I bet its 25 hours tops

I bet its 25 hours tops.

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>they had to cut content


Side content meaning fetch quests. A lot of those.

>People think this games gonna get high praise

It'll be better than FFXV and XIII but not by a lot

who wants to bet he was referring to the on-rails motorcycle?

Fun fact: so far Nomura hasn't made a single good game as a director.

you underestimate the nostalgia factor. Imagine if OOT got a remake. It would never be reviewed poorly in a million years even if its shit

The demo was pretty good though.

Especially the elevator.

XV seemed pretty good at first too

>highly dense game
big redflag

nigger anything is better than FFXV and XIII

If they're cutting out Vincent Valentine then I'm going to shit all over Nomura's grave.

remember when people used their imagination for things? how did we get here?

Now I want proper OoT and MM remakes. Nintendo is dying so they should hurry up and make it happen.

The Duscae demo was better than the final game though right? They dumbed down gameplay further for final game.

Welp, I'll consider it when it becomes a total collection.
That is if it dodges becoming another Shenmue scale episodic that falls into development hell.

FF7R is way better than FFXV

here is the bigger thing;

would this have been a better remake if it had the original team working on it? same time spent and shit, same budget.

>side content as big as the main story
>but we cut content
this doesnt even make sense
also why the fuck havent mods permabanned OP

ugly chink avatar

Will never be completed. S-E will go bankrupt before it is. Normies have the shortest attention span possible.

Less and less will buy the additions as they make them, and costs will balloon.

I'm still butthurt about the episodic shit

Presumably, there was more side content before they cut it down to match the main story.


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Serious question. Do they really buy into this? Do they really think their 600 “kill 10 rats” “collect 20 boar asses” is real content and not just mindless padding to justify an 8 hour game?

>showing the demo to a friend last night
>constantly thinks its amazing

>tell him its literally just the first 7-10 hours of the original stretched out
>dead silence the rest of the time

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mob psycho is kino tho

Why is everyone in this site such a crybaby?

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Why do people still trust square? After all their fuck ups across the board too

>sidequest content as big as the main story
well im out

>Split game in to three
>Still have to cut content

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>2 discs too

the robot fight made me panic. I thought there would be a comfy turn based option.

I won't bother with this unless I can feel comfy.

As much as i thought the deml was pretty good, and i am looking forward to the full game, i could already tell that it is going to be overpraised by everyone.

>side quests as big as the main story
How the fuck are they even going to finish it?

>Two characters I used the most in ff7 aren't even in part one

there’s still a shocking amount of people that don’t know it isn’t the full game. 4 of my friends didn’t. Unless you’re closely following the development of the game, a lot of being are in for a rude awakening next month

there is a turn based option. Classic mode makes the characters do their shitty regular attacks and dodge automatically to build up ATB and then you input the commands like fire, cure, braver, etc


The remake exclusively covers the Midgar section of the story, user. Yuffie, Vincent, Cid, and Cait Sith are all left out.

The drop off in the sequel is gonna be hilarious.
I can't wait to see this blow up in squares face.
>too arrogant to name it part 1 thinking it won't backfire

>fade to black
>to be continued
the asspain this will cause for some people will be intense

Side quests and more dense storylines like.

>Slum Life: Kill 20 of a certain trash mob
>This is Squaresoft modern game design philosophy

Remember when FF7 PS1 needed to that to progress the story? That tower defense mini game wasn't even mandatory until like Disc 3. MMO tier trash shit in single player games is why I can't stand SquareSoft games.

I’m only buying part 1 just to see how it is but I’ve already decided I’m not buying any of the others until they pull their heads out of their asses and release a complete game

>the first part does not even cover the whole first disc

I bet they still have no idea on how to do the world map segment.

Suppose you don’t read gaming websites or follow any news. How is it legal to not mark part 1 ANYWHERE on the box or online retailers? Is this legal?

Probably says so on the back but it really should say Episode 1 on the cover

it basically does though
people keep saying this and they don’t even know anything about ffvii’s original development

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>Yuffie, Vincent, Cid and Cait Sith are all left out
Who looks forward to this piece of shit? All the best characters are left out. Welcome to 2020, where you have to get more than one game to experience the whole story. Game devs are pushing boundaries we haven't even gotten to yet.

>tiny fine print in the bottom right corner of the back of the case
>******part 1 of 6 or some shit fuck you
you know they’re hiding it as much as they can

Then people will expect the next episode to be free like other game using episodic format.

Can't wait until 2025 to finally play as Yuffie for 3 hours so I can wait until 2030 for part three!

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Remove Nomura already.

>sidequest content as big as the main story
Disastrous news.

>develop and create detailed story sequences that go beyond the scope of the original game
>claim side content is as big as the main story they have deliberately chosen to invest resources to expand upon
>FF7R Part 1 of (?)
>still have to cut content
I actually hate Nomura and the fucking nips, how does Square Enix even funtion?

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This doesnt bug me as much as it should. I dont know. I'm okay with them just making 7 it's own big ass complicated world with more depth everywhere you look. Several games all in the same world following a long and nuanced story sounds alright. There are a couple book series that I read that span a couple big ass books. Clan of the Cave Bear being one of them.

I mean I have no clue how well it will all tie together and what kind of bullshit they may throw in there but I'm not immediately against it. The only thing I just dunno how they will handle is leveling up and materia level. If each installment is it's own full game and your shit carries over into the next then it will take ages to level up unless you get to level 9999 by the end of it. Also it seems weird to leave Midgar with a pocket full of mastered materia.

I dont know. I'm just optimistic and always loved me some FFVII. I'm excited to have more of it but guess I'll just have to wait and see what bullshit is going to take away from it all.

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>I'm a fucking tard
How many fetch quests do you want? Cutting bad ideas or content out of a game happens all the time for many reasons.

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not for me, i'm the type of player who has ocd about doing all the side quests and actually enjoys doing it.

Demo is okay, still not buying it though. I'll wait until the entire thing is out.

Let me ask you this: how does it feel to be part of the losers club? It must be incredibly sad. I am a real Final Fantasy VII fan. I've been with this game since day one. I, unlike you fake Final Fantasy VII fans, have that certified badge. You on the other hand came from God of War to this all new edition of Final Fantasy VII and now you think
>Oh user, I have that certified badge
No, you don't. Because you were too busy going Buhuhuhubuhubhubhubu. You were too busy doing stupid silly crap like that, that at the end of the day is going to get you nowhere.You've got to wake up and smell that coffee.

Folks, I am here because I care about this game. I care about Final Fantasy VII, and believe me, I know it's not what you want to hear, but the cracks are already starting to show here with this all new upcoming edition of Final Fantasy VII. It's not a remake. It's a reimagination. The all new upcoming edition of Final Fantasy VII is loosely inspired by Final Fantasy VII. The lazy millenial devs over at clueless Square Enix are catering to the God of War crowd that unfortunately have infested the franchise and that's incredibly sad. Stop making excuses for the lazy millenial devs over at clueless Square Enix. You continue to lose on a daily basis. Go back to Midgard and leave Midgar alone.

>they had to cut content
Dev team confirmed for liars. I mean, we already knew, but. Take your one-third of a bottle of snake oil and shove it, Square.

I remember when Nomura said that KH3 is gonna be huge and extremely long. It ended up being 30 hours long. He's a lying sack of shit.