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>still no cs4 localization announcement

Neat, I didn't really like disega as a game but the setting interests me so I might pick it up
This is the sort of thing nintendo could maybe put in a FUCKING DIRECT

CS4, Ys9 and Zero/AO when

Directs are over dood.

Please don't be true dood.

>Still no localization of at least the Ps4 version of Hakoniwa company works.


This game was how you would break your square button on the PSP

didnt nis die?

So uh, this is the final reveal right? i hoped for Ys9 localization even if that meant a PC port would happen a year after of the ps4 release.

Holy shit. The best platformer of the last decade is being ported. Any news on a PS4 version or is a Switch exclusive?

Zombie Army Trilogy just got announced right now too.

Directs are obviously fucking done. Theres been lots of announcements recently. It seems like theyre done

>here's your disgaea of the year bro

Yeah, time to break Attack button again - it's the very game that made me replace Square button on my PSP.

How Sexy is Etna in this?

Why not PS4?

I just want a fucking Soul Nomad rerelease.

>autumn 2020
PS5 will be releasing months later

i still have ptsd from the final boss fight in prinny 2

why would that matter if its backwards compatible

games already flopped on sony consoles

>no pc port

oh cool they're making a game about that little penguin from Punk-o-matic

>games already flopped on sony consoles
now imagine how badly they will flop on nintendo consoles, which have famously bad sales for 3rd party games

Bossfight sexy.

I love those games, but this seems to really just be a PSP port? So lazy as fuck? Does it even have the DLC?

Switch sales for DS5 saved the series

Just give me Disgaea 2 as well and I'm good.

>not having at least 2 different platforms when you like jap games
Go PC+Switch or PC+PS4

>Does it even have the DLC?
It does.

>which have famously bad sales for 3rd party games
Nigger indies had their best sales on it.

NISA has said consistently that Switch is their best selling platform, even for some late ports.
>In addition to including every bit of DLC, it will also feature updated graphics.
>In addition to the standard version, a Prinny 1-2: Exploded and Reloaded limited edition will be available through the NIS America Store. This gives people a copy of the game, a Prinny’s Scrapbook of Memories art book, Prinny’s Awesome Mix soundtrack CD, an Asagi Wars poster, and a Nanoblock-style Can I Really be a Prinny Block? kit.
Thanks, looked it up myself anyway. Kinda disagree about the graphics though, it just looks like an upscale.

>updated graphics
>they just turned on a shitty bilinear filter

Nah, I think it´s gonna be more on the realm of Disgaea 1 Remastered dood.

that's what the trailer looks like though

>time for another hell's finest 100% save
oh boy my thumbs can't wait to die again from all the mashing

Upon reviewing the video, you are absolutely right, fucking lazy bitches...

D5 sold more on Switch in 1 week than on PS4 in 4 years, retard.

i'm still gonna buy it though

I'd be surprised if it came out in 2020 at all

yeah, me too dood.

seriously? got any sources?

I don't like to own consoles

And nips don't like PC(until recently)

Coming Autum? When the fuck is autum?

found the ESL poster

Never said i don't like consoles. Just don't like to own them
Nips don't like PC? Ok, fine by them

Are you actually retarded

NISA isn't japanese

Attached: 1564094657199.png (800x1113, 356.19K)

It's kind of like "decade", except it's for 5 years instead of 10.
So coming "this autumn" means "coming within 5 years"

Switch exclusive, for now at least.

>Games are getting announced without a direct.
Holy shit Nintendo is dropping the ball hard

Never played Disgaea but vaguely knew about these spinoffs back when they came out despite not having a PSP. Gameplay in the trailer looks good so I'll keep an eye on it.

>Literally all companies can do now is repackaging 20 year old games
wtf is going on? does anyone remember when actual new video games were coming out?


Attached: 1566560825048.gif (320x289, 1.12M)

>you will never be that prinny that gets kicked by etna

why live

It's been like this for at LEAST 5 years. Making games has had a set formula for quite some time now. All the big boys already know what's safe to make and what's risky, so there's no point in making risks when you already know what normalfags flock to.

Ah yes, the actually good Disgaea games.

Attached: zsk8h01.png (1920x890, 1.4M)

Expect it to be shown in a sizzle clip in E3 direct. Nintendo has no control over what other companies does with their own marketing.

3 and 4 port when

don't wanna hack my ps3 to play it again

I only played the first one. It was fine, but what the fuck was that final boss? I had to mash square like a motherfucker just to take one pixel off the health bar.