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First video game you ever played
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It was a Mortal Kombat game for the Game Boy Color. Cant remember the exact name
mario 3
Mario Kart Double Dash at my cousin’s place
SimCopter (1996)
99 zoomer here, mine was street fighter 2 on the gba sp. it's really weird cause i didn't grew up when fighting games were at their peak which was the 90s, i'm more of a racing game type of guy. need4speed until i die baby. ryu is pretty cool tho
Super Mario Bros.
stunt car racer on amiga. ran at a blistering 10 fps
Spider-Man for the Atari.
Mario c64, I remember that weird glitch in 2 players that makes you fly horizontally. You have to run and jump under the other player multiple times until he's stuck.
Pokemon Gold
Monkey Island 2 on my dad's computer. Never got off the first island because I had no idea what the fuck I was doing and I was still new to the whole reading thing.
i didn't have a nes, i went from amiga>pc>ps1, so my first mario was some janky browser version. i got stuck cause i didn't know you could sprint so i couldn't make it over a big jump, so i quit since i thought it was just shitty and broken. turns out i was shitty and broken
>14 floppy discs for MI1
>sound would blare out of pc speaker at full volume no matter what
Pong, unironically.
Super Mario Bros
River Raid
I'm pretty sure it was River Raid
And that one game about a construction where you avoid shit flinging at you or whatever, forgot the name.
probably some educational shit like reader rabbit
it was either Lion King, DKC, or Jurassic Park on the SNES. Only know those were the first three I owned, don't remember which one I played first.
>developer name just on screen all the time
they don't make em like that anymore. well, kojima does
Back in those days we had this bigass stone barbeque in the back garden we rarely used, I'd stand on it so I could look over the fence (and didn't understand why my parents kept taking me down). One time I saw the kids next door playing Super Mario Bros, I had no idea what I was looking at but I knew I wanted to know.
Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega Megadrive.
i used to watch my dad play this cause i was too young to figure it out, it was pretty hard. also WTF it's on steam. it's called Pushover
i used to do the same thing on a plastic slide.. neighbour got sick of me talking to him i'm sure
I'm only a '96 babby, but it was my dad's NES.
First one I can remember playing was Scooby Doo: Night of 100 Frights. Kino.
This on the NES. Also winter games 1985 and some ancient DOS Sokoban
I spent unhealthy amount of time on that music maker
Mario Kart 64
Oh shit I wanted to know its name.
Thanks, your dad is based.
Lemmings. The sequel ducked.
Math Blasters 2 was the second video game I played. The first I can't remember, it was still a math education game but it had a bear and it was for the old ass computer, it was so old I ran off 3.5 floppies and it was green line, black background. Anyone know what that was?
Big zoomer energy
The 20 minute demo of Wind Waker on the Zelda collectors edition on GameCube
Shit was so cash
That moment was my radioactive spider moment. It's when the gamer life chose me.
MB 2 was the shit
in german
lemmings is great and has aged very well, totally playable today. hard to find a good version though unfortunately, most of the ports were shit. ps1 lemmings&oh no! more lemmings was cool but without a mouse it feels wrong. idk if the ps1 mouse worked
crackdown, my brother got it for the halo 3 beta, he didn't care much for crackdown after playing it for a while. idk why but the jumping got me interested so i asked him if i could play it, he showed me a little how to play but i got the gist of it pretty fast, moving the camera was the hardest thing to master tho.
Super Mario Bros. on a Chinese NES bootleg console. Pretty good place to start honestly, I was instantly in love even though I couldn't get get past like level 5.
I remember jerking it to Fionna's run animation since sh had visible tiddy bounce
International Karate
Don't remember but I remember playing my first games on this thing
It was either Pitfall or Mario Bros on the Atari 2600. The music of Asteroids and Yar's Revenge scared me so I didn't play them at first.
Claw, it was the first time i touched a cdrom.
Super Mario 3. My sister got it for christmas and she had to kick me out of her room constantly because I wouldn't stop playing it.
lmao I remember these
Are you a Slav?
not really
Sega megadrive, i feel old
I honestly can't recall. I do remember the first game I ever beat.