy

>how do you know you're carrying
because i do all the damage

>how do you know you're doing all the damage
because i'm HBG

>what if someone else is HBG
still doing all the damage

>how do you know
cause they use dps overlays and i consistently did 30% more damage than anyone

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I'm on the opposite. I genuinely enjoy the multiplayer clusterfuck with all the miserable chain failure downlows and extreme murderrun highs of both Behe and ATKT. The only annoying part was drawn out unfun and formulaic chase parts of Kulve, and Safi doesn't have those. I expect to have a lot of fun even in all those failures. Though grind for all the weapons i play will probably wear me down oh him too but we'll see how much of that i can motogate with some savescumming

I've found Safi'Jiva to be pretty fun, honestly. Using the Flinch Shot to aggro him and then 1v1ing him in Phase 3 whilst the orchestral music blasts in the background is the peak "dragon fight" experience.

Unless you're an autist that wants to collect everything, you should get the Safi weapon you want within the first 20 hunts. Safi's weapon pool is literally an order of magnitude smaller than KT's.