You now remember Bravely Default II

>You now remember Bravely Default II

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That lady looks inferior to Agnes in all regards, I bet she even shaves down there as well.

Please. I never forgot. It's one of my most anticipated titles.

I was just thinking of this the other day. Any updates since then? If it releases in 2020, that'll be something. I figure it might be re announced in the next direct or so.

I'm just glad that one if the mcs is an older guy. Getting tired of every single jrpg being only young people being able to do anything.

no edea butt fondling mini game - no buy

Yeah, I love Bravely Second

nah, they're too busy with their gachashit game.

It's a vaporware ya pinheads. Keep waiting your entire lives.

For me? It's Time Magician

It was first announced just 3.5 months ago.

I thought it was already out and called bravely second

>I thought this game was already out and called FFXI

Attached: FFX-2_box.jpg (256x366, 132.01K)

I wanna replay BD1 but I'm not sure if now or when they announce the release date of 2.

Attached: Bravely-Default.jpg (768x768, 83.24K)

>announced just under 4 months ago
>it must be vapoware because it's not out
What a dipshit.

Most of the big JRPGs this gen have main characters that can be considered adults.

I don't get why Nintendo make sequels to DS and 3DS games on their home consoles. It's a bit of a bummer knowing I'm jumping into this without having the context of the previous two games.

You can just watch a walkthrough if you really don't want to play BD1.

>Game Second
>Game 2

The fuck

I guess they are accepting that bravely second sucked ass because that retarded "team of writers"?

>Didn't play the 3DS game
You're missing out on one of the best turn-based JRPGs

I know. I have a 2DS and I could just play it on that (it's brewed) but it's such a retarded console. I hate it.

the cast looks gay and shit unlike the original 4
>not just revamping the game and making HD versions of the originals

3ds is the best handheld console ever made though.

>laughs in DS
I would say GBA but the DS can also play GBA so it’s the ultimate handheld

At this point just do it. You probably will not buy a 3DS just to play two games so you have no other options.

3ds can (natively) play GBA as well though

I know the artstyle of the game itself is the natural progression to the 3ds games, but from what we've seen it doesn't feel quite right to me. I thought the appeal of the low resolution and chibi models was how it left more to the imagination and how many of the things going on were pretty dark and like the game, not what they first seemed. But from the trailer seen so far, it makes it come across far more low budget rather than a stylistic choice.

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if you hack it sure. if we’re talking about strictly factory made hardware, the DS/GBA has a better library

The original artist didn't come back for BD2, that's why the art and designs look soulless.
We did get back Revo, the original music composer.

I've only started playing Bravely Second recently, I didn't touch it with a 10 foot pole ever since the announcement that Revo wasn't composing. Revo and Yoshida make the original game what it is, but I'd argue Revo is more important.

I hope the cutscenes are different from the previous games. It's hard to explain, but the characters weren't really "in" the areas where the scenes took place.

Should I try to give the 3DS games another shot? Bravely Default felt grindy and repetitive as fuck so I never finished it. The same was kind of true for Bravely Second but I only put about 15 hours into it. I really liked the artstyle and music but the gameplay loop felt boring as fuck

Play it. What JRPG isn't grindy and repetitive? Sure BD has such an anal sequence but it's still a good game.

>Bravely Default
>Bravely Second
>Bravely Default the Second
Bravely Second the Second when?

>everyone here talks about it being a sequel, x is the child of x
>also mention the series symbol plot twst
what if it's a prequel, and those are younger version of characters/villains from default? the adult guy could kinda be agnes dad. not a knight to get us off the track.

shit, i meant Edea, the shaved pussy user confused me.

maybe the game is really alpha rite now, last year the animal crossing game on switch looked kinda off and in this past direct they really refined all the models and textures. that one also took a lot of shit from 3ds games.

Someone please buy me a switch

I hope so. I was bummed when I saw the trailer and how ugly the models looked.

I'm playing it for the first time now. I was cruising through it until I hit the merchant who can oneshot any character with a single brave because lol 600 flat damage in a single turn. Gay as hell.

wait do you mean 2 or second

oh shit he means for this one (2) they have the artist for second, the kaizer designs and artwork were my favourites. shit now im bummed
thinking of it more im even more mad thy didnt go for the cg cutscenes style of bravely second, they looked ugly to me at first but hey really grew on me specially with that cliche sword animuh style

I meant 2

He loses his next turn after doing that and can only kill 1 character at a time. As long as you have revival items you can just tank it out

i quit around the time i got the boat and couldn't stand the random battles anymore. fuck random battles

>he doesn't know you can just turn them off

then you end up underleveled. you have to do random battles to level up your dudes so even if you turn them off for a moment it just means you'll have to spend some time grinding.

>what the fuck someone from our own company is out finalfantasing our final fantasy?

>second tells you the level range to be in for dungeons
>can disable random battles whenever you want and always stay in the perfect level sweetspot

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Are any of the XIII games actually good? I played XIII for about 3 hours before my XBox bit it, and I really don't care enough about consoles to go out and buy another one. XIII-2 mildly peaked my interest because I'm a sucker for recruiting random encounter monsters into your party.

it's so bad it killed the franchise

Why the fuck are you playing a turn-based JRPG then?

into the chrono trigger bin you go

well, i did say that i stopped didn't i?

Lightning returns

Are the first two games worth it?


give me one reason not to two-hand every weapon

nope, 1st one shits the bed in the latter half in a "we ran out of funding" style, 2nd one has worse writing and characters

man the two shield-tackle setup in default was so fucking fun, im sad they nerfed it in second.

Is there a better game but with the same job system?