Red Dead Redemption 2

>No game comes close to touching it's details and graphics still

Other devs really that incompetent?

Attached: IMG_20200305_070159.jpg (1610x2012, 704.37K)

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>Other devs really that incompetent?
Just Japanese one's

Rockstar threw unlimited funds at this game and nearly killed their employees to get it made

Turns out that years of development and a crazy amount of detail doesnt guarantee a good game. Who would've thought?

This desu

Fromsoft games all look like ass

>Turns out that years of development and a crazy amount of detail doesnt guarantee a good game

>details and graphics
Piss off Zoomer, those are the least important parts of a game, want amazing graphics and detail? Watch a movie you fuck. Alternatively play a Sony exclusive

I'm 30, the games a literal embodiment of how far games have come, more so than any other. Deal with it

the technical side of things was made by very talented people, but the story was fucking garbage

west bad east good

Yeah things are so much better now.

Attached: d114qxtarp401.jpg (960x693, 123.71K)

>but the story was fucking garbage
Compared to what other games story and script?

Yeah because forcing players to spend 5-10 minutes riding a horse, do the mission which is always just “shoot these people”, the on another 5-10 on the ride back to camp is just peak game design.

Sucks for Snoy's, never had this problem on my PC

>literal embodiment of how far games have come
The gameplay is literally the same boring garbage from every GTA game. Its immensely bloated and pointless. I will agree on a technical side it is amazing, but games are about gameplay and red deads sucks dick.

>snoy movie games have less input lag then rdr2

sorry mate, that doesn't change the fact that the rendering was made by very talented people
kingdom come deliverance comes to mind as the game with a far better plot
the plot in RDD2 is so fucking bad
>we wuz outlaws n shiet
>shiet arthur, we gots to rob this bank
>yeah sure let's rob it nigga
>shiet ok ok let's move
>aw fuck how the fuck did them pinkertons FIND US AGAIN???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

>Other devs really that incompetent?
Pretty much, you not been keeping up with how CDPR, Nintendo and Fromsoft have been sucking rockstars dick this last year?

it doesnt have to have a very difficult plot, its about cowboys, what the fuck do you expect?

Thing is RDR1 played just fine. RDR2 plays like someone decided just because the main character is a 39 year old man with tuberculosis means he should control like one

death stranding exists

Without RDR there's no Kingdom come according to the director lmao

>what the fuck do you expect?
a plot that is believable, isn't hollywood blockbuster wanna-be shit, and doesn't have characters that are dumb as fuck and can't learn from their mistakes ever since the game tries so desperately to be realistic

XD! (you)

>technical side it is amazing

Yes, and?

Attached: Tv4mwYh.png (481x443, 34.48K)

omg pretty grafix

thank you for saying out loud "I have no argument"

I'm 32 you are wrong VR is the future

>Rockstars team are the best

Shitposters have lost

*(YOU) XD!

That looks like one of those Daz3D renders, where it looks uncanny valley, because it's very detailed in some parts and utter shit it in others.

I actually liked the sluggish feel outside of the input issue, but the way your aim gets completely screwed when you get hit makes it feel like they really want you to just sit in cover all day.

Yeah, rockstar showed off it's potential first with LA noir VR

and it surpasses rdr2 in terms of details and graphics. did you even read the op?

still no argument


I do agree RDR1 plays better, but to call either a pinnacle of games would be autistic, Rock Star games are way over hyped

It doesn't, not in the slightest and Kojima would testify to that fact.

I'm deeply sorry you feel so offended that I dared to say the plot in a game you like sucks

keep seething

It's flashy and impressive at first but then you realise it's shallow as a puddle.


No open to world game has the detail, interactions, radiate AI and randomness of a rockstar game. So nah, they're really not.

Nothing to seethe about, the man's already called them the best

>No open to world game has the detail, interactions, radiate AI and randomness of a rockstar game. So nah, they're really not.
None of this matters from a gameplay perspective when all it boils down to is ride a horse for a long time and shoot some guys. Its a fine game maybe even good, but even close to the best? Absolutely not, its gameplay is far too shit tier for that


Games don't need deep RPG mechanics, New+, high fantasy magic shit to be fun user. Stop being a virgin nerd

i'm playing through it now on ps4. i think it looks great. although sometimes the character model faces are bad. animations are decent.

i'm just focusing on the story missions. i can't be assed dealing with all the hunting/crafting bullshit. if you're into that then fine but not for me.

i'm about half way through chapter 4 at the moment. i'm starting to get tired of it though. not really got much else to play until later this month so i'll stick at it for another couple weeks i guess.

b-but muh online

What kind of games do you play?

I had to upgrade my rig around the time I got to the Gray's mansion. Now that I can play it I completely forgot where and what I've done, and have little to no interest in repeating everything...

>Games don't need deep RPG mechanics, New+, high fantasy magic shit to be fun user. Stop being a virgin nerd

Stop projecting user. I never said it needed any of those, just core gameplay that is fun, not bloated and samey.

>graphics are the only fun i need

I bet you it's more fun to ride a horse in real life and go camping with friends also more memorable and has 10x the graphics

dwarf fortress, factorio and minecraft.

>Help a guy with a snakebite
>He appears in town and offers to buy me something as a thank you
>This happens at every town in the game with like 6 different guys all with the exact same dialogue like clockwork every playthrough
You are easily impressed

Give ideas and tell us what games do you play

>Underage autist starter pack

There are some pretty based fucking games in there, what the fuck happened to rockstar?


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>what the fuck happened to rockstar?
new GTAs/RDRs make them a bajillion dollars so there's no reason to focus on anything else

I'll give you two

games environments are really bland, but the gameplay is top notch and addicting when you pull the right combos off, everything feels really smooth and flows together

>Demon's Souls
Great art design and a gameplay loop full of choice and strategy of many different approaches to combat

While I can't get into DF Factorio and Minecraft are pretty based, sorry for your low attention span user

Your point being?

Good if it means they don't waste time and manpower fucking around on useless shit. Did the shriveling of horse balls enhance the game for anyone? I don't think so.

Tarkov, smash, and patiently waiting for doom.

>Capcom, the dev who sold the Red Dead IP to R* which is now bigger and more praised than anything they have
>Fromsoft, a dev who now wants to make a R* style game after playing RDR2

Nah, try again

Doom is all I'm waiting for and maybe Lara/Bayonetta I miss the girl's

No game comes close to beeing so slow and boring.

what trailer is he talking about?

Ah I see you have never played a jrpg before...