Is it good or bad?
How does it compare to older FFs?
Is it good or bad?
How does it compare to older FFs?
It is a good Final Fantasy game, and a great action jrpg game.
Actually one of the most enjoyable open world of generation
It's mediocre, not terrible, not good, most casual Final Fantasy game ever, you can spam potions to heal without penalty or consequences.
Story is shit.
literally uninstalled this unoptimized piece of shit like half an hour ago
its barely even a game, one button does everything and you almost cannot die unless you specifically want to
I didn’t really like it. The definition of wasted potential. Lunafreya is a non character and expects us to give a shit when she DIES
also the main 4 are supposed best friends but it only seems that way because the game is TELLING me they are. Their interactions seem forced and unnatural. They just won’t stop fucking quipping for even a second
Some say it's the best, other people say it's the only good one
No, noctis and prompto are best friends, ignis is literally noctis nanny and gladio is just a bodyguard
Thank you
and even then you have to watch the prequel anime to really understand their friendship completely. The game is a clusterfuck
It's a solid 5/10 for someone just playing the base game. Someone mentioned above it's the definition of wasted potential and that's true however the biggest issue is that there just isn't enough of what works in the game,
Combat is fun after you've got the ability to play as the bros
Main antagonist is very unique. Never seen an antagonist written this way
All in all. It's worth whatever they charge for it now. But if you want to hate it there's plenty of reason to as well
dont forget the game tells you to watch the movie because they removed that plotline from the game, you know the fucking war
People will be crying out for XV combat after VIIR releases
reminder the game originally didn’t even include the war/city take over scene. They hastily patched in scenes from the movie nobody watched and cut the audio out
I already am lol. I don't hate 7r combat but lack of a jump button and knowing I'll perform the same combo at lvl 99 as I will at 1 deters me, however xv had that combat too.
Tbf I'll never understand why they don't keep kh combat and just have a button to switch to turn based for the turbonerds
looks gorgeous, good OST, bad gameplay, ok story with dlcs
so all in all an alright FF game, better than 2, 3, 12, and 13.
the real time/menu based combat in FF7 is fucking clunky as shit. Not that FFXVs “hold square to awesome and occasionally give your teammates commands” is much better
It’s the worst of the series desu.
It's to FF what is MGSV to MGS or Fallout 76 to Fallout
>better than 12
holy shit what incredibly bad taste
They're both very underwhelming and determining which is shittier is just splitting hairs
I hated gambits, cry more
why? They’re more thought provoking to set up rather than hold square to win
>the game plays itself xD
yes but unless you set them up correctly you’re going to eat shit
I'm sure the story would have been great if they remember to include it with the game.
Let's face it, FF15 is gigantic mess and it is more like a demo for future flagship FF games. The game being originally versus 13, went through development hell, and still looks like it is incomplete just make the game feel like a train wreck.
Bringing in music from the real world and the product placements mark a very low point in the series. Fuck that cup noodle shit, fuck that Vivienne Westwood shit.
If you can get Royal at like 10-15$ or less it is good but that is with a shitload of DLC and patches, the state it released in was a fucking joke. To me it is near bottom of the non-spinoff FFs along with FFXIII and FFII, which is funny because FFXIII and FFXV are basically polar opposites in terms of design.
That said im also 30 years old and of the MUH JOB SYSTEM breed of FF-fan, but i did get it full price on release, stayed up so i could play ASAP after deliberately avoiding Spoilers and Hype (which was a mistake in hindsight cause it relied on the player having watched/read supplemental content).
And it is not only the obvious stuff like Additional content that was fixed, the Prompto AI was super retarded for example and apparently that improved.
Combat wise there is depth, unfortunately there is no reason to actually bother with that depth unless you are XV-kun and want to make Webms, Royal actually gets hit with that even harder cause it comes with the Cheat DLC out of the box, so while it has more mechanics (Playable Party Members, Super Arminger) they are even more unncessary unless you actively hold back. On the plus side, the AP-gain accessories are great QoL.
