Trials of Mana new gameplay trailer
>everyone talking about shitty ff7 remake
>best remake with actual soul of 2020 is right here
They are missing out
looks like a jrpg alright
do i have to play the previous ones bros?
I'm unironically more excited for this game, and Xenoblade 1 Definitive over FR7R.
why wouldn't you be when ff7r isn't even a complete game
I wonder how rebalance will affect the playstyle of every class now. Will Angela (and magic overall) be OP now? Will Kevin get nerfed? Will fucking shields work now?
Oh, and Angela = Riesz. Fight me.
Square is sending this out to die by releasing it the same month as ff7 remake
at least they're using that Dragon Quest rendering tech for something else
looks decent
Nobody who owns an Xbox even knows what this game is.
looks pretty good
can't wait
Why does it always have to be some sort of stupid fandom war with you fucking faggots?
Maybe it can do decently on Switch due to Collection of Mana and no FFVIIR competition.
No, don't bother. The stories aren't connected, and the older ones all kinda stink anyway. Only good one was FFA on gb, the zelda clone
nioh 2 into bannerlord into re3r into ff7r into mana
best 2 months in years
Replaying it now before it comes out.
Should i get this on PS4 or Switch??
No, all Mana games work as independent titles. There are reoccuring characters in the series, but they're like Wedge and Biggs of Final Fantasy.
SD1-3 play pretty similar to each other, so if you liked one - you can play the others.
SD4 is... well, a really unique experience.
Legend of Mana was co-developed with Kawazu (SaGa creator) so enjoy a very """simple""" crafting system but also a very great and unique game.
Any other game (Sword of Mana / Heroes of Mana / Children of Mana / etc.) is only up to you - not everyone likes them (for good reasons).
Rise of Mana is dead, and while the plot was garbage and F2P weapons and pets were too OP (so the game got closed down because of it) the gameplay itself was at least cool.
SD3 remake (this game) is supposed to play differently compared to original but still have overall the same content.
Xenogears deserves more of a remake then FF7
Wait...squeenix did a remake of an old snes game and didn't make it look like ass?
PC for the coomer mods
when is ff chrystal chronicles coming out
Shut up, ffvii fag
mobile phones weren't the target platform this time
That music and voice acting worry me... the Secret of Mana remake was ruined because of and even though the combat looks much better here the presentation still looks awful... I would be so much happier with a Legend of Mana style painted sprite remake. Square you're ruining one of your most unique series and you should get some help
tfw too many games too little time
Goddamn do I know that feel
Agreed, can’t wait to play this.
Wish they’d at least give us a demo already.
Looks like shit. Perfect for the contrarian shit peddlers here.
Is the story interesting? I thought DQ11 looked "soulful" as well but that game was boring as shit
how much did they have to censor this time?
FF7R and ToM look incredible. Are we at the beginning of a Squeenix redemption arc? Why are they not fucking up as usual?
Wasn't the original super easy?
not expecting Ninja Gaiden here but I wouldn't mind some more complex action gameplay
No, but do play Legend of Mana. And the one for the GBA. Alongside this game, the only three mana games you must play.
Can I buy the PS4 version or will it be censored?
>tfw I'm getting both and still have CC to look forward to while playing them
It's a good time to be an oldfag
What's the best mobile SNES emulator?
Yeah. I'm sure I'll have some time to play them later. *cough*
I would likely buy this day 1 over FF7R Part 1.
FFCC remake wen?
All versions are exactly the same. There’s nothing really to censor, except some goofy jokes I guess. Like Angela’s skirt being too short and people pointing it out.
Day one purchase.
But this game sucked ass, it was fun until you have to spam heal in every fight and lose about 10 seconds watching animations just to get hit again and repeat, and summons were even more wasted time, i finished it with a friend a time ago, and the stories were so lame and badly written,terrible.
But the graphics were very cool at least
this is one of the few games i've been looking forward to this year.
I'm trying to plan it now with the translation patch that some user provided in one of the previous threads but am I missing something? In the very beginning there's these ninja enemies who can throw shurikens at me and they always do like 90 damage but I only have 60 health and it's a freeze screen undodgeable attack? How do I get past this?
the interesting part is doing the second play with other characters to see how each storyline interlock.
Always gonna pair up each two plotline-relevant characters.
Angela Duran Hawk as my first team.
Hawk Riesz Angela second.
Kevin Charlotte Angela last.
The Mana series has a pretty great setting.
Each of the games has a relatively simple but strong main story with a lot of worldbuilding. Each game often keeps it fresh as pretty much all Mana games take place centuries apart from one another, so most things have changed around and regarding the Mana Tree.
SD3 or "Trials" has six separate underlying plot threads with three different antagonists that you follow in the end depending on your main character. You get glimpses of each of the lot along the way, but in the end, you'll only get full insight into one main character and your endgoal antagonist will be determined by your MC of choice.
fuck angela and fuck riesz.
at the same time
are people actually crying about that? cause this isn't a high profiled game and I find it hard to believe fags would bother with it
Both look amazing.
The HD remaster should be out soon iirc.
I can't wait for this game.
The original was hard in some areas.
Bro we all beat this game back when we were kids with no trouble at all.
How can you suck this badly?
I'm going to be using the same first team because I recently beat the SNES for the first time as the other three characters.
What character are you using?
Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru.
Why does it look so soulless compared to the original?
The trials of mana remake is still keeping the cartoony artstyle unlike remake, so shut the fuck up retard
based fellow oldfags
We're gonna make it
It's the usual plebbitors who don't understand classic gaming
The combat is literally like 7r
same action combat, and you stop the game to use abilities
Based Onso.
secret of mana 2 is probably the hardest of the serie, but it's mostly because some team combos don't work that well together, and you don't know how to unlock spells from the game itself so without a walkthrough/internet, it was easy to try to min max and end up with 0 skills with some characters, because it requires stat investments that didn't look natural.
>The combat is literally like 7r
Except you can jump in Trials
I'll play both, but Mana and Xenoblade are the priority. FF7 just a filler.
Hawkeye. This is the first area of the game where I'm trying to escape the castle. There's these ninja enemies who use a skill that freezes the screen and it always hits me for an OHKO? What the fuck am I supposed to do here?
The third game has gotten a fan translation. You can play that one.
>english voice
>it's a meynahstowne
*vomit externally*
Not sure what to feel about the music remake.
I have the collection and just beat Secret of Mana
Is the original Trials worth playing still
You can change the dub to japanese.
im buying both and tehres nothing you can do to stop me
Why is Square releasing it so close to FF7R? They are setting it up for failure.