Wake up

>wake up
>force yourself to office
>stay forced there like a daily 8 hour prison with 30 minutes lunch break
>come home half dead with zero energy
>go into zombie mode and Yas Forums/ fap until 12/ 1 pm
>go sleep
>dont get enough sleep
>no time/ motivation or will for vidya

am i the only one in this prison/zombie cycle?

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i want time for myself, games, learning japanese, watching animes
what is this shithole society we live in
its fucking hell

>>stay forced there like a daily 8 hour prison with 30 minutes lunch break
That doesn't sound too bad if your work isn't difficult or stressfull.

Become a sissy slut and find a bf to dominate you


Kill yourself incel.

I got married
life is good


Get a better job

i wish i could jack off to anime girl pantsu for all my waking hours

I'm you 11 years in the future, I fucking hate you dumb cunt.

Same except 9 hours + 1 hour lunch and play videogames 1.5-2 hours before going to sleep.

I'm scared to go back to work with corona worsening

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it istn for now but i feel pressed and cramped, psychologically
and its not comfy here
eat my shit subhuman low life tranny
your dad is an incel reditor

>I'm you 11 years in the future, I fucking hate you dumb cunt.
nah man my wife is a big tiddie ruski

nice video game thread lmao

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cant for at least 1,5 years
just go into quarantinefor 2 weeks

>>go into zombie mode and Yas Forums/ fap until 12/ 1 pm
>>go sleep
>>dont get enough sleep
This is where you fuck up.

would you blow the right ones or left ones dick? i bet you would do it to the left one

You should consider suicide for being an ESL subhuman, that'll fix your other problems too.

no shit
but i cant go sleep knowing i did noting but work the whole day
i need time for myself
or rather to turn my brain off

>do all that shit
>not allowed to get any cunny in return
what's the fucking point then?

Just go neet with your savings if being a normal functional person of society is too hard for you.

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I also hit the gym and drink some beers with gf. Just do something different if you're stuck.

I'm not retarded or low-test so I get shit done regardless of my office drone job.

The trick is going to bed early, when you are tired after getting home, then you wake up well rested early in the morning and play vidya and drink coffee before work for a few hours.

Been doing this for months and it's heaven.

cant wait for men vs female race war
we finna take back what is ours bros

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i fell asleep after work a few times but i wake up at 10 or 11 pm up again when i sleep around 7-9

if you get proper sleep you'll easily get 3 hours in of relax time if not more. Focus on healthy habits first. Also don't fap, that makes you lethargic

>Also don't fap
based broscience bro

NEET masterrace wins again

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I honestly don't know how normalfags do it. I got out of the navy and got some nice disabilibux from it and although I've done a few semesters and will continue to every once in a while, waking up to wageslave every day seems like hell.

i don't need the latest shit, that's fucking not what life is about; it's a shame that life revolves around it. if you want to find a good girl you've got to blow all of them money you have saved and go into debt to demonstrate wealth by having a gay fucking car and watch and cotton shirt. didn't mean to rant but man it's fucked. i just want a shitty little house with internet and a garden/animals. why do normalfags make life so soulless and gay.

Only people the government deems disabled can sustain the NEET life style

my mother wont shut up eventho i have a job
she gets pissed because i wake up at 8 and go to work at 9
what do you think will happen if i quit entirely?

This, except I have a gf

Are we gonna get our hands on the C.... for the first time?

At least your boss will get to experience the magic so you don't have to.

It could be worse, you could be born 1000 years earlier and be an illiterate peasant whose entire life is meant to serve his lord or act as a meatshield in war.
Modern day neets just live the life of nobles back then, minus the power.

why no one cares for me?
why no body likes me?
why is world so unfair?
there are people having everything and people having nothing

It really is fucked up how you can't even live a simple frugal life anymore. It's either all or nothing.

Imagine all this but coming home to an empty apartment cause you're an ugly autistic incel and no woman wants to touch you. The rope starts looking better every day.

I think you can, but you have to stop caring about what others think about it. Good luck owning a house though.

hearing my parents having sex and my mom moaning triggers me so much
i need to move out so bad

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Can you really? What sort of stable job does one get just to earn enough to pay the rent, food and internet?

kek she's teasing you bro you know what to do

Going to bed at a decent hour will help a lot. If it is an option you could look into taking public transportation to work - its one leas thing to have to focus on throughout the day and gives you a chance to work in more video games. Maybe try eating better?

I had a 12 hour day yesterday and still had time for vidya. It sounds like you just need to take better care of yourself so that you’ll have more energy.

be honest
did you imagine you are the one fucking your mom and she moans for you?


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>womb tatto

how do i stop fapping
i am not even in the moot everyday
but since i shower everyday because its disgusting to go into bed without i do it everyday
its like smoking
you dont want but its become an habit

Wait until you have kids. I had to stop playing Nioh for six months, just before the Gasha-dokuro, I forgot even how to dash, when I picked it up again I had to spent two weeks relearning everything while the fucker stomped a 100 times to death.

Go on a fucking hike

This hits too close to home, how do I escape this?

right now i cant imagine having kids even if i had a girl
i cant even take care of myself right now
how or rather why do people put themself in the missery and have kids

Don't wanna be the guy but you should consider a fap free week or something

>Wait until you have kids

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You chose this btw

Imagine being this low-t.


Not him but i was in a similar situation and that did nothing. If anything it just made me more frustrated and angry. Did it for 3 weeks.

>ez pz job, everyone is nice with you
>just do what you're told
>not often at home, on "free" vacation everytime
>get a nice rest at the hotel after eating at restaurant
>bring out the switch and play until I fall asleep
>repeat the 2 step above for 2 days
>fly back home

You don't have to live like this

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yeah reproducing is so onions bro you should just let your bloodline die with you trust me

idk why but i feel like i have energy for nothing than fapping
actually i even lost the will in that
i dont do it every day anymore

Yeah this system is gross and just makes people disposable if they don't want to run a business
Makes people into sheep and makes sure everything required to live is expensive enough that you have to have a shitty job that's soul sucking OR you have to overwork yourself doing something you like for shitty pay

what does that mean

I'm sorry to hear that user.. It helped for me when I paired it with ring fit/exercise shit and got more energy

Get a job that let's you work from home. I'm only in the office a couple times a month l, otherwise I just work in my study.

Lots of Underwriting positions allow you to work from home (at least in the UK).

not him but why would you care about your blood line? you will live max 100 years
why care what happens after you?

>wake up at 6 am
>go to work
>get back home, study
>read a few pages
>still find time for one or two hours of vidya
what's your excuse, zoom zoom?

I dunno user, you don't have kids and you sound pretty miserable right now.

how new

how braindead

>idk why but i feel like i have energy for nothing than fapping

It's a habit and you get pleasure from it and it's easy

>how new

do you also get to sniff anime girls asses?
also how to get a life like this
i want to be sent for 2 years to japan
how to find a job like that

How does one get an underwriting position?

Become a mecha pilot