FFXV: Garbage, but it can be "comfy" in the "run around the world and do mundane tasks and enjoying the scenery and music with minigames",
FFXV Royal: Mediocre, but better then say a Gust JRPG.
I am not kidding when i say i enjoyed WoFF more then XV.
they're just cumbersome to make work the way you want
other issues I have with 12 include a generic story, trash characters, and the worst level up sound in the entire series
I’ll give you the story. But graphically speaking it’s probably the best looking PS2 game, great OST, art style is fucking phenomenal, and interesting world. Shame about the dog shit story though
Name one FF game where interactions don't seem forced and unnatural
A letdown, albeit much less than FF13.
FF hasn't been of the same calibur since 9
What are you talking about, FFX is the best game in the series.
He is probably docking GRAFIX Points for the original due Vaan Abs i never really noticed them back in the day due RESOLUTION, frankly XII had really fuckinggood textures for a PS2 game.
I’ll give you that but as far as I can recall, none of the games forced FRIENDSHIP AND BROTHERHOOD as much as 15
It wasnt bad, just not as good as the past ones. Solid battle system, but pretty awful side content and the voice acting was mediocre. Story was pretty eh too.
I liked the fully 3d world, but prerendered backgrounds had so much more imagination to it.
It has more that average amount of side content if you played the PAL/INT version. What didn't you like about the story?
The funniest part about XIII is how LR was basically closer to the concept they announced it with and how they described the story then XIII proper (IE: Lightning being THE Messiah and the Battle system bullshots, including Overclock).
absolute shite
One of the least enjoyable RPGs I’ve ever played in my life. Only slightly better than XIII, but pretty much tied with that for the worst FF of the ones I’ve played. I thought the idea at the end where you choose one picture out of all the ones you’ve taken was an inspired and affecting thing, but that was the one bright spot I can think of in an absolute slog of a game.
>100 GB download
>combat can feel floaty
>how tf do i even craft magic
>comfy roadtrip with bros
>combat looks cool
>food porn
If the game had been 20 GB and turn based it would have been amazing.
It swings between good and mediocre and averages out at decent.
It's not the lack of side content. It is just that it tried to be so much, but felt for the most part, more tedious than in previous games.
As for the story, for me, it continued the trend of being more of a teen novel, than either the extremely lighthearted attitudes of games like FF9 and FF5, while losing some of the more mature themes that games like FF6,7, and 8 felt like they had.
Voice acting also killed any kind of humor the previous games had because they didnt translate well into dialogue. As all over the place as ff8 was, it felt like the pinnacle of dialogue, because the writing was actually pretty strong for a story so mediocre.
Top that with the fact that I just didnt like Tidus and co with the exception of Auron and Wakka.
It's typical of the actual divide in FF, which is NOT 13, it's 10. If you love pre-10 FF most and think it really fell off starting with 10 (and that's not saying 10 is the worst, but nowhere near 9 and earlier) just avoid it unless you want to be disappointed again by an overall boring game that relies on sparkly graphics and flashy combat and drops the ball everywhere else.
If you think 10 is the best or 12, you'll probably enjoy it because you already aren't there for characters and story. Not a criticism, just being honest. And if you somehow love 13 then get it now because despite being the opposite in a lot of ways it feels similar.
I personally hated it. The new wears off very quickly and you realize you're spending all your time poorly getting around a big empty map just for combat that is barely more than holding a button. Running is slow, the car is useless, and chocobos don't control well. Over time that adds up to a lot of wasted time A to B. Combat has several layers but in general you can attack, run a little ways off and slam into enemies and win. The entire game. Magic? Think I used it 5 times total. Your gay friends' abilities? I guess but they aren't interesting or tactical 99% of the time.
It's exactly what SE wants FF to be without Sakaguchi and that's fine if you're into it. I'm not.
