Make a fun video game without violence. I dare you
Make a fun video game without violence. I dare you
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Animal Crossing
But Animal Crossing exists.
>bing bing wahoo for children
Come to think of it any board game before vidya was non-violent.
really makes you think
the witness
Did some 13 year old noscope you on Call of Duty?
Like any racing game???
Mario has always been for children user.
>crashes are not violent
Mahjong is literally a wargame tho. It is violent, even if you need to imagine all the violence yourself
Euro Truck Simulator 2
What do I win?
You're confusing mahjong with shogi arent you.
but will it blend?
Trucks are an easy way to start gore threads
t. sadist
Katamari Damacy is not violent and i always enjoy rolling a katamari from time to time.
The question wasn't
>what's a videogame concept that I can't turn to a violent scenario?
It was
>whats a videogame concept that has no violence?
and Euro truck sim 2 is a good answer
TL;DR: you're moving goalposts like the schizo you are
>tfw katamari gives me motion sickness
I'm legit sad
dating games, quiz games, card games
japan has tons of those if you think about it
heck even some of the more renown series like atelier the combat is laid back and takes a back seat to character interactions
you mean games like chess or shogi?
they are all abstract battles
Will it blend?
They're about strategy, there's no violence.
>literally has roving proximity mines that will BLOW YOU UP
shit like game of life, monopoly, squabble
nintendo switch
80% of puzzle games fall into this category unless you're such an absolute faggot that you think blocks sliding into place is violence.
seething autist
Define violence.
every strategy game isn't violent then, or at least all turn-based ones
I was thinking about how I would make a high budget game that plays like boku no natsuyasumi. Just a bunch of minigames and exploration pretty much, I would add dating girls in it. Puzzles, investigations, racing, maybe something that would be like escape from tarkov but as a lighthearted horror game. You have to collect items and then get out at a certain area but you don't get killed, there'd just be monsters or something that catch you and then you lose.
theme hospital
harvest moon
Would you call Hearts of Iron violent?
this is it
puzzle games are actual games with specific goals and specific failure cases unlike stuff like visual novels and involve no violence whatsoever
>move wood pieces around
What even is this thing. Child restraint?
yes, but the abstract part is the exact reason there's no violence you simpleton
>theme hospital
Violence against rats.
You can hit people on the head with nets and also get accosted by bees. Heh... try again, kids.
Tetris is a puzzle, not a game. It's solvable.
>Being so bad you crash
hehe. OP was aking about video games without violence and this game has violence. funny. got it?
It's called dating/having sex
Name a violent video game that's not fun
then dark souls is not a game, it's solvable
NuDoom (2016)
Civilization, but pacifism only.
senran kagura peach beach splash
Real war or getting stabbed
It's called Zoom
I can also hit you in the face with my cock and make you my bitch. Heh try again pussy.
Yes. For xray, so they don't move. Babies cannot not move.
>TAS speedrun a game
>game is now solved therefore no longer a game
Soooo gay
*clenches fists in rage* I'm telling you this just once... walk away... before things get messy!
>*clenches fists in rage* I'm telling you this just once... walk away... before things get messy!
>anime girl
>is a faggot