She won't let me play.
She won't let me play
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I heard you REALLY like rabbits, mister.
Hope your bunny Shits on your gay ass rgb keyboard fag
A true gamer wouldn’t let anything get in the way
She knows you’re a faggot
You sound like a chicken chaser
did you know rabbits eat their own poo because they have two kinds of poo of which one of them is nutritious?
"One Piece chapter review"
Cuddle her in your lap, then.
post more bun
Time for rabbit stew, then.
Why do so many people want to fuck rabbits
Is it autism?
>Right click image
>Search google
>First result from reddit
Get lost faggot
blame pic related
cuddle her and pet her
>cute bun thread
>literally only 6 posts in and mentally ill furgin walks in
sasuga, Yas Forums.
>haha my pet is getting feces over my keyboard sooo cute hehe
Uhhh yikes
Blame playboy.
Guys I think my sheep is retarded
She won't let you play Youtube videos?
So many cooms to her, time for another
anyone who owns a pet that isn't a formicarium/isopetarium is cringe and should kill themselves tbqh
How do you let that thing roam around? They shit constantly, it's unbelievable. Serious question
I'm not into irl rabbits but I like anime rabbit girls (with actual ears and tails, not suits) because they're horny as fucc.
you can train them to shit in a tray
rabbits can be litter trained. Leaving them in a cage is cruel
someone redpill me on rabbits
Their shit is also incredibly easy to clean up.
mostly, i trained my bunny to use a corner of her cage but she still poops around. however we always let her out when we're at home and she never poops outside the cage so that's a plus
OP you really need to clean your house up, there's vermin right there on your keyboard. Disgusting.
and delicious
shitty pet, good pate
They're cute and fluffy.
We had a rabbit in apartment, the problem wasn't so much the poop as the biological need rodents have for biting things, that fucker chewed through cables.
Cute bun
Anyone ever tried deep frying their ears into something like big chips? Or are they too lean for frying?
play this
Cute rabbit.....GOD BLESS.....
Anyone ever gave their rabbit an orgasm? How long does it take? What does it look like?
It's skin and fur
It'd be hard to get the fur off
Is this the videogame board?
Yas Forumstards will bandwagon on anything
they're scared of feeling like an outsider
fapping to rabbits isn't unique to Yas Forums, but because a couple of people on Yas Forums did it and got attention, every Yas Forumstard has to do it now
Nice bunny!
>letting your pets shit all over your keyboard
who his dog at the computer again?
I want a cute kawaii skunk so bad
This, no wonder why women walk all over Yas Forumsirgins, they can't even handle their pets.
or a south east asian person
Rabbits are weird creatures
Love bunnies. Hihgly cute, very smart super powerful pets!!
>tfw want pet but too poor
they cute
I want a pet but I'm too lazy, a cat is my only option
Show me where the shit is
rabbit's meat is pretty common in certain countries. and it's nothing special. also 99% of the times the ones you eat are hares; bunnies like op's pic aren't used as meals
Just a reminder that aquariums are the true chad hobby/pet.
what's the best rodent pet
>rabbits can be litter trained
Not really
You will never stop finding shit around the house even with a trained rabbit
Because they have a two-phase eating process where they shit out once, eat it and shit it out again
In my country we eat rabbits
Why would you make food a pet?
>very smart
so they're just there to be sexy?
>Protagonist grows on the sequel
They shit a lot and are too whimpy to be left alone.
Bruh, it's like... ultimate cuck pet.
Yo white ppl nasty af. I bet you rape that bunny too dont you cracker?
trash pet
If you look deeply into this image, you will see the shit
your bat soup is ready, sir.
In my country we eat pigs
Why would you make food a shitposter?
I'd much rather have a rat or ferret, desu. Buns are pretty cute though.
I know that feel
This isnt a debate
What this guy says.
This is the exact reason why I hate cats, those fucking things get track their shit and piss all over the house from the litter box.