I've played FF games since 4 and it's the worst one I've played.
> to be so much, but felt for the most part, more tedious than in previous games.
seems like a purely personal problem to me, same with voice acting
Can you elaborate what exactly was your problem with VA and how was it different that VA done for other games in that era or subsequent FF for that matter?
>without Sakaguchi
That part hurts a ton more now that Lost Odyssey was so good and now he is just making mobile card games.
>Is it good or bad?
>How does it compare to older FFs?
on the weaker side, alongside 2, 8, and 13
Nah it's just not good compared to the other games, plenty of people share the same sentiment.
Blitzball could have been cool as a spinoff, but in reality it's got nothing on some of the previous side content. Triple Triad, etc.
As for voice acting, it's the first mainline ff game with voice acting and it shows. The writing takes a huge hit like I mentioned before because of it and it does leave a negative impact on the story. Fits in line with most JRPGs that came out at that time and in the PS1 era. It's one of the reasons Square opted out of it during that era.
pretty good
too much feelings and good gameplay
>the obvious bait OP
>the suspicious broken english response praising FF15
this thread feels shilly
Surely you mean plenty of contrarians Yas Forums is ripe with? FFX was voted the most beloved entry by the Japanese recently, rightfully so.
yeah FF12's art style and OST were good, & also Fran's ass
but FF15 had both of those, a better story, more compelling character dynamics, and shitty but less tedious hands-off gameplay
idk I'm not Barry but I think ff15 gets a bad rep from people who were bamboozled on the original release
WoFF is underrated and it deserves that sequel.
It just proves how important the producer and director are to projects, even videogames.
Blue Dragon was rough around the edges but it had potential. Lost Odyssey was fantastic.
I guess The Last Story was truly their last story.
>trash characters
Meanwhile FF12fags just completely ignore the existence of Vann, the girl, the Han solo rip off, girl Chewbaca, and masturbate over what FF12 could have been. FF12fags are the absolute worst.
Popularity doesnt necessarily equal quality.
Especially when you have to factor in how old many of the games are.
You can like the game and its merits, like I said earlier, it isnt a bad game. But for me, FF went downhill after Sakaguchi left, for many reasons.
Nice argument though
What does equal quality? Your personal appraisal?
I mean, yeah
Shouldnt it be that way?
fuckers shouldn't have spread all the lore into different medias, left the actual game empty as fuck.
it's basically final fantasy New Vegas, the map has no variety at all
It's good as a "Road trip with the bros" simulator and falls flat on almost everything else. The ending was surprisingly kino though, especially getting to choose your own picture to save.
Speaking of plot. I enjoyed the anime and the movie, the game's story isn't as well told, Royal Edition made some improvements but it was still lacking in areas, then they cancelled the remaining DLC that would've actually developed Luna some...
Overall I think it's okay but you'd probably get the most enjoyment out of it if you've seen all the other shit, which there's a lot of because XV was a multimedia clusterfuck with plot spread everywhere. To get all the story it's pretty demanding, just playing the vanilla game won't cut it.
did you even read my post you fucken retard?
Sounds pretty mindless
It would have been 10/10 if the combat wasn't shit, but alas the combat is so vapid that it destroys any integrity the game possibly could have. otherwise its comfy, I like it as a guilty pleasure. However I could never recommend anyone buy the game in good faith
IMO it had a lot of potential but they fucked it up hard
I still enjoyed it
The story is actually pretty good, its just too sophisticated for your basic nigger to understand because it deals with high minded concepts like the duty of a King being beholden to his constituents and the sword of Damocles that hangs over that obligation.
It ain't what Nomura set out to make is all I can say.
>the worst level up sound in the entire series
You take that back right now.
7 Remake literally just is XV's combat system though. Probably the same engine too.
>Probably the same engine too.
Nah, remake uses unreal because squareshit can't into their luminous trash.
From the demo it is much more limited. I will wait until the full game before sperging out